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"messages and irl."

livvy :)hey luvcan you give me a call wheneveryou get the chance?

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livvy :)
hey luv
can you give me a call whenever
you get the chance?

sap :D
yea ofc!
call u in a few!
u all good??

livvy :)
just needed to talk to u ab sum stuff :)

sap :D
kk give u a call in two secs!!

sap :D is calling!

liv answered the phone almost immediately. "hey, sap!" she greeted him, hoping her voice didn't reveal her nervousness.

          "hey, livvy." her heart did a slight flip at the use of the nickname. dream was the only other person to call her that, but she never had that reaction when he said it. "what's going on? you never call me in the middle of the day," sapnap seemed a little worried.

"oh, i was just trying to get everything sorted out for this weekend! i can call you back later, though, if you're busy!" now that he pointed it out, she couldn't help but feel bad for calling him right now. he was probably busy with who knows what.

"no, i'm good to call right now! i don't have anything scheduled until like three o'clock," it was currently noon, so they really did have a while to figure all of their plans out. "so, what's up? did you get everything booked?"

"i did! i got my plane ticket, twitchcon pass, and hotel room! though, you might have to let the managers know that y'all want me in the dreamsmp hallway, because they did not believe me at all when i told them," she laughed, thinking about her interaction with the concierge earlier.

"okay! i'll call and get that figured out! you've gotta be in that hallway. that way, we can hang out the entire time!" she could hear scribbling on his end of the phone, presumably him making a reminder to call the hotel later. "so... what's the plan with the face reveal? are you gonna wear a mask around the convention? or... ooo! you could wear a box like crumb does if you don't feel comfortable! i could message her and see if she'd make you one, if you'd want?" he was searching for solutions to make her the most comfortable.

"it's okay, sap! i appreciate it, though," she smiled, although he couldn't see her. "i'm actually planning on uploading a face reveal the night before the convention starts!"

"WHAT?" he shouted through the phone. "why was i not informed about this? livvy, you gotta give me time to process these things," he chuckled. her heart did another flip. it was starting to get annoying. all these flips made it feel like she was about to have a panic attack.

"well, i'm telling you now!" she laughed. "i'm giving you..." she scanned her calendar to see when she was flying out. "three days! that seems like plenty of heads up to me!"

"oh my god. in three days, we get to see each other. i get to see you, liv!" he exclaimed. liv could hear the excitement through the phone, his southern accent was starting to shine through. "oh my god, i get to see what you look like! i better be the first person you meet up with or else i'll be so sad."

"well, i was planning on showing you now what i looked like, but i guess i could wait until friday..." she trailed off, teasing him about his excitement. she heard a thud on the other end of the call. "oh my god, sap, are you good?" she couldn't help but laugh at the thought of him falling out of his chair.

"yeah... all good, i just dropped my phone," he seemed at a loss for words. "sorry, i just never thought i'd hear you say those words."

"well, i was gonna have to show you my face eventually! might as well show you before everyone else gets to see," she tried to conceal her nervousness. what if she wasn't what he thought she'd be? there were so many hypotheticals running through her brain that she almost missed what he said.

          "wait, i'm the first person you're gonna show? like not even sylvee or anyone?" he was in disbelief that she had yet to show any of the other people she had grown close to throughout her streaming career.

          "not even sylvee," she laughed. "she's been trying to convince me for the past month or so, though. so i might call her once we finish planning everything!"

"oh, yeah, she'd love that! she's always talking about how pretty you are, even though she's never seen you," he chuckled. "i'm just honored i get to see you first."

liv took in a big breath and glanced in the mirror to her right. her hair was in place, makeup was done properly, and her clothes were wrinkle free. "are you okay if i facetime you now?"

"liv, i am ready whenever you are. i have been ready since the day i blocked you on twitter for being allergic to cats," he laughed. she took another deep breath and hit the facetime button, quickly propping her phone up on her monitor before he could answer. sapnap's face filled the screen and his eyes widened.

"hi," he sounded almost out of breath.

"hi," she smiled at him, as she watched his face flush red. she glanced at the capture of herself in the corner of the screen. her pale cheeks had also flushed, her freckles becoming more prominent. he took in every pixel of her face. her green eyes, her brown hair, her long lashes.

"hi." he repeated himself, not knowing what else to say. she laughed, hand instantly coming up to cover her mouth to quiet herself. she felt bad for laughing in a situation like this, but it was a defense mechanism.

"so, are you just gonna stare at me?" she teased him. he became even more red, if that was even possible.

          "i mean, if that's an option, i wouldn't complain," he grinned at the girl on the other side of the screen. "seriously though, livvy, you are... you are so gorgeous," he told her.

          "thank you, sap. i appreciate it, i really do," she grinned at him.



          "call me nick."


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