chapter 2

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Layla's P.O.V
I wake up with Harry's arm wrapped around me and him doing little snozes which is so cute. I grabbed my phone and goes on Instagram scolling though it and I come a cross one Harry posted last night.



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Wroetoshaw my girl forever and always 💓 💕
Layla_babes love you 😍
Ksi better treat my sister right
Vikkstagram the happy couple
Tobjizzle my favourite ❤

I decided to post on of Harry just waking up that I love so much.


56,000Layla_babes aww look who's only up 🥰Comments 45,000Wroetoshaw I want cuddlesLayla_babes @Wroetoshaw you will get cuddles babe 😘 Ksi haha no cuddles for youuuTobjizzle poor man

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Layla_babes aww look who's only up 🥰
Comments 45,000
Wroetoshaw I want cuddles
Layla_babes @Wroetoshaw you will get cuddles babe 😘
Ksi haha no cuddles for youuu
Tobjizzle poor man

I look at Harry and says "Your lucky I love you" he looks at me and says "whys that sweetheart" and I cuddle up to him for while til jj talked me

Jj- king jj 👑
Layla- princess layla 👑

King jj 👑 - are you coming over as the boys wants to making a video with you and us the sidemen also tell Harry to move his ass
Princess layla👑- ok we will be there soon ok Lord jj
King jj👑- oh I like that lord lol

I put my phone down and tells Harry jj wants to do a sidemen video with us so he get up and gets dressed but I slap his ass when he does and I run into the bathroom and takes clothes with me before locking the door on Harry.


I walk out of the bathroom and Harry picks me up and kisses me I kiss him back while he take a picture of it and put me down

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I walk out of the bathroom and Harry picks me up and kisses me I kiss him back while he take a picture of it and put me down.

We get to jj's flat and of course me and Harry was the last one there and jj says "finally you guys are here" I laugh and sit on the sofa with the other guys. We go the 20 vs 1 of the sidemen and of course they did it to Harry but I was allowed to be in the video for it.

After we spend the day with the sidemen we all decided to go out for a nice dinner so they are lucky I alway bring nice dresses in my car. I grabbed one from my car and went to my room at jj's.

Dinner outfit

I walks back to the boys and I see the girls also there I look at Harry and I see them in a suit that I love him in

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I walks back to the boys and I see the girls also there I look at Harry and I see them in a suit that I love him in. We all go out for dinner and of course I sit next to Harry with talia on my other side we have a couple of drinks and have a nice dinner. We go back to my flat for more drinks and of course Harry has to get drunk and silly dances with me I laugh at him but I am also a little tippy then I tip over Harry foot and falls on my arse and of course we all start laughing but I just stay on the floor still Harry helps me up.

Me and Harry looks into each other eyes  for a good minute til jj say "come on love birds hometime". Harry give a piggy back back to his place as I didn't want to go to mine for the night.

We cuddle up in bed and watch some movies before bed but harry has a other idea I guess. He takes of my bra and underwear and teases me like hell but next thing I know is that we are doing it in his bed hoping no one hears us doing the nasty.

After we are done we get cleaned up and cuddles again and falls asleep.

That_crazy_girl661 👑

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