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          after three hours of sitting through shitty florida traffic and drivers, liv had finally managed to reach her destination: the dream team house

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after three hours of sitting through shitty florida traffic and drivers, liv had finally managed to reach her destination: the dream team house. she and dream had everything planned out, with a little help from george. dream had nick leave the house twenty minutes ago to go grab lunch, despite his complaining. this gave liv enough time to bring her stuff inside, hide her car in the garage, and plan how to surprise him.

she put her car in park and reached for her phone to text dream, but he was sprinting full speed at her car before she could even find their messages. he skidded to a stop outside of her car and yanked on her door, but it was locked. george was following the man with a camera, laughing at his stupidity and filming his antics. liv cackled, unbuckled her seatbelt, and unlocked her car. he yanked on the handle once more, sending it flying open. she stepped out and was swept into a huge embrace. she returned it gratefully. since the shitshow of twitchcon, he had been a huge part of her life, checking up on her constantly and serving as the big brother she never had. once she was released from his bear hug, she made her way to george, who awkwardly hugged her with one arm, the other supporting his camera. they laughed about it as dream retrieved her luggage from her car.

after unloading her car, dream parked it in the garage for her, where sapnap's car typically sat. he knew this would piss nick off but it would also lead to a hilarious reaction once he realized that it was liv's car. they hid all of her bags in the guest room. after two whole minutes of group thinking, they decided that it would be funniest if liv just sat at the kitchen island like she lived there and waited for sapnap to notice. so that's what they did.

          liv waited at the kitchen island, and dream and george hung out in the living room. it was an open floor plan so they could still see each other, but this gave a bit of separation for the surprise. nick would first see the boys sitting on the couch, think everything is normal, then look right past them and see liv. it was a perfect setup. to go along with this, dream and george had hidden cameras just about everywhere so that they could ensure the perfect shot. above all, they were content creators. while this moment would be meaningful for their friends, it would also get a lot of views.

          the group was startled by the sound of the garage door opening, then a car screeching to a halt. nick had clearly found liv's car parked in his spot. soon after, the front door opened. nick was carrying two bags of food, a carrier with three drinks, and his car keys.

          "which one of you dumb motherfuckers went and bought a new car and parked it in my spot? it's not even shiny!" he griped, sliding his shoes off at the entrance. he closed the door behind him and sat the bags of food on the coffee table in front of dream and george. the pair just giggled in response, waiting for sapnap to notice his surprise. "can you at least move it so i can park my car? i really don't want to have to scrape bird shit off my windshield again," he whined.

          "yeah, if you'll grab me the keys. they're on the counter," dream told him, gesturing over his shoulder to where liv was sitting. sapnap looked past him to find the keys and met eyes with liv. he gasped, dropping whatever else he had in his hands and ran towards the girl. it sounds cheesy but it felt like slow motion for the pair. she jumped up from her seat at the counter and reached for him as he wrapped her in his arms. the pair stumbled a bit at the impact of the hug but remained standing. they swayed back at forth to the beat of their hearts for a few moments before departing. his hands remained on her arms though, mouth opening and closing at a loss for words. liv just reached for another hug, which he accepted.

          as the height of the moment passed, dream and george began gathering their filming equipment, turning off the hidden cameras and microphones. they took the tech to their filming room to return all of the equipment. liv and nick stayed in their loose embrace, having yet to say anything to the other. nick pulled away slightly from the girl, causing her to look up at him.

          "livvy," he started. she hummed in response, taking in his appearance. his hair was messy, his hat out of place, facial hair untrimmed. even slightly disheveled, he looked perfect to her. the sight of him made her heart skip a beat, and she had finally figured out why. "can i kiss you?" he whispered, though their faces were only inches apart.

          she leant in and he met her lips with his. though a bit clumsy, it was the best kiss liv had ever had. it was warm, it made her feel fuzzy inside, like hot chocolate on a snowy day. his hands gently cupped her face, caressing her cheeks even as they pulled away. her eyes fluttered open, slightly out of breath. she met his eyes and carefully reached up to move a piece of hair out of his face. the two wore matching grins, stupidly happy with the moment they just shared.

          "i've been waiting to do that since the day i blocked you on twitter," nick managed to get out, still dazed from the kiss.

          "me too."


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