My second cup - 5

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Yoongi soon left and Jungkook returned with his two partners in crime. They all walked in and I broke down in tears. I was so embarrassed that at my age, I needed looking after. Jimin ran over to me and hugged me, Taehyung did too and Jungkook left to get Yoongi as he knew that I was closest with him. Taehyung opened the door for Yoongi and the medium sized man [compared to the rest of them], quickly ran over and pushed my head into him. He actioned for Jimin to call Bang PD-nim and for the other 2 boys to leave, things were falling apart over here. I sobbed into his chest.

Y: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Yoongi.

YG: No, don't be. What he did was wrong, and he deserved to be punished as soon as possible.

Y: It's not that, everyone keeps looking after me because I can't seem to do it myself. I'm sorry. 

YG: Darling, don't be sorry. You went through something so terrible. It's understandable that you are feeling this way. Please sweetheart, don't be sorry.

I nodded and he wiped my tears.

YG: Good girl. Now, I want you to go to Jimin and tell Si-hyuk Hyung okay?

I shook my head slightly.

Y: I don't think I can Yoongs. I don't want to think about it. 

YG: I'll be there the whole time. I promise. 

I sighed and started to walk towards the door. I heard Jimin on the phone, trying to explain what he knows. I tapped him on the shoulder and told him to give me the phone.

Ji: Hyung! I'll give the phone to Y/N Noona now if that's okay.

BPD: Hello, Y/N? 

Y: Hello PD-nim. I'm sure Jimin already told you about what has happened in the past 2 days.

I took a deep breath.

BPD: Yes, he has and frankly, I'm on your side. So if you don't mind telling me exactly what happened in full detail, that would be great. I'll write it down and when you get back next week, you can decide what to do yes? For your safety, I would like you to stay close with Yoongi as I know you both are extremely close and could be considered best friends. I will not inform Do-Yoon that I know, I'll simply message him saying that he no longer needs to help you get the hang of things as you seem to be doing well on your own. 

I grabbed onto Yoongi's hand and squeezed it, anxious for what I was about to tell my new boss. 

I did as I was asked and explained everything that happened from dinner yesterday till now. Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook were visibly disturbed by their own species, wondering how someone could do that do another human. After the phone call ended, I rubbed my arm and sighed.

Y: You all have a performance tomorrow, let's go to bed. Sorry for keeping you all up.

JK: Noonaaaaa, come with me? I don't want to be alone. 

T: I'll stay with you kookie. Let Noona sleep, she's had a long day. 

Ji: Hey! I wanna come too!! It can be a sleepover!! 

YG: No way boys.

Y: No chance, you will stay up all night and be too tired in the morning, let's go. 

I followed the boys to their rooms and helped Jungkook fall asleep. I often felt bad for him, he debuted quite young, so we all try to treat him with patience as he hasn't had the same upbringing as others. I haven't known him long, but he's come very far and I'm very proud of him. 

I sat beside him and rubbed his back like he was a little kid until he fell asleep. I soon quietly left his room and walked back to Yoongi's. My favourite man was still there, wanting to know what happened on the phone.

I explained everything and he had an accomplished look on his face.

YG: I'm so proud of you princess also I'm very happy that you have to stick with me because I never see you anymore. 

The man pouted at me as if it was my fault.

We both changed into our night clothes and I set up the sofa bed. 

YG: What are you doing?

Y: Setting up the bed?

YG: Stay with me, there's more than enough room.

Y: No, no. I already feel bad for having to share a room with you. Plus, what will the others think?

YG: I don't care, I want to feel you close to me Y/N. 

Y: Yoongs. Stop now. It was funny and cute at first but now it's really becoming annoying. I'm not your girlfriend so please stop trying to treat me like it. 

YG: Y/N. I think I love you so for fucks sake, come here and be with me because I can't spend one more second without you. I want you to be with me, I want the comfort of knowing you're mine.

Y: This isn't a game Yoongi. Stop because my heart can't take it. This can't work out because you're an idol and I'm a stylist and a coffee shop owner. You don't have time and I'm too high-maintenance due to my past. Nobody would agree so stop playing with me or I'll end up breaking even more and that is not what I need. I love you Yoongi, but we can never be. 

Tears streamed down my face, I knew he had been playing with me and I let him because I need him around me or my heart will shatter. I love him too much to leave him.

The man climbed off his bed and held my hands.

YG: I am doing anything BUT playing with you. I really really like you Y/N, so don't fucking be like this. I will make it work, Who cares about everyone else, as long as we are happy. Isn't that what matters in the end? You are not "too high-maintenance". You're Y/N, who is perfect and needs healing. Let me heal you, please. 

He leaned in to kiss me, I kissed him back.

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