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           to celebrate liv's visit, the dream team decided that they would have one of their famous movie nights

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           to celebrate liv's visit, the dream team decided that they would have one of their famous movie nights. they found themselves all trying to fit on the couch directly across from the tv. they could easily fit three people, but four was a squeeze. they refused to let one person sit alone though, so here they were, limbs tangled amongst pillows and blankets. liv was the only one who didn't feel squished. the other three men were practically laying on top of each other to fit, but they gave liv her space. she had her legs sprawled out across nick's lap and was blissfully ignorant to uncomfortable arrangement that the boys were in currently.

she scrolled through dream's streaming services, searching for a movie to watch, but no one could agree on anything. she eventually settled on some random movie on dream's netflix watchlist, despite everyone's groaning. she knew no one would truly be watching the movie anyways. george was already typing away on his phone, dream was scrolling on his, and nick looked half asleep. she rolled her eyes and tried to focus on the film. before long though, she felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier until the sounds from the movie became a blur.

she jolted awake not far after she had let sleep overtake her. she looked around at the now nearly empty living room, save for her and nick on the couch. speaking of, nick had his arm loosely draped around her waist, much like you'd see in a cheesy one bed romcom trope. they had both managed to take up the entire couch during their sleep, completely sprawled out across the sofa. she wasn't complaining though. he was snoring quietly, drowning out any other noise that took place in the house. she didn't want to wake him as he looked so peaceful. she wanted to just admire him for a bit.

          his eyelashes fluttered with every inhale. she was envious of his eyelashes. they were longer than hers, and she could guarantee he wasn't using lash serum like she did. he was one of the most gorgeous people she had ever seen, and her heart did a flip whenever she looked at him. it wasn't until the kiss they shared earlier that she knew what this feeling was: it was love. though, she would never tell him that. at least not for a while. they were still just two people who happened to cross paths on the internet, and she was so incredibly thankful that they did. she gently pushed a stray hair out of his eyes, still gazing at him, savoring the moment.

          his eyes fluttered open at the feeling. he looked at the girl next to him and smiled at the sight. "hey, pretty girl," his voice was raspy from his sleep. she smiled back at him.

          "hey," she took in his appearance. messy hair, his freckles popping in the moonlight that streamed in from the window. she wished she could freeze this moment. he carefully cupped her face, much like how one would treat a porcelain doll, and leaned in. she closed the gap between them and they shared a kiss. nothing groundbreaking or heated, simply a short and sweet kiss. they broke apart and nick grinned at her.

          "that'll never get old." his face was slightly flushed, making his declaration even cuter. he shifted slightly, moving his hand to rub the nape of his neck. he winced slightly at the movement. "sorry, i slept weird and now my neck is fucked up." he explained.

          "do you wanna go to bed?" she asked him. she had set all of her stuff up in one of the guest rooms, so she was ready to go to sleep whenever. he shook his head.

"i wanna spend more time with you," he whispered, sounding almost ashamed to admit it. she smiled softly at him. the two rarely got time alone, and they knew this trio would be no different. the rest of the dream team had pretty much adopted liv as their sister, which lead to her getting dragged anywhere that they wanted to go. she enjoyed it, but she also wanted time for just her and nick. this was their time, when everyone else was asleep. when the whole world felt quiet, and the only sound they could hear was their own breathing.

          "do you at least want to go lay down? and we can stay up for a bit? we'll be more comfortable," her body was also starting to feel the consequences of trying to fit four grown adults on a couch to sleep. he nodded, sitting up and stretching his arms. he let out a small groan before standing up, offering his hand out to pull liv up with him. she took it and he gently pulled her to her feet.

the two quietly made their way to nick's room, careful to not wake the other two in the house. the clock on liv's phone told the pair that it was three in the morning, past dream and george's bedtimes. he only dropped her hand to open the door to his room. liv hadn't seen it before, except for on facetime calls. a small light on his desk gently illuminated the whole room. his sheets were strewn across the bed, clearly not expecting visitors. the rest of the room was relatively clean, save for a couple clothing items and shoes that cluttered the floor. his streaming setup was near spotless. he clearly took pride in it. she smiled at the decorations hung about the room: a couple anime posters, photos of his friends and family, and the photo strips of him and liv from a photobooth in the middle of the twitchcon convention center. the pair wore huge smiles on their faces, unsure of their next poses. in the last photo, a bit of dream's cat beanie can be seen in the corner from his failed attempt at photo bombing.

          nick flopped backwards onto his bed and picked up one corner of his blanket, holding it up to invite liv to lay down with him. she laid down next to him, thankful for the warmth that the blanket provided her. she was dressed for florida weather, not below sixty degree air conditioning. he wrapped his arms around her, scared that if he left her alone for even a minute, she'd disappear from him.

          "i missed you, livvy," he mumbled, eyes flicking back and forth from her eyes to her lips. she pecked him on the lips.

"i missed you more." she rested her head on his chest. hearing his heartbeat speed up a tad sent a shocking amount of courage through her. she knew if she didn't do it now, she never would. "nick?" he hummed in response. "would you, maybe, want to be my boyfriend?"

          she was almost sure she heard his heart stop for a second. "livvy, i would love to." his grip around her tightened slightly as he kissed the top of her head. she grinned at his actions, feeling any bit of anxiety drain from her body. while this was only the start of their journey, she had never felt more unstoppable. the pair was on top of the world and no one could take that away from them.

 the pair was on top of the world and no one could take that away from them

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