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          after their meet up, dream and george went to grab dinner, and sapnap led olivia to her hotel room

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          after their meet up, dream and george went to grab dinner, and sapnap led olivia to her hotel room. it happened to be just across the hall from his. he had carried her luggage from the lobby up to her room and had refused to get a cart to make it easier to carry. granted, she didn't have much, just her carry-on and a checked bag full of clothes and essentials. she kept reaching for her carry-on that he had snatched from her in the lobby, but he would just pull away. he didn't want her to carry anything for some reason. she wasn't complaining though, but she did feel a bit bad.

          when they reached her room, he pointed across the hall. "that's my room! we're neighbors!" he grinned at her. she returned it as she used her card to unlock the door. she held the door open for sapnap so he could drop her luggage. while he carefully placed her bags on the floor, she took in her surroundings. a massive bed that looked like a cloud, a huge bathroom, a couch that pulled out into another bed, and a balcony that had a beautiful view of san diego. after making sure that her room was clear of anything dangerous or unsanitary, she made her way to the balcony. she gently slid the door open and stepped out, sapnap following behind her.

it felt like she could see the entirety of san diego from here. the cars zooming past below them provided a nice bit of white noise. the lights from the skyscrapers across from them, slowly flickered out, one by one. when traffic was slowed, she could hear the faint sound of waves crashing into the shore. a slight breeze sent a shiver through liv. sapnap gently placed his arm around her, slightly rubbing her arm to make her warmer. she leant into him, the pair still staring out at the world. they could've stayed there for hours in silence and been perfectly fine.

          their peace was interrupted by a buzzing from sapnap's pocket. using his free hand, he reached for his phone. "it's dream," he told liv. she nodded at him, letting him know he could take the call. he let his arm drop from around her and stepped back into the hotel room to take the call. she leant on the railing while she waited for him to come back, still taking in the view. she was hoping they could go to the beach one day, but a beach trip with some of the most popular streamers probably wasn't the best idea.

𝐂𝐄𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒; sapnap  ✓Where stories live. Discover now