Chapter 7

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Layla's P.O.V
I get out of the hospital and harry makes sure I'm ok to walk around the park and I tell him I am so I take his hand and we walk around with everyone else I tell some joke and makes everyone laugh. Jj make sure I am ok and make I'm not in pain but I was getting a little bit of pain so we sit down for a bit and Jj give me water and a little bit of food. I also give harry food and put my head on his shoulder. There no words to explain how much I love harry really he's buys me everything I want but his trip I'm treating him but he went and got me a big stitch.


Wroetoshaw got the princess 👑 her stitchComments 567,678Likes678,897Layla_babes thanks you babe 🥰❤️Wroetoshaw anything for my princess 👑 Ksi she so happy

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Wroetoshaw got the princess 👑 her stitch
Comments 567,678
Layla_babes thanks you babe 🥰❤️
Wroetoshaw anything for my princess 👑
Ksi she so happy


I say to the boys that I will be back but they want me to take someone with me so I pick Tobi but I said it's because I'm buying them all something and I can't tell them what it is

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I say to the boys that I will be back but they want me to take someone with me so I pick Tobi but I said it's because I'm buying them all something and I can't tell them what it is. I get harry a baby yoda and also got Ethan a baby yoda too. I got Jj Star Wars and vik but got them something different tho. I got Simon Pokémon stuff and Tobi spider man stuff and got josh some Harry Potter thing.

We meet up with everyone again and I give them there things and harry says I shouldn't of got them anything but I told them that I had to as they treat me good.harry loves his baby yoda so much that we also got me one so we can have matching baby yoda's. I put my name on his label so harry knows it's mine and harry sprayed him with his deodorant that I love.

We look around and of course harry and Ethan wants to go on rides but because of my stitches I can go in ride yet and my scar is hurting a little bit so I sit and wait for them and Jj helps carry something to I can me and harry stuff of course. They get of the ride and harry walks over and sits beside me so I can rest for a bit. I look at my stitch to make sure they are all good and they are so harry gives me a piggy back for a bit. But him and Ethan went on more rides and I don't go on them but there a we one that more a nice one so I do on it and it was sweet and harry wins me a couple of teddy's.

Chris MD calls Harry about some video when he gets back so then harry way again for videos when we get back. Harry tells me that I will be alone for a bit as they will be filming on holiday for the sidemen channel and he doesn't want me in the video as I go back to the hotel to relax.

I hear harry coming in but the other come in with cameras and they are still filming but I'm hungry and want snacks but there is in the living room so I walk past fast so get a snack but harry look over mad til Jj told to come and be in the video with them so con hooks me up and I sit on the floor as there was no room til Tobi come and joined me we talk and I share my sweets with Tobi of course and after the video harry gets up and walks into our room. I get up as follows me and asks what's wrong he turn and says "Layla I told I didn't want you in the video" I look at him and says "so you think I'm ugly" he doesn't look at me "harry am I ugly don't do this to me" he keeps his back turn away from me.

I walk out of the room and everyone looks at "he just called me ugly and told me I shouldn't be in the video" Jj looks at me and walks over to me I say I'm fine but Jj say he shouldn't have said that to me. I sit on the sofa and then harry walks out of the room and he looks at me "can we talk" I nod and get up but I see blood "omg did my stitches come out" and harry runs over to see but he says I only bleeding because I ripped it a little I said panicking but harry says it only a wee cut I opened but I told him if it was deep and he said no so he put paper towel on my belly and hold it there and it stopped and I looked at it and it was a small little cut.

Me and harry walks into the bedroom and sit on the bed and harry says he sorry and it was prank I slap him and say to never do that again as I was upset about it so he picked me up but he does me careful and he take me out to everyone else and says it was a prank. Harry sits down with me on his lap I cuddle into him he wraps his arms around me I look at him and then watches TikTok's with him.

Harry's P.O.V
when I saw blood coming from Layla I ran over to her as fast and can and got paper towels but we was a small cut but I also had to say sorry to get as I did prank her. Now we are sitting on the sofa and Layla is half a sleep on me. I pick her up and put into bed and gives her baby yoda and kisses her head. I walk back to everyone and we all start talking.

We talk about our next video that will be a hide and seek video and I know Layla loves them videos so I ask if Layla can be in it as she loves hide and seek and they say of course she can.

It was dinner time and Layla was still sleeping so Jj was going to go and wake her up but I hear something like go away coming from the room I look at Jj and he's saying she's doesn't want anything. I walk into the room and sits down and Layla cover her face with the blanket "princess what do you want to eat" she says nothing and to go away so I do but Layla know I hate it when she does that. I look at the guys and say she doesn't want anything and they look as says what happened I say I only sat down and she told me she didn't want anything so Tobi goes and sees what wrongs and she walks out with him I open my arms for her but she sits with Tobi and not me I look over at her and she doesn't even look at me she really starting to get on my nerves she always around Ethan and Tobi more then her own boyfriend.

When food get here Layla plays with it and doesn't really eat it but she talks to Tobi the whole time. I eat and talk to Simon and even Simon sees it and he asks Layla is she ok and she looks at me and goes back to talking to Tobi and Ethan. I get up and say I'm going for a walk to calm down.

I walk around and walks to the river and sits down it was starting to get dark out but I didn't care as Layla wouldn't care and she has Tobi and Ethan to worry about now.

Jj's P.O.V
Harry has been gone for 2 hours and there no sign of him and Layla is still talking to Tobi and Ethan I clear my throat and says "harry has been gone for 2 hours has anyone heard from him" Layla looks at her phone and shakes her head and gets up and puts shoes on "he's never this late even if he is mad" she put harry jacket on she then says "do you think he did something he shouldn't have" I look at her and shake my head. Me Layla and Simon head out to hide harry Layla point to him but says she will talk to him but when she try's to talk he walks away and I hear Layla shouting at harry "AND WERE ARE YOU GOING TO GO THEN" she look over at us and put her head down and walk the other even away from us but harry walks to us "what happened" he looks at me "she doesn't want me or us around" I look around to see where Layla went I couldn't see her "where did she go" we look around and because it to dark out now she was no we're to be seen....

Simon's P.O.V
We went to see where harry went to and turns out Layla is now missing she left us alone to now look for her harry does care about her and now she gone and we don't know were she is. We go back to the ours and Layla was so here as harry says her stuff is gone and only a note saying she doesn't want us to follow her or go looking for her.

Harry couldn't sleep without Layla he's back in the way he was when Layla wasn't his girlfriend depressed and lonely we don't know if she went home back to England or if she's back in Northern Ireland she knows she should be with Jj at all times.

Tobi's P.O.V
All Layla said to be is that she didn't want to eat and harry will force her to eat and she hates it when he does that so I tell to come and sit with me and Ethan and I know harry always did look over a couple of times but Layla didn't have to make him mad to go for a walk and now she's missing like she doesn't need to be to uncaring to harry and Jj. Jj is meant to be her brother and now she's gone.

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