Chapter 12

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Layla's P.O.V
I wake up with harry head on my belly like it has been for a couple of weeks now. I give harry some head scratches til he wakes up and wraps his arms around me and say "good morning beautiful and good morning daddy's little baby" I smile at him and kisses him and gets up. I go downstairs and get some breakfast til Jj walks into me and harry flat and says he want harry for a sidemen video so I say I would also go with them. I go and get dressed some with harry.


I walk downstairs and gets into Jj car and harry says in the front but he puts his hand behind him so I can hold it

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I walk downstairs and gets into Jj car and harry says in the front but he puts his hand behind him so I can hold it. We got to the shoot and everyone hugs me and asks how I am getting on with my pregnancy so far I told throwing up now and that getting a little bit sore. I look at harry and he is swing on this chair like always. I grab my phone and take a video of him. He looks at me and smiles then they said about the next sidemen baby I looked at them like no don't til they asked me to join them. I sat on Harry's knee and they said that me and and harry are having a baby together. Then the video ended and talia looked at me and said "your only pregnant so you can get Harry's money" I looked at her and said "bitch I don't need no one's money I'm a model and a YouTuber maybe get your facts right before you say shit about me" she laughs and then says "I'm was happy when you were not here because I could of fucked harry when I wanted too" I look at harry me and him had been talking to each other for over a year and he never said me about this. I grab my handbag and walks out if harry cares about me and our baby he would come after me but he didn't.

I walk back to me and Harry's flat and I see a picture of me and him in Paris when we went to Disney and I pick up up and throws it at the door. I looked at the broken glass on the glass and then harry walks in and sees the glass all over the floor and then he looks at me and says "Layla what did you do did you get cut" I shake my head and go to my room and then harry follows me and cuddles me. I look up at him and says "harry did she lie about that please tell me it's all lies" he looks at me "Layla of course it's fake babe you know I only love you" I hug him til we hear our door of the flat opening harry goes and sees who it is while I take a deep breath and walk out of our room. I see Simon talking to harry and when Simon sees me he asks if I am ok I nod and goes and get a brush to brush up the glass.

After cleaning up all the glass and I look at harry I see that he's walking around holding bogie like a baby I start laughing at him and says "you really can't wait til our baby is born" he nods and kisses my head. Simon look over at harry and says "that's his first son tho" I nod and take bogie off him "if he my son then he's a mummy's boy" harry looked shocked and said "that hurt my feelings" I kissed him and said "ok he's our baby boy" harry wraps his arms around me "you can teach him to play football tho he steals it from you again" and harry nods and says "i know he does babe". I pick up bogie and sits down with him on the sofa.

Harry and Simon keeps on talking to each other while I do some washing for me and harry and then I start to a little bit of pain in my stomach so I call for harry and he runs to me and ask me what's going on I tell him "babe my stomach is in pain" and he looks at me and says "no this can't be happening again we can't be loosing a other baby" I look at harry and says "we don't know that for sure but we do have to go to the hospital" Simon says he would call Jj and tell him.

At the hospital they check me over and then they check on the baby and say that the baby is ok and that it's just because this my first time being this fair along with the pregnancy that my body isn't used it. I tell harry the good news and he hugs me and we walk to the waiting room area when we saw only Jj and Simon and we asked about everyone else and they told Tobi wasn't feel to well so he didn't wanted to hurt the baby and get me sick after the video. I understood that Tobi did feel sick on the video so but I see a text from Tobi pop up on my phone so I text him back and says "tobi everything is good baby is healthy and I hope you get better soon". I ask about Ethan and they tell me that he didn't come because me and him are still in this big fight I nod and ask about josh but then josh and vik walks in and asks if I'm ok I nod and that and we go back to Jj's house for dinner and the boys has drinks of course but I didn't take a drink but only water and then I see harry also taking water because he doesn't want me to be lonely. Harry walks over to where I was and sit down and put his arm around me and says "Layla my princess I love you" I smile and says "I love you too harry" then he kisses me and I kiss him back and cuddles up to him while everyone else was getting a little tippy and then harry says "is this how it feels not being drunk" I laugh and nods.

Me and harry gets home and bogie comes running to me so I pick him up and let's harry also pet him til I put him back down and sits on the sofa with harry. While we are sitting down harry wraps his arms around me so I cuddle into his side while he plays with my hair and then he picks me up and takes me to bed and we cuddle up for the night and falls asleep.

Sorry for the long wait guys I have had a wee break from this book for a while

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