Chapter 5

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Layla's P.O.V
I was thinking to go to Harry's and to pick up some of my things as I want my pink hoodie back. I hope into my car and drives to Harry's and also heard something from the others that harry hadn't turn for the sidemen shoots and that and Tobi think that there something wrong with him. When I turned into the parking lot and get to the lift calfrezy stops me. "Layla I don't think you should see him right now" I look at him weird and says "i know me and harry broke up cal but I need my stuff" I walk into his flat and I see it the same way it was when the whole thing happened. I walk around and walked into harry and I see him cuddling my hoodie while he slept but then I see his face and look at cal "who the hell did this to him" cal just shakes his shoulders and says "I don't know I only come to check on him too as josh was worried about him" I move Harry's hair from his eyes like I did when we were together then he starts to wake up I say "morning sleepy head" he looks up at me and smiles "Layla are you ok I missed you babe" I look at him and smiles but I am still want to know who did this to him. "Harry who did this to you" he looks way "Jj did it but Layla he doesn't want me near you" I get mad if Jj did do this to harry I would punch him "it's ok and see you slept with my hoodie and bogie".

Harry gets up and I get him to eat a bit of toast and coffee I sit with him the whole time but then the others walks in. "Layla get away from him" that get me fucking angry at him for saying that "you know if you'd really cared about him yous would of visited him to see if he was ok look here Jj beat him up and leaved him to die but your lucky he's not because I would kill you Jj your are meant to be my brother but really you hurt harry" Tobi looks at me and walks over "is he ok and better yet you ok is your adhd kicking in" I nod but harry holds my hand. I look at him and Tobi nods and says "I know you love him" I nod and cuddles into harry "you ok you eating now" but harry turns around and says "yeah I am but are you your shaking and I know your adhd is bad but I'm here ok" I smile and cuddle into him but he leaves to get something from his room and comes back with my favourite hoodie of his. "I know this your favourite hoodie and it always calm you down" I take it and hugs it and smells it. Jj looks at me and says "Layla I'm sorry I shouldn't of done that to harry and set you off" I look and says "it's ok" while cuddling Harry's hoodie and harry wraps his arms and boops my nose. I look at him "really" he nods but he can make me happy while I'm sad and upset he the best ever then harry says "are we ok" I look at Tobi but Tobi says "Layla I know you love harry and you always will so it's ok" "I look at harry "yeah we are ok" I hug him but he picks me up and I hear "aww" and "ohh" harry laughs and keeps me in his arms.

Outfit (sorry almost forgot)

I was sitting with harry watching movies all cuddled up on the sofa when I was craving sour pitch kids and I was scared to tell harry because I started my period today and he knows I do get mad and that

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I was sitting with harry watching movies all cuddled up on the sofa when I was craving sour pitch kids and I was scared to tell harry because I started my period today and he knows I do get mad and that. "Harry don't get mad but I'm on my monthly" he gets and runs and slips to get his car rings I start laughing "harry what was that" still laughing "you in aid of your monthly period snacks" I look at him "what do u mean monthly snacks" he looks at me "all the thing my baby needs for her period" I give him kiss and says "thanks babe".

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