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"irl & messages."

          liv slept for almost 24 hours after her flight home

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          liv slept for almost 24 hours after her flight home. her bed brought her comfort like nothing else. she missed the indention of her body in the mattress, her silk pillowcase, her knitted blankets that wrapped her up like a cocoon. the only thing that could possibly be better would be to be back with her friends. obviously, she had friends at home, but it was hard to relate to them. they were all in a corporate world now and had no concept of what liv did for a living. they thought that all she did was play video games and work a shift or two at a coffee shop here and then. her online friends, however, knew exactly what she was going through. they had gone through it themselves. she missed that, knowing that she had someone to lean on at any moment of the day.

she also missed nick. the pair had gotten entirely too comfortable with having the other constantly by their side. at the thought of him, she reached for her phone to text him. she found not one, not two, but seven different texts from him waiting for her.

sap :D
hi luv, just got home

sap :D
dream made me unpack as soon as we
got in. save me from this mean man.

sap :D
just slept for a solid 11 hours

sap :D
fell back asleep, make it 15

sap :D
can we play minecraft later

sap :D
u have been sleeping for so long

sap :D
hope ur sleeping well but also wake
up soon bc i miss u

livvy :)
sorry just woke up

livvy :)
i miss u too :(

livvy :)
come see me soon

sap :D
no u come see me

sap :D
you drive safer than i do

livvy :)
fair enough

livvy :)
its like a three hour drive tho

sap :D
am i not worth 3 hours

livvy :)
ur only worth it on tuesdays

sap :D

sap :D
well ill see u next tuesday then :)

liv rolled her eyes at the man on the other side of the phone. she hearted his message and decided she needed to be productive for the next couple of hours to make up for the lack of movement since she got home. she clambered out of her bed, letting the sheets fall to the floor. she looked at herself in her full-length mirror. she looked atrocious. her hair was sticking up in every direction, her clothes were wrinkled, her mascara was smudged all around her eyes. she decided to hop in the shower to solve all of her problems.

          like all of her best thoughts, an idea came to her while in the middle of shampooing her hair. what if she surprised nick? she could tell him she was busy next week, but then show up anyways. plus, the dream team lived in a huge house so space probably wouldn't be a problem. she'd text dream as soon as she was done washing away all of the grime from her travels.

 she'd text dream as soon as she was done washing away all of the grime from her travels

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