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          OLIVIA CHEWED ON THE end of her pencil as she punched numbers into her calculator

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  OLIVIA CHEWED ON THE end of her pencil as she punched numbers into her calculator. she was trying to get some of her class work done before mcc, the minecraft championship, began. almost every month, on a saturday, this championship was held. it was practically the biggest event a minecraft streamer could be invited to, and olivia was currently on the waitlist. unfortunately, scott, one of the coordinators of the event, let her know that it would be a while before she was invited to play. this was due to the fact that olivia had just recently started gaining traction with her twitch channel.

it seemed to happen practically overnight. one day, it felt like she was getting less than a hundred viewers, and the next, she was bringing in views by the thousands. she was proud of herself, of course, but this newfound popularity was intense. it came with demands of content other than gaming, meeting other creators that she had never interacted with, and an extreme amount of hate that she had never encountered before. olivia was learning to navigate this new era of her content-creating career, but she still wasn't quite comfortable with it.

          despite not participating in the event, olivia still had full intentions to watch someone stream the minecraft championship. she was planning on watching wilbur soot, another popular streamer's, perspective of the game, but she first had to finish her college trigonometry homework before she could think about watching any streams. she scribbled out some work to explain the answer she had found via her calculator, and she typed it into her computer. her screen flashed red, indicating that she had typed in the wrong answer. groaning, she tossed her pencil to the side and pushed herself away from the desk. the brunette spun around on her chair, trying to give herself a break from the hours of mathematics that she had been completing.

          her annoyance was interrupted by a familiar ring from discord. somebody was calling her. she quickly switched tabs from her homework to the app that was generating the chimes. scott smajor was calling her. the championship was set to begin in one hour. if he was calling her this close to the start of the event, it must be important. she clicked the answer button, and scott's profile picture filled her screen.

          "hey, liv!" his frantic, scottish accent rang through her room. she always thought it was quite ironic that his name was scott and he was scottish. his parents must have thought they were the funniest people on the face of the earth.

          "hey, scott! what's up?" she asked. she closed her notebook and moved her classwork to the side as she waited for a response.

scott drew a breath, seeming to gather his composure. "i really need you to play in mcc today." the words tumbled out of his mouth, panic ringing through his voice. "niki just cancelled on me, and i'm not sure who else to ask. we've already had to fill in three other players. please tell me you're available for the next four hours."

liv's eyes widened, unable to get words out of her mouth. it opened, but no sound came out. this had been one of her dreams since she started focusing on minecraft, and she had no idea that it would come so soon. "yes! of course, scott! it's no problem at all!" a huge grin spread across her face.

scott let out a sigh of relief, chuckling a bit. "ahh, liv, thank you so much! you are a life saver. i'll make the announcement on twitter now. you'll be subbing in on aqua axolotls, with sylvee, sapnap, and captainsparklez. i'll add you to the discord group once i get everything squared away!" without time for a response, scott hung up the discord call, clearly still a tad bit frantic about the whole situation.

it was now liv's turn to be frantic. she had no intent on streaming today. she'd been planning on finishing her homework, watching the championship, and going to sleep. she quickly started clearing her desk off to have maximum room to dominate the championship. her phone, balanced precariously on the corner of the desk, vibrated from a notification. it fell off of her desk. she groaned, ducking down to pick it up. while under her desk, she read the notification.

mc championship has mentioned
you in a tweet!

mc championship @mcchampionship:
team update! @livlaughlove will be filling
in for nihachu on team aqua axolotls.

          olivia sat back up, going to her computer to respond to the tweet, but on the way, she smacked her head on her desk. she groaned, slowly falling back on to the floor and rubbing her head. after accepting her defeat to the desk, she clambered back up into her chair and opened twitter in a new tab. she quickly typed out a response to the tweet, which had already gained traction, both positive and negative. many of her fans were extremely excited to be seeing her play this week, but many other mcc viewers were disappointed to have somebody with no experience on someone like sapnap's team. she ignored the replies to the tweet and typed out her response.

liv @livlaughluv:
@mcchampionship ready to
absolutely destroy!!! :)

within seconds, hundreds of likes and replies rolled in. she skimmed through the responses, making sure no one was interpreting her reply as rude or cocky. olivia eventually put her phone down and opened up minecraft on her computer. the calming music on the opening screen almost distracted her from the fact that she was about to be watched by hundreds of thousands of people. almost.

she loaded into the championship server, catching glimpses of other competitors running around the lobby, attempting to practice for the challenges they would face in a mere twenty minutes. she watched people that she had dreamed of one day talking to typing in the game chat, greeting each other and arguing over who would win.

          dragging discord onto her other monitor, her eyes flickered back and forth between the game and her newly found invitation to a sever titled minecraft championship. she gladly accepted the invite and found herself scrolling through the channels for each team. almost everyone was in their respective voice chats, but they were all deafened or muted. eventually, she found the channel for aqua axolotols, her team. sapnap, sylvee, and captainsparklez were all there, unmuted.

          there was only one thing left to do.

join call?
[ yes ]    no

join call?[ yes ]    no

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