My second cup - 1

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—— A few weeks later, it's your first day at your new stylist job at HYBE —-

After that night, nothing changed between Yoongi and I, we were still friends. He told me he would come see me at the café today but I had to remind him that I wouldn't be there today. I'm starting my job at HYBE.

I sighed and put on my biggest "customer service" smile as I opened the massive, glass doors.

I walked up to the receptionist, and she told me where I needed to be.

I went to the elevator and pressed the button. I hadn't been waiting long when a familiar face arrived and soon the elevator did too. I couldn't put my finger on why he seemed so recognisable, so I didn't say anything. I pressed the button to the 5th floor.

"Oh, same floor!" The man suddenly spoke out.

I forced a giggle and suddenly clicked on who the man was.

Y: You're Yoongi's friend, no? I spilt your coffee on you the other week, right?

V: Yes haha. Hyung told me how bad you felt. I promise it really wasn't that bad.

Y: I still feel the bad. Give me your info, I'll transfer the money for the stain. It was literally a plain white shirt.

V: I promise, it's fi-

He was interrupted by the elevator stopping for another man.


V: What is your issue? I was speaking.

JK: Quick shut the door, Jimin-Hyung is gonna murder me.

He quickly pressed the button which closes the door, he got what he wanted. The person whom I assumed was Jimin just missed him.

V: As I was saying, it's fine really.

JK: Hyung, who's this?

V: This is Yoongi-hyung's friend. Y/N, correct?

I nodded and those two talked whilst I just stood silently on my phone. We reached the 5th floor, I realised I didn't really know where to go.

I looked at my phone where I had written where I needed to be, then I looked up.

JK: Do you need help?

Y: If you guys don't mind, sorry it's my first day.

JK: Of course we don't mind! Where are you headed?

Y: Uhm, Practice room B?

JK & V: Oh! We're heading there too!!


V: I said it first.

Taehyung rolled his eyes but Jungkook wasn't having it, he just grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to the room.

We entered and the whole room became silent.
A staff member walked up to me and asked if I was supposed to be here since this was were the idols practise their performance.

"I was told to come here, I'm not really sure why though. I'm supposed to be a stylist/designer?"

"It's alright, you're new isn't it? Come sit here with us."

I nodded and followed her anxiously.

I watched a group of boys practise. RM, the man from my interview, was there and Jungkook and Taehyung were dancing too. I wasn't sure of everyone else but they all seemed so familiar.

I got my sketchbook out and started designing things to match their vibe and body shape. I was halfway through drawing when a familiar voice arose, he was rapping.

I looked up and saw Yoongi. I hadn't seen him for a while, we would message here and there though. I didn't say anything, my eyes just focused on him without my consent.

They finished the song and he came towards us for some water. I put my head down, for some reason I didn't want him to recognise me.

YG: Y/N?

I looked up at him.

Y: Y-yeah?

YG: What are you doing here?

Y: Do I have to explain everything to you, everytime that I see you?
Why do you think Yoongs?

YG: ohhh right. Lemme see that

He snatched my sketchbook and ran away from me.

I stood up with my arms crossed. I refused to chase after this grown man in front of people I didn't know.

He saw the anger on my face and returned it.

Y: Thanks.

I gave him a fake smile before nudging him slightly.

RM: How do you two know each other?

YG: She owns that café I always go to, I took you there just the other day.

SKJ: Oh myyyyyyy I rememberrrr wowewwwew

—— A few hours later ——

The boys had finished practising and another staff member had whisked me away to show me my office and around the building. I shared an office with another stylist for BTS, he was really nice but every time he is around, I feel a bit anxious, but I shouldn't judge him. I don't know him yet.

It was about 8pm and I was taking a break so I decided to call Dae-Hyun.


Y: Hello? Dae-hyun?

D: Noona!!

Y: How's the café?

D: Amazing!! It's been quite quiet today, maybe because it's Monday but still unusual as it's the holidays.

Y: That's good though, you're never at the café alone. I feel bad leaving you there.

D: Noona, I'm not a little kid. I can handle it anywaysss how's work going?? Did you see your boyfriend?? oooo!!!

Y: Yah! Don't say things like that. We are just friends and yes I did see him today.

The younger kept rambling on about his games and his day when he was interrupted by a knock on my door.

Y: D- DAE-HYUN! I gotta go, text me when you close and if you need anything let me know, I'll be right there okay?

D: Yes ma'am.

I hung up and opened the door.

Yoongi walked in and shut the door behind him. He came towards me, backing me into the wall. I turned away to hide my blush.

Y: Y-you never told me you were a dancer!!

YG: Yes for one reason. I want you to like Yoongi. Not Suga. I don't want you to be friends with Suga, I want you to be friends with me.

Y: Alright big headed much. If you were really that famous, I would've know when you first walked into my place.

I ducked under his arm and grabbed my sketchbook.

"Stand there." I ordered him.

He complied and I started quickly sketching a design that would be really good for the up coming show the boys had.

About 45 minutes later, I stood up and showed him the design.

Y: You like? I feel like it's too much around the chest area.

YG: It's perfect princess, just like you.

My heart fluttered at the sound of his words.

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