Chapter 13

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Layla's P. O.V
I wake up next to harry with his arms around me and today is a big day for harry and the sidemen today is match day and I hope my harry scores a goal for me and baby today. I get up and gets ready for the day and I let harry sleep for a bit as he will have a big day of running.


After getting ready I walk out of the bathroom and harry says "oh my goodness look at my baby glowing and look at that bump" I look at him and smiles and he kisses my head and I says "two more weeks and we will be finding out what we are having" I...

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After getting ready I walk out of the bathroom and harry says "oh my goodness look at my baby glowing and look at that bump" I look at him and smiles and he kisses my head and I says "two more weeks and we will be finding out what we are having" I put on my white Nikes and harry goes and gets ready. I pack snacks for me and harry but mostly me of course. After harry is ready we hug each other and tells each other we love them. I tell harry that bogie is with a my best friend as we will not be here to look after our dog.

We get to the West Ham stadium and everyone is waiting for us. I get out the car and hugs Jj and Ethan and they both say "Layla the bump it's glowing" I flip my hair and says thanks to them both then harry had to leave to get ready so I go with faith to take our seats. While olive is with Ethan as he's carrying her out so me and faith are now standing at the side so we can get olive. When everyone walks out to shake hands harry looks over at me and I smile at him. When they all shake hands Ethan and harry walks over to us and gives faith olive and Ethan hug and kisses faith and hugs me while harry picks me up bridle style and kisses me we both laugh and everyone looks over and take pictures for us for this moment. Harry puts me down gently so he doesn't hurt the baby and then kisses me again and me and faith goes to our seats and sits down.

Ethan scores a goal and we all go mad and just like that it's half time. Harry comes over to us to watch aitch with us as he knows aitch is my favourite singer. He wraps his arms around me and I smile at him. Harry is actually the best boyfriend ever and just like that again half time is over and Harry is back on the pitch. We watch and Harry scores. I go mad my baby scored and did it for me and the baby I'm so happy for us.

The match end and the sidemen win. Harry is over the moon and so we all go to the after party but I don't drink. Me and Harry party and he dances with me and he is a little tippy of course so I try to not kisses him when he has alcohol on his lips. Harry falls over and Ethan help him out but he's so drunk and I don't like that as I'm pregnant with his child and I don't want him this drunk. I tell Ethan I need some fresh air and he tell he will come with me so I'm not alone I say that's ok. Me and Ethan goes outside and I sit down while Ethan stands and then Ethan then to me and says "I think Harry needs to stop drinking" I nod and says "same but he can have fun and that I'm not stopping him from that it's just I can't have fun anymore I will be a mum very soon  and I will not get to do anything without the baby on my hip" Ethan looks at me "look Layla you can still have fun look at faith she still has fun" I nod and then harry walks out. I look at him and he just looks at me like he heard everything then we where talking about and then he says "so you tell Ethan how you feel about this but not your own boyfriend". I look at him like you for real I say to Harry "I only told Ethan as he would know how I feel Harry that's all" Harry just looks me up and down and walks away. I look at Ethan and walks in to see where Harry went and I ask Jj but he hasn't seen him til I turn around and see him dancing and buying an other girl a drink.

Ethan looks at me and says if I am ok I nod and just sits with him and the other at the table. I get an other water with lemon in it and Jj pays for it. I put my head on Jj's shoulder and everyone at the table can tell I'm upset but I wasn't crying not just yet anyways. Today was might to be a good day but really it was but I could tell this morning something was going to happen tonight and boy was I right.

I get home and I tell my friend I will get bogie in the morning as I was so tried and upset and harry went home with the other girl. I go and takes my make up off and gets ready for bed. I look in the mirror at the bump and I tell it if harry doesn't want to help me with it I will do whatever it takes to make sure the baby has everything it needs no matter what it is.

I get into bed and falls asleep.

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