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new upload from livgoeslive!"hmm i wonder what this video is"

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new upload from livgoeslive!
"hmm i wonder what this video is"

          the video opens with a girl sitting at a desk, hands covering her face

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          the video opens with a girl sitting at a desk, hands covering her face. she looks like she's about to play peek-a-boo with you. she starts to speak, "hey, everyone! it's liv! i know you're probably wondering why i'm sitting here with my face covered." she laughed, clearly nervous. out of frame, her leg was bouncing a mile per second. "in order to go to twitchcon, i have to face reveal, so..." she let her hands fall into her lap. "here i am!" she smiled. she was pale, with mid-length brunette hair that had a slight wave to it. the camera picked up the slightest hint of green within her eyes. she looked like a typical girl that you wouldn't spare a second glance to on the street, except she wasn't a typical girl. she was liv.

          "i wanted to start off the video with a proper face reveal so that we could just get that out of the way!" she twisted one of the rings around her fingers. "this video, i'm finally meeting up with sapnap, dream and george. i know that's how many of you found my channel, so it's only natural that we document our meeting." she grinned. her eyes shot back and forth from the viewfinder to the lens, clearly not used to being on camera.

          "in two hours, i will be on a flight to san diego, california! and a couple hours after that, i will be at my hotel, where we will finally meet the dream team." calming lo-fi music started playing in the background. "it's time to head to the airport!"

          to accompany the relaxing music, there was a cut in the vlog. liv was now in a car, with someone else driving. footage of the trees passing by on her trek to the airport played. it cut again to her in the airport now. only her feet and luggage could be seen. she filmed her walk to her terminal.

          the next clip was her airplane taking off. she had scored a window seat and managed to film the airport becoming smaller and smaller until it was no longer visible. she was then seen in her seat, working diligently on her laptop on god know what. it would be revealed later that she was currently editing this very vlog. the lo-fi music continued to play. it was easy to forget that you were about to watch perhaps one of the biggest moments in this girl's life.

          an almost identical clip of the take-off was seen. the plane was seen rolling onto the runway and eventually slowing to a stop. she flipped the camera around to show her face, masked, and silently freaking out. she filmed her perspective of finding her luggage and walking to her uber that would drive her to the hotel. she inserted another clip looking out the window. the view wasn't anything like florida. there were more buildings, less trees, but it was still beautiful to her.

the video then cuts to liv standing in what seems to be a fancy hotel. she has her camera set up on a ledge and beautiful light fixtures can be seen in the background, as well as a massive aquarium and elevators with glass doors. "okay, everyone, i'm currently waiting on sap, dream, and george to come down. they checked in just a bit ago, so hopefully they'll be down soon." as if on cue, the elevator door behind her slowly slid open. she turned around to see the dream team, in real life, actually there.

a clip is played from a different perspective, taken by dream. more upbeat music starts to play in the background. sapnap rushes towards liv, sweeping her up in a massive hug. the pair twirl around, swaying back and forth, causing a commotion in the lobby of the hotel. sapnap's hat falls off during this exchange, and george is seen in the corner of the frame picking it up off the ground. the video cuts back to liv's camera's perspective. the pair let go of each other, and liv gives dream and george hugs as well. something is different about these hugs, though. there is no swaying and twirling, simply an embrace between friends. when they are all done with their greetings, they stand in the middle of the lobby and talk about who knows what. this clip fades to black.

it is then replaced by white words on a black screen. they read, "thank you all so much for supporting me on this journey. it means the world to me and i hope i can continue to make you all proud :) - xoxo liv."

the video ends.

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