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"twitter and messages."


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KEEMSTAR @keemstarsapnap and livlaughluv have been spotted in the gym getting intimate! story going live on youtube in twenty minutes!|user196 @user196i thought she was dating dream

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KEEMSTAR @keemstar
sapnap and livlaughluv have
been spotted in the gym getting
intimate! story going live on
youtube in twenty minutes!
user196 @user196
i thought she was dating dream.
what a slut.
user371 @user371
why is she still relevant? shes
literally ruining their reputation
user10 @user10
does no one think its weird that
someone invaded their privacy
this much and literally took photos
of them working out? thats fucking
KEEMSTAR @keemstar
that's show business.

|KEEMSTAR @keemstarthat's show business

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(    livvy :), dream :), and sapnap :D    )

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( livvy :), dream :), and sapnap :D )

dream :)
you guys need to get back
to the hotel room now. and
make sure no one follows you.

sapnap :D
what the fuck
whats going on

livvy :)
we're on our way
are we in danger

dream :)
not physically
but your career may be

dream :)not physicallybut your career may be

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𝐂𝐄𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒; sapnap  ✓Where stories live. Discover now