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          george stood corrected

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          george stood corrected. the rest of the convention could be that bad. liv's meet and greet went absolutely horrible because of the lack of security. she was almost mobbed and got followed the entire day. it was so anxiety inducing she almost skipped the dream smp panel to go back to her hotel room and she wished she had. while backstage at the panel, she witnessed dream argue with thirteen different twitch staff because they wouldn't allow the entirety of the smp on the panel. thirteen. she counted.

the dream smp panel went somewhat well, but the women on the panel were almost entirely skipped over during any question, and the questions asked were lackluster. there was also a number of questionable fans present and not enough room for everybody to watch the panel. it was extremely frustrating for every single person involved.

the dream team and liv returned to their hotel after the panel, all exhausted from the bullshit of the convention. multiple panels and meet ups were ruined due to a lack of planning, and there were many unhappy fans. dream had been on the phone with twitch officials since they got in their uber and remained on the phone until they got back to dream's hotel room. he hung up the call, rolling his eyes at the group who had been eavesdropping the entire time.

          "they're refusing to issue refunds or reimbursements to anyone who was affected, and they're refusing to assign security to liv." he groaned, rubbing his eyes. liv was less worried about security and more about her fans who were affected. almost every streamer was mistreated by fans today, and she knew they couldn't give every single person security guards.

          "don't worry about me! i'll just be more careful tomorrow," she told the group, causing sapnap to roll his eyes.

          "you shouldn't have to be careful, liv. people just shouldn't be fucking weird and follow you around," he groaned, flopping back onto the couch. she perched herself on the arm of the couch since he was taking up the entire seating area.

𝐂𝐄𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒; sapnap  ✓Where stories live. Discover now