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          HER FINGERS TREMBLED as she clicked the join button

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HER FINGERS TREMBLED as she clicked the join button. her palms were slick with sweat. discord made a chime, notifying everyone that she had entered the call. the conversation that was previously going on ceased.

the first to speak was sylvee. "oh my god, hello! how are you, liv?" her sweet voice chimed out. soon enough, sylvee's minecraft character found it's way to olivia's and was crouching up and down at her.

"i'm good! how are you guys?" she responded, crouching back at sylvee's character. her skin was decked out in tones of aqua, complete with an axolotl hat. liv felt a bit underdressed for the occasion.

          "good!" sylvee giggled as their characters continued their crouching fest. captain sparklez and sapnap's characters approached the girls, also dressed in aqua axolotl attire, and joined in on the fun.

          "how does it feel to be playing your first mcc?" the captain asked. "unfortunately, you won't be winning, since i'm on your team, but we'll be coming in a close third!" this comment sent chuckles throughout the call. he was referring to his "curse" that rendered his team unable to place any higher than third during this championship.

          "i'm really excited! i feel a bit bad, since i didn't have any time to practice, but i'm gonna try my best!" olivia said. sapnap's character started jumping up and down.

          "i gotta start my stream! i'll be back in a bit!" he said, and with that, he deafened in the call. a few minutes later, a notification came through their channel chat. sapnap had sent a link to olivia's skin that had been modified to have the axolotl decor as well. she grinned, happy she wouldn't be the odd one out anymore.

thank you sapnap :)

sapnap is typing...

anytime :D
can't have you be the only
one not dressed up. that would
be embarrassing.

so true.

with that, she changed her skin, deafened on discord, and started her stream. the views started rolling in by the hundreds, then thousands. her chat was filled with tons of new viewers who had never visited her channel before. she took a deep breath and changed from her starting soon screen to her minecraft capture.

"hello, everyone! welcome to the stream! i hope you're all having a wonderful morning, day, evening, or night wherever you are!" she started off her stream with the same lines she said every single stream. "today, we are playing... drum roll, please!" she drummed her hands on the table for dramatic effect. "minecraft championship!"

the chat absolutely blew up with excitement. even though announcements were made on twitter, hearing the news live made her fans freak out. "thank you all so much for joining us! if you're new here, my name is liv, or livgoeslive, and i play minecraft basically on the daily! today, i'm subbing in on the aqua axolotls team with sapnap, sylvee, and the captain." she grinned, even though no one could see her. she never used a face cam while streaming minecraft. she never used a face cam regardless. she was a "faceless" streamer, who had yet to do a face reveal to the internet, and she wasn't planning on having one any time soon.

after a bit more talking with chat, she joined back to the call and heard sapnap and sylvee bickering about who's minecraft skin was cuter.

"NO! your skin is so ugly, sylvee! have you seen mine?" sapnap shouted into his microphone, earning a gasp from sylvee.

"sapnap, i know you are not disrespecting the love of my life like that." liv interjected. sylvee cackled, clearly feeling the victory she had just obtained.

"liv! you were supposed to be on my side!" he complained. "i gave you that skin and i'll take it back!" he threatened her.

"ooo i'm so scared. you sound like my parents on a road trip. don't make me turn this car around!" she mocked him in a high pitched voice.

"i don't sound like that!" sapnap whined, but unfortunately, a voice crack hit at the end of his sentence. this made liv's impression of him even more accurate. she cackled at him, causing him to groan and deafen. this only made her laugh more.

she muted on discord and spoke to her chat. "guys, i think it's gonna be a fun stream."


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