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          an alarm ringing throughout the hotel room caused liv to shoot up out of her slumber

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          an alarm ringing throughout the hotel room caused liv to shoot up out of her slumber. she looked around, taking in her surroundings. she was still in dream's hotel room, on the couch where they had premiered her video the night before. to her right was nick, with his arm loosely around her waist, still asleep. the alarm hadn't woken him up. she looked around the suite, seeing their mess from the night before. fastfood wrappers littered the counters and tables, dream and george's luggage scattered everywhere, everyone's shoes mixed up all over the ground. with her pounding headache, she was surprised that there was no alcohol in sight. apparently jetlag and extreme adrenaline mixed together could also feel like the worst hangover ever.

dream slumped out of his room, making his way to the kitchen. he glanced at the couch, grinning, and doing a double-take once he realized liv was awake. "morning, livvy! sleep well?" he looked pointedly at sapnap, who was still out. she rolled her eyes at dream.

"i feel like i'm dying, to be completely honest. my head is killing me," she complained, carefully trying to move out of sapnap's grasp without waking him.

he rummaged through one of his bags on the counter, pulling out some advil. he shook the bottle at liv. "don't worry about being quiet. he needs to wake up anyways, we've gotta leave in like two hours." she turned to sapnap, gently nudging him.

"hey, bud, you gotta get up," she told him, only earning a groan in response. she rolled his eyes and got off of the couch. she took the advil dream had offered her. he laughed at the sight of her. "what? what's so funny?"

"your hair!" he wheezed, reaching to ruffle it. she swatted his hand away and combed her fingers through her hair. he started making coffee in the hotel provided coffee pot.

"i'm gonna head back to mine and go get ready. what time are we leaving?" she asked dream, gathering her belongings that she had brought over the night before.

𝐂𝐄𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒; sapnap  ✓Where stories live. Discover now