Chapter 10

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Layla's P.O.V
I wake up and harry is gone I look around the room and sits up in bed then looks in my bathroom. Then harry walks in with Starbucks and bogie following him. I open my arms for bogie and harry sits my coffee on the bed side table. I cuddle up to harry as he was away getting coffee so I didn't have my morning cuddles. I drink my coffee and tell harry that I love him like I do every morning.


I walk out of my bathroom and grabs my phone and purse and kisses harry cheek and put the lead on bogie I look over at harry and says "babe you want to come with us for a walk" he gets up and wraps his arms around my belly and says " I would love ...

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I walk out of my bathroom and grabs my phone and purse and kisses harry cheek and put the lead on bogie I look over at harry and says "babe you want to come with us for a walk" he gets up and wraps his arms around my belly and says " I would love to" I take his hand and we take bogie for a walk. While on our lovely walk we bump into Ethan and pets bogie and talks to harry for a bit but they keep looking over at me for some reason. I keep looking away while they keep looking over. I look down at bogie and picks him up then I see little kids come up to us and asking harry and Ethan for pictures and then as soon as I know it I was far away from them as the kids pushed me away from them. I look down at bogie and says "that's the troubles when your dad is famous" I walk with bogie to get harry but one kid pushed me so hard I tip over bogie and hurt my ankle but harry and Ethan doesn't see I tipped as there's to many kids so I get up in pain and just picks up bogie to see if he's ok and checks him over.

Harry looks over at me and I shake my head and walk home in pain. When I get home Jj was sitting on the sofa so I give him bogie and gets ice for my ankle. I sit next to Jj and tells him everything while I put my foot up and puts ice in it. Jj says that I should of called for harry but as soon as he says harry he runs in "Layla you never told me where you were going I was looking everywhere for you" I look at him then he sees my ankle "babe what happened" I explained what happened and he cuddles me for it and kisses my head to make me feel better.

Ethan walks in and he picks up bogie and sits down he doesn't ask what happened or how I did it. I look up at harry and signals him that Ethan hasn't said anything. I just keep cuddled up to harry when Ethan says "do you don't think harry needs some space" I looked at Ethan and says "why is that what you were talking about because you kept looking over at me" he shakes his head and gets up and then says "you know what Layla you will never know what we were talking about and if it was about you it's that your ugly and have no one who really likes you for who your really and that a bitch" I look at Ethan he never said anything like that before then even in high school I get up in more pain then I ever was in and hops to my bedroom and I can tell harry was making sure I didn't fall and he keep his eyes on me.

All I hear is harry screaming at Ethan for what he called me but then I hear Ethan screaming "HARRY WAKE UP SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU SHE LOVE TOBI" I get up and opens my bedroom door and harry was at the door I look up at him and says "I heard what he said and it's not true harry you know I was always here for you you FaceTimed me when you were alone in flat by yourself" he looks at me and picks me up as he know I can't walk now as my ankle is all swollen. Ethan keeps looking at me. harry just wraps his arms around me like I'm his teddy bear. I always loved harry since the day I started watching the sidemen and how he would make me smile and laugh to myself. Then Tobi walks in he looks at me and says "you have to stay away from us" I look at him like what are you talking about then Tobi opens up "Layla you really need to let harry do what he wants to do he not your kid or anything so let him come out with us and do videos" I look at harry is this what he was telling Ethan that I baby him and I don't want him to go out and have fun I look at harry and then try's to get up in my own but I fall over and this time my bone is sticking out of my ankle I scream in pain. Jj picks me up and says "all this bullshit has to stop harry if you said that about my sister you three can leave" harry looked at me while I'm in so much pain "Layla I never said anything like that I asked Ethan is he would help plain something for your birthday this month on the 25th" I looked and smiled and Ethan said "harry really I thought we were going to mess with her first" Jj looks at Ethan "mess with her her ankle bone in sticking out and you wanted to mess with her" Jj give me to harry and I wrap my body body around him and I kiss his cheek actually he the best boyfriend ever.

We get to the hospital and I had to go through surgery again for my ankle so now i can't play basketball or football for 3 whole months so I'm now in a cast for my birthday. Harry get me Starbucks for the second time today that I loved and he got me a teddy bear saying love you on it. I cuddle up to harry and everyone know how much I love harry and how much he means to me.

Harry's P.O.V
Layla is the best that ever happened to me. Before I asked her out we would FaceTime and laugh with each other all the time now she's mine I could be anymore happier. We get Layla home I put blankets and her favourite teddies on the sofa so we could watch movies with all are friends and calfrazy and Layla has sorted out what happened and they are now best friends. So we all get Layla in on the sofa and she cuddles up to me with bogie and her fox teddy bear. I look down at the woman I love so much and I play with her hair while she watches the movie. I look over at the boys and Tobi is stating at Layla I look at Layla I holds her tighter and she looks up at me and smiles. After the movie was over we keep talking and Layla was saying about how she will not be playing football for a while til Tobi said "Layla your pretty good at football and harry just needs to learn from you" I was about to say something til Layla said something "Tobi that's my boyfriend your talking about he has been though a lot for the last couple of days and saying he's bad at football I don't think so tobi" and then she gives me head scratches to make me feel better she really is the best girlfriend ever. After Layla was head scratching my head we decided to go to bed and I help Layla get ready for bed.

Then she cuddles up to me and says "harry do you think we will have kids" I look at her I shock like really Layla wants kids but I don't think I am ready yet but of course she will be a amazing mum but no way I don't want kids yet so I turn my fac...

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Then she cuddles up to me and says "harry do you think we will have kids" I look at her I shock like really Layla wants kids but I don't think I am ready yet but of course she will be a amazing mum but no way I don't want kids yet so I turn my face away from her and says "Layla I want a kid right now sorry babe" she looks at me and says "like not now babe will in a couple of years" I nod at her and kisses her head before cuddling up to my girlfriend and falling asleep.

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