Chapter 6

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Layla's P.O.V
It's been a week now and we are going to Disney land thanks to my amazing boyfriend harry that I love and annoy of course. I drive to the airport and parks my car, harry sees my car and runs over to it "I will get your suitcase babe" I look at him and says "thanks babe" I get out and hugs Ethan "hey bestie" everyone looks at me "we are drinking besties tho and harry he's just drunk all the time" he looks me "do you want to go to Disney now" I give him the evils and he hugs me "you love me really I hope" then Tobi arrives "I thought I was always late" everyone laughs I look at Tobi "Tobi finally made it guys and I thought he was the fast one" everyone laughs at me and Tobi looks at me "Tobi my G" we hug "hi Layla how's you" I look at harry and everyone "I'm happy" jumping up and down.

We get onto the private plane and me and harry sits beside each other and of course I'm wear Disney clothes and harry wearing his sidemen clothes "Layla babe how much Disney stuff did you bring" I look at him "only my lion king hoodie and my stitch Nikes you got me so I have room for more" he looks at me "good thinking babe" he kisses me.


We get off the plane and I get more happy

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We get off the plane and I get more happy. Harry take my suitcase and his and he looks at me being happy Jj says "you totally deserve her and he deserves you harry" me and Tobi he's know he's happy "Tobi now if you see stitch or pooh you have let me hug them first" Tobi looks at me "you totally going to push me out the way tho" I laugh and says true when we get to the hotel harry goes and put on his shorts. I look at him "you know babe I love you and happy you took all of us to Disney with you" he hugs me and Jj walks in "you guys ready" we nod and get other stuff and leaves.

We go on rides and get food all together I look behind me and sees calfrazy then harry runs and hugs him and he looks at me "Layla hi" I stand and says I leaved something in my hotel room and harry looks at me and says "I said did you have everything and you said yes" I look at him and says "I only forgot a small thing that's all babe I will be back" harry gives me the keys and I go to our room.

I sat in me and harry room looking at the shit calfrazy said about me and everything I thought everyone would be nice to me but that was a lie and a half he sweet with me then everyone else is around but says stuff when I am alone with me. I hear the door opening I look behind me and see cal i tell him to go but he picks me up and take me to me and Harry's bed I get panicky and says "cal just stop I love harry your best mate" he laughs and after that I pass out.

I wake up in the room alone and naked and all I remember is calfrazy as here and I go and fix my outfit and hair before going to see the guys. I see that my bracelet harry got me was missing with my Nike air forces with stitch on them. I get dressed into my clothes and runs to the guys but there he was acting all happy after he has sex with me well actually raped me. Everyone turns around when they see me I ask "is there something wrong" harry gets up and try to hug but I step back everyone gives everyone a look. I says "I just don't want a hug sorry harry" it looks at me "why are you not calling me babe did something happen as you toke for ever to come back" I look at cal and says "why don't you ask calfrazy". Everyone looks at him and he says "she wanted it" I was in shock and there now tears running down my face "cal tell the truth what did you put in my drink" he looks at me and says "your joking Layla ever since we meet you never liked me you treated me like I was a no one and texting me saying stuff who do you think you are Layla" oh that got to me and I say "your a lier you did it to me cal and also I have the messages to prof it and also the reason I was late was because he raped me" harry get mad but I hope it's not because of me.

Harry get mad and takes it out on me saying that it's my fault and than I just breakdown and everything was my fault I looked at the others and they don't stick up for me "harry if you never wanted me then why acted like you did and know what I'm leaving have a sidemen holiday as I'm out of here I hope your happy" I start to walk away but Tobi stops me "please Tobi move before I lose it" he hugs me "it's ok Layla" I look at harry and I cry even more "let's go to the hotel and we can talk" I nod.

