Moving on - 3

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 You were on maternity leave, you were 7 and a half months pregnant, and your bump was pretty big which made it kind of hard to sleep. Okay, very hard to sleep. Sometimes the boys would come and visit you. You were knocked out on the couch when Yoongi came home from work. 

YG: Hello my babies.

Y: Hi my love, how was work?

YG: It was great, I finished the song and practise wasn't too bad. I missed you a lot though. I miss seeing your beautiful face 24/7.

Y: Well I'll still be here, waiting for you every night my love and soon our baby boy will be waiting with me. 

He came over towards you and rubbed your stomach.

YG: Hello Min Nam-Gi, it's your Appa 

He cooed. 

YG: I missed you and your Eomma a lot my baby boy.


The next day


Yoongi had left for work an hour ago, you woke up in tremendous pain and there was a wet patch on the bed. You cried out in pain and reached over for my phone, you called Yoongi and there was no answer. 

"Fuck. He probably turned his phone off again even though I told him not to." you thought

The next person you thought to call was Jin and Namjoon. 

Jin picked up. You didn't say anything yet and just cried out in pain once again. 

Y: J-jin. My water broke. Yoongi isn't answering. He probably turned his phone off again. Come now. Spare key is under the mat.

J: Yes I am on my way. 

You waited for ages for Jin when he finally came with your husband.



He grabbed the pre-packed hospital bag and Jin carried you into his car. You held on to your husband's hand, squeezing at every contraction.

Yoongi took over timing them as you were in so much pain. 

When you arrived, Jin spoke quickly and explained what was happening. Yoongi chimed in, saying how far apart your contractions were.


Hours later


You had finally given birth to your son at 1:30pm. 

You were so tired. 

Yoongi came in, his eyes glistened and lit up. 

Y: Be careful baby, he's still a bit pre-mature. 

He nodded and held the baby.

YG: Hello, it's your Appa. Hii, I cannot believe I'm seeing you in real life right now. 

He whispered and cooed at the baby before smiling at his wife. 

The doctors took the baby to do their doctor stuff. [IDK WHAT THEY DO SORRY FAM]

You woke up to 9 boys sat around you. Your husband and his band members along with Bok-Hwa and Dae-Hyun. 

They all hugged you and asked when they could see the baby.

Y: Well, the nurse said we have to wait a while as he's kind of pre-mature, so they have to check if he's healthy and stuff.


Hours later, the boys all met Nam-Gi. After a few years, your son started school and you went back to work. Often after school, he would come back to the company with you. You had a great life, your mum and sister stopped harrassing you and Do-Yoon was nowhere to be found.

This wasn't the family you dreamt of as a kid... was better.

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