Chapter 8

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Layla's P.O.V
It been a week since I saw the sidemen and harry I so really miss him but after what happened in Paris I don't know if they want to see me again because of it. I was sit in my bedroom at Jj's flat also Jj never told them that I'm home and that and harry has bogie so I can't see my own dog but then I hear voices. It sound the the sidemen "Jj she is she back I miss her" I know that was harry I listen "Layla has to be back now it's been a week" totally Tobi I listened to Ethan had to say "if she doesn't come back I meant it I will go back to Paris and I will make sure I know we're she has went" I look at my bed and sees harry hoodie on it.

Do I walk out of here and show my face or do I stay locked up in this bedroom. I thought about it and I put on leggings and a crop top and Harry's hoodie on top. Here goes nothing I guess I get to my room door and I open it look at everyone downstairs Jj looks up at me and I nod I go downstairs and everyone looks at me even harry. He runs and runs me and picks me up "im sorry for everything babe are you ok are you hurt" I shake my head and he looks at my hoodie "still got my hoodie I see missy" I look at him and just hide me face into his neck he knows I didn't want to face it so he take back to my room so we can talk one on one.

I sit on Harry's knee and I say I want to explain my side first "so harry the reason I went away that night is because you told you were leaving and I told you where are you going to go is because I didn't wanted to loss you and Tobi told me to sit with them because I said you would force me to eat" he looks at me kisses me I kisses back he looks at me and tell me he's sorry and I say I am too I hug him. Me and harry stay in the room for a while til we start making out with each other. I take his shirt of and harry takes off his hoodie on me but then Jj walks in but we ok as we are not naked or anything Jj laughs me and harry looks at Jj and of course Jj is laughing "you two lovebirds" I get up put the hoodie back on and harry puts his shirt back on. I look at jj "can we not have sometime together no" me and harry walks downstairs the others looked at us and we say what I walk to the kitchen with harry I make me and him a sandwich and of course they are look for there's so I say "you know where the food is" I wasn't going to make everyone sandwiches Jj has a chef ask they can ask him like.

I stay with harry the whole day I don't leave his side til they all say we are going out for drinks and dinner I look at harry and whispers "are they only doing this because we are happy again or because we never feed them" and harry laughs. I go and gets ready for dinner.


I walk downstairs and see harry at the end to lift me down from the last step I wrap my arms around him and put me down I hug him and says "so where are we going" he say he doesn't know himself Jj look over at us and says I'm over dressed I look a...

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I walk downstairs and see harry at the end to lift me down from the last step I wrap my arms around him and put me down I hug him and says "so where are we going" he say he doesn't know himself Jj look over at us and says I'm over dressed I look at my outfit "so where are we going" he doesn't say anything I look at everyone and yeah there wearing sidemen clothes so I walk back upstairs to change.

Outfit (hopefully the last one haha)

I walk downstairs and all the other girls are in dresses and they look at me like why am I don't wearing on I look at harry like why was I told not to a dress and they are

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I walk downstairs and all the other girls are in dresses and they look at me like why am I don't wearing on I look at harry like why was I told not to a dress and they are. I don't change again I walk with harry but I can hear the girls talking about how embarrassed they are that I am not in a dress I look at them and then I just couple up to harry and he can tell it's getting to me and I know Jj just wanted me to cover up my scar till it fully heals but the girls talking about me he should stop them then everyone stopped and said we are going to eat.

Harry goes and get a plate for me as he know what I like and what I don't he comes back and it noodles and some other things and harry know I hate fish (I do hate fish a lot) I kisses his cheek and says thank you me and harry starts eating Jj looks at my plate and says why did I don't get to much and explained if I get a small plate at first then I could get a other plate of things I like. I eat it all and get get a other one and the girl shouts fatty I look at harry as he knew what happened to me when I was in high school. Ethan looks at me and then them I shake my head at him and harry kisses my head and I smile at him. I can tell harry is being so sweet to me and protective.

When we all pay and go back to the flat the girls don't shut up about me and how I'm not famous and not do anything but clean all day. I cuddle up to harry and try to don't listen to them but it got so far that they said I should die and that's when the boys all look at them I just stay cuddled up to harry. I hear someone walking over to them I look at see Ethan and then he shouts "IF YOU KNEW WHAT SHE WENT THROUGH YOUS WOULDN'T SAY SHIT ABOUT HER" I look a Faith his girlfriend of course and she walks over and asks if Ethan is ever like that I shake my head and says only when he's angry and she understands that. I say thanks to Ethan and I ask faith if I could take olive for a wee bit so they can relax and they say of course but harry says toe to not get any idea and I tell him someday babe.

I am now playing with olive and harry play with her too I tell I want kids some day and he say we will see and I kiss his head. Olive has now fall asleep in my arms but I tell Ethan she ok in my arms for a little bit longer and Ethan say I would be a good mum and harry would be a good dad but I say did he saw the video parents for a day video and he starts laughing. Me and harry wraps his arms around carefully so he doesn't wake up olive I look at him and smiles but then Ethan takes olive and I say to bring her again so I can give them a little break.

Harry's P.O.V
I look at Layla with olive she is so really to be a mum but I'm not ready for kids same with Layla but maybe one day we will be a happy. After everyone leave I look at Layla and she says she doesn't want go out for drinks tonight with me and Ethan. I ask what's wrong and she didn't tell me I thought me and Layla was happy but really we are going back to the way we were again so I just sit there and take my arms away so it not behind her anymore. Yes she looked at me but she got up and went upstairs again.

I went to cheek on Layla a couple of hours later but she's not there I keep looking for her but then she walks out of her bathroom she looks at me and says "harry what are you doing" I look at her and she only in shorts and a bra I look at her and says "babe why are you dressed like that" she says she comfy I say that her bum is hanging out and her boobs are showing.

Me and Layla made out and did a couple of things but we are together of course Layla looks at me and say that it was amazing and I laugh and say yeah it was. We cuddle for a bit and watch Netflix together and then I turn to Layla "Layla what are we" she looked at me and raised her brows and she answers "we are boyfriend and girlfriend why what's wrong" I just look away and Layla looks up at me and I can tell she getting heartbroken because I feel like I don't know what I want and if I want Layla or not.

Layla gets up and starts packing I look at and asks what she was doing she looks and says "you told me what we are and answered you we are boyfriend and girlfriend but you said nothing to me" I look at her packing her underwear and hoodies and everything else out of my flat. When she is almost to leave she turns and says "was this whole relationship a joke to you was it we had sex harry and now you don't if you want me" I just don't know what to say at this point Layla is amazing and has been the whole day but I don't want to lose her or even break up. I try to stop her but she gets into her car and drives off.

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