When we get back to the hotel I see the bed and says to Tobi I can't go into it so Tobi gets me my things and helps me packs when Ethan walks in I run to Ethan "hey it's ok Layla I know you know me more then anyone here and I know cal is lying" I look at him "it's not that I have the message but harry is blaming me for it all saying I'm so sexy that every guy wants me I'm 26 and it's not my fault I look so good" then harry walks in and see the place and looks at me "Layla did he do this" I nod and he puts out his arms for me I wait a moment but harry come over to me and hugs me "you ok and I'm sorry I toke it out on you don't leave me ok and I also want to see all the messages ok and Jj coming to" I look at him and says "he put something totally into my drink as I passed out" harry nods and looks at my wrist "wheres the bracelet" then harry knew what I was going to say and he doesn't the shoe as well.

Harry holds me to him til Jj comes with Simon "ok is Layla ok and where's the message" I give them my phone and password so they could see everything and harry just goes mad as I stand in front of him and look at him "harry look at me he's going to get it ok but we are on holiday right babes so please don't be mad" but cal sends a picture of my bracelet and harry loses it "harry clam down we can get it back" I hug him to calm him down but harry says "he hurt the one thing I love and he raped the girl I love" I have tears running down my face after that and harry says "also babe everyone here is supposing you and I know Ethan and you are close but that's because you know Ethan for a couple of years and I know Ethan was your drinking buddy for years" I nod and Ethan hugs me and then it turn into a group hug. I look at everyone and says "this is what I needed all my friends more like my big happy family here and also guys why don't I treat us to food" everyone looks at me and no that they should treat me.

We eat and me and harry got my bracelet back and now all happy. I'm just giving harry head scratches and cuddles to keep him calm and he's just playing with my fingers and hands the little baby that he is. Then harry falls asleep on me of course so I'm trapped now. When harry is sleep cal walks in and everyone gets up to stop him from seeing me I feel harry moving and I give Tobi the look that harry is about to wake up.

Harry wakes up and looks at him and goes mad as anything I have never seen him like this before and it's scaring me Tobi hold me back but cal bring out a knife and get passed harry and I don't remember what happened next.........

Harry's P.O.V
Omg I ran over to Layla "babe can you hear me princess" tears are running down my face while I hold Layla to my heart and Jj is on the phone to the hospital. I can't believe this and now cal is saying he's sorry like he just stabbed my girlfriend. I look at Tobi but his hand got it so he will need treated to "harry I tried to stop him" I look at Tobi of course I don't blame him for this "I know Tobi I don't blame you" Ethan looks in shocked i know she is like a sister to him they went to school together and then Layla moved back to Northern Ireland again but they were still mates.

When we get to the hospital Layla had to get surgery and now she all hocked up to the machines and I just feel like it my fault she got hurt. Watching her right now is breaking my heart Layla is the sweetest girl ever she would never hurt no one.

Tobi comes into the room I say "you ok how the hand" he turns and says "all good just stitches but what about this holiday" I look at him and he was right what would I do if Layla has to stay here we were here for a week tho so hopefully she's ok so we can get home and she can relax my little princess in this hospital bed and I'm here with her not allowed to cuddle her or sleep in the same bed as her.

I'm holding Layla's hand and she moves it a little Tobi gets the nurse and they say she's starting to wake up. Layla starts to wake up and she try to sit up "no babe we will help you" all of us helps her sit up. She looks over to me and says "what happened" I look at the others and they nod "babe cal stabbed you" she was shocked but saw tobi's hand and then said "why is Tobi hand like that" I look at Tobi he then says " I put my hand out to stop him and he stabbed my hand then you" she looks at me "and what did you do" I look at her "I tried to stop him" she looks around and says "Tobi gets hurt and no one else helped stop him" I look down and says "I tried to" she looks at me and try to say something but Jj stops her "Layla it isn't Harry's fault this happens and before you say anything else you did you think before you say anything else about us or harry" then she says she tried and want to sleep so the other leaves so it's only me and her in the room. I look at her and says "babe I'm sorry this has happened to you" she looks and says "harry it's not that I have been stabbed by your best mate and now I have to life with a scar on me for life" she was right she will have a scar on her but I hope it heals good I give her a kiss and holds her hand til she falls asleep.

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