Chaper 14

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Layla's P.O.V
Me and harry haven't spoke in weeks and I'm starting to wonder why. Me and harry never falls out for this long like ever and right now I feel like I am the reason why but then again I never cheated on a pregnant girl like he did. That night keeps playing in my mind like someone is pushing a button and making me life that moment all over again. I finally get out of bed for the first time in two weeks and of course I got a shower just never leaved this room. I get dressed and walks downstairs.


I make myself breakfast and get myself sorted for the day ahead of me

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I make myself breakfast and get myself sorted for the day ahead of me. I decided to go for a wee walk to clear my head and get some fresh air. I walks around town and bump into Ethan and faith. We talk for a bit and I talk to olive tho is the sweet baby girl ever and I love her to bits. Ethan and faith leave and now I'm lonely til Harry comes out of a pub with Chris and will and they look my way and I see Chris filming. I think to myself what if they camera got me and the comments will be going mad at Harry on the sidemen cannel and Chris's. I'm really upset if I was the one who cause all this trouble. Harry looks at me and waves and of course I wave back and Harry walks over to me and ask how I was doing and how's our baby is. I look behind him and says "I'm fine so is baby but what you did the other night wasn't nice to me you know that and me being pregnant and have to deal with that also you told me you would never leave me again" he just looks at me while I walk away and Chris goes to him and they walk away together.

I decide that I would go to Tobi's as he is so nice to me so I knock on his door and he answers and hugs me and ask how I am I look at him and says "saw harry with Chris and I think he making it seem like I was the one on the wrong as after I said what had to be said he looked at me and walked away with him" Tobi looks at me shocked and he says "Layla I forget we are filming here tonight so Harry will be here but will you be ok with that" I nod and sit on the sofa til Harry was the first person to show and he walks in and sees me. He looks at me and says "ok why are you here" I look at him and says "I can be here if I want to as I wasn't the one who cheated on there pregnant girlfriend" he just looks at me so I just look at him then Ethan walks and can see us looking at each other with evil eye so Ethan come in and take harry away. I look at Tobi and Tobi looks at me and says "I think yous two need to talk this over" I agree and goes and gets Harry "Harry we need to talk" he looks at me and says "yeah we do" I sot down and we talk and turns out that she was Harry's ex girlfriend and he was only buying her a glass of water so sober her up and he took her back to her as he didn't wanted someone hitting in her while she was drunk and when he come back to mine I had to the door locked but I looked at him "you didn't called or text tho" he tells me this phone was broke and he only got it fixed and he was sorry that he was giving the cold shoulder. I hug him and kisses him and tell him I love him. We go into the living room and see everyone sitting up for the video so I let Harry carry on while I sit at the island.

They were talking about something and Harry told something funny and I told laughing then Jj say people in the back stop laughing I look at him and gives him the middle finger. And then he tells me to come on camera so I sit in between Jj and Harry and I get the mic on. I say hi to the camera and tell him Jj is a annoying person and that I get asked how much do I love the sidemen and I say "Harry of course I love you more as your boyfriend, Ethan your like my brother as we where always close back in school, Josh is just a old man who even likes him joking he a cool guy, Tobi is also like a brother to me as he treats me like I'm his other sister sorry manny,vik I don't what to say he's just games a lot, Simon he is so skinny like look at him but Simon is my homie and Jj he is my brother but he's annoying as fuck he gives me the fingers 24/7 but I love them all" that was my question over and harry got asked when will me and him get married I laughed and said "I think we are still to young for that" Harry looks at me "young bro we have a baby on the way" I look at him "I'm not your bro" everyone looks at each other and says "ohhhh".

Me and harry gets home after filming and we just decide to order in for dinner so I order a Chinese and so does harry and we sit and eat our food after it comes and we cuddles up on the sofa and watches movies. TIL my friend comes in with bogie and he runs to me and harry and rubs up against my bump. Me and harry get ready for bed til I feel something I never felt before. I look up at harry and says "the baby just kicked" he runs over and put a hand on my baby and smiles I kiss Harry and climbs into bed and we cuddle up and goes to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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