Chamomile tea - 5

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I sat against the wall, knees up to my chest and began to sob hysterically. Yoongi came up to me, and hugged me tight, pressing my head into his chest. My shoulders became relaxed, I wet his shirt with my non-stop tears. The waterfall from my eyes wouldn't stop no matter what he did, hugged me, wiped them, sat me in his lap. Nothing was working. 

It had been a while, Hoseok came out to check on us. 

H: Are you guys okay? Hyung wanted me to let you know that after Jimin, Yoongi, you have to go and talk about what you know. 

YG: She doesn't seem to be calming down, I don't want to leave her nor do I want her back in there. 

Y: N-no. D-don't worry. Go...

I was breathing heavily, the water which once left me, dried up against my skin.

H: I'll stay with you Y/N. Don't feel bad. 

H: Honestly, I think hyung should've made us do this without Do-Yoon in the room. 

Y: A-are you sure? 

He looked towards Yoongi for affirmation, he nodded at him. He then faced me and nodded at me.

Jin soon popped his head out the door.

J: Uhm Yoongi-ssi you have to come back in now. 

Yoongi nodded and started to towards the door. 

I was fed up of seeming weak, I looked at hobi and slightly nodded at him. I held onto Yoongi's hand and we all went back. My face was red and puffy but I don't even care. 

Hoseok and I sat back in our seats, Tae didn't say anything. He just held me, without touching me. He held me with his eyes? It was comforting but also such a weird feeling.

I looked down whilst Yoongi spoke about what he knew.

YG: I was about to go change, when Jungkook walked in. Well more like stormed in. He looked around and when he saw Do-Yoon, he punched him in the face. Do-Yoon retaliated and punched him back. I messaged Taehyung, wondering if he knew why this was all happening. They were fighting, we were all trying to pull them off of each other, including other staff members with us. Bok-Hwa hyung was trying to help us but when we finally pulled them apart, Y/N and V walked in. Then Y/N went to Jungkook and scolded him for his actions whilst Taehyung explained to us all, along with Jimin, what had happened. 

A small "I'm sorry noona" entered the room from the boy looking towards me. I nodded to show that I was over it and that it was okay.

YG: Originally, Bok-Hwa hyung and Mr. Do-Yoon were in the car with us, but after the fight, all the female staff members just shunted Y/N, making fun off her, degrading her, singling her out. So, they made Y/N sit in our car instead of Do-Yoon, which we didn't mind but the ride was much more silent. A bad silence. After we got inside, we all went to our rooms, except Y/N. I took a shower and came to the lobby, I saw her in the same place we had left her. I asked her what happened and she told me about how the girls were so mean to her. I got so mad, I went up and scolded them but it seems like it didn't affect them as that night, I told Y/N to stay in mine and I would share with Jin hyung again. She refused and insisted she was okay being in her room. When she went inside, she had a panic attack. Everything that happened that night came back to her.

He looked at me to ask if that last part was correct. I nodded at him.

YG: From what Jungkook told me that night, nobody helped her. They all judged her except Bok-Hwa hyung. He came in and helped her, which I'm so grateful to him for. He scolded them too but honestly, their behaviour hasn't changed. There's become a split in the team because some refuse to believe Y/N, saying she's an attention seeker and well the others are here if we exclude Bok-Hwa and 2 other staff members. Anyways, that night, when Jimin called you. Y/N was in my room crying. She stayed in my room and the next morning, at breakfast, Do-Yoon did something which tipped her over the edge.

YG: But instead of crying, she went up to him. She confronted him. We did our show as normal, regardless of the changes. 

Do-Yoon smirked at the mention of my confrontation, thinking that he's found his way to the clear. 

BPD: MR. DO-YOON! I suggest you wipe that smirk off of your face before I fire you right here.

BPD: Thank you all for coming and giving your statements, per say. You may all leave, except Y/N. If anyone wants to stay with her, that's fine. 

I moved my chair to the desk and Yoongi stayed back with me. 

BPD: Okay, I have one irrelevant question to ask and I really hope you don't mind me asking. Are you two dating?

YG: Yes hyung. We are, I hope it isn't an issue as we really like each other and we have liked each other for a long long time.

I looked at the man beside me, confused.

Y: You're too good of a liar Yoongs. It scares me. 

PD-nim chuckled at my comment.

BPD: No, it isn't a problem with me. You've seemed much happier since you met her and you did well hiding your career from her. I trust you Yoongi-ssi so yes, I approve of your relationship though you must be careful due to media and things that you both probably already know of.

We nodded.

BPD: Right, swiftly moving on. Y/N, I have already told you about how I believe you. Due to the way I've seen Do-Yoon act towards you since I introduced him to you. But, before I did anything, I wanted to see what you wanted. Would you like to take legal action or simply just have arrangements made so you don't have to see him again?

I looked at Yoongi, unsure. 

Y: Well, we are both stylists for BTS so really, what would change other than the place I design? I would still get nasty glares from the others which I can deal with but I feel it would be worse with Do-Yoon still feeding them lies. I-if it's not too much trouble...

I glanced at Yoongi once again.

Y: I want to take legal action. 

BPD: Yes that is more than okay! I, myself wanted to take legal action too. Well as I have already written everyone's statements down, word for word. You won't need to tell the lawyer much about that night. They will just talk to you about how it works and other things too. The boys cannot go even though they are witnesses as even though we will try not to, there is a possibility of it spreading to the media and it's not good for you privacy nor them.

I sighed lightly and nodded. 

BPD: You two can go now. Y/N I want you take the rest of the day off, just have some alone time, yes?

Y: Yes sir. 

We bowed and left. 

When we entered the elevator, I could see Yoongi wanted to tell a dirty joke but I guess he thought it wasn't a good idea. 

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