Chapter 4

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Layla's P.O.V
i woke to harry arms warped around me and bogie puppy crying to go outside so I get and put bogie on the floor as he to small to jump down of Harry's bed. I put my slippers on and let bogie outside then I hear a sleep Harry's voice "babe come back to bed" I look at him "harry I had to let bogie out" harry looks at me "you named him after my nickname bog didn't you" I nod and hug harry and look up at him "harry baby bogie is the best gift ever thanks you" he harry hugs me more but then bogie starts to climb my leg so I pick him up and he give me and harry kisses.


When I was getting dressed I heard the front door of the flat opening and someone saying "we're the puppy harry" I quickly put on my shoes and saw it was only tobi I looked at him I'm shocked "oh it's only tobi I thought someone was going to bogie...

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When I was getting dressed I heard the front door of the flat opening and someone saying "we're the puppy harry" I quickly put on my shoes and saw it was only tobi I looked at him I'm shocked "oh it's only tobi I thought someone was going to bogie" and tobi laughs and says "do u want me to steal bogie then" I pick up bogie and says "no my bogie" just harry looks at me and says "I thought I was your bogger" I look at him and says "yea you are my bogger but the dog is my bogie" harry just looked at me and turned around and walked away I turn to Tobi and said "did I do something wrong" Tobi shakes his head and I look at bogie run after harry. I sit down on the sofa and Tobi looks at me and whispers "ok let's prank harry" I nod and walls up to Tobi "Tobi can you help me with something please" tobi laughed and said "yeah sure" put my coat around me and said "so Tobi is one bigger then the other and then harry walks in "WHAT THE FUCK LAYLA" I turned around because from behind it looked like I had no clothes on. I looked at harry "babe it's not like that" I saw harry was about to kill Tobi and run in front of Tobi "harry baby it was only a joke" "Layla move" "harry it was only a prank" "Layla I said move" and just then harry pushes me and i tip and fall and broke a glass bowl on the table and cuts my leg and arms. I look up at harry "it was only a prank" l try to get up but the pain is to much for me "someone help me" Tobi come over to help me up "owwie" bogie try's to come near me but harry picks him up for he come anywere near the glass. I look at harry "your lucky Jj wasn't here" after I said jj walks in "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" Tobi turn around and say "ask harry" jj looks at harry "Jj they pranked me and I might of took it to far and I might of pushed Layla and she fall into the table and now she has broken the glass bowl now the stupid BITCH has glass in her leg and arms" I felt tears after harry called me a stupid bitch but I loved harry and bogie so much now I just feel like there nothing there anymore.

Tobi's P.O.V
After harry called Layla a stupid bitch I felt like hugging Layla and never letting her go yes she's only 26 the same age is harry but really harry calling his own girlfriend a stupid bitch wasn't right to Layla. I went and helped her up and she looked at harry and bogie and looked up at me and said "Tobi owwie can we go to the hospital" I looked down at her and said "yeah of course" before we could even get out the door harry stopped us and take Layla's hand but she almost fell as he wasn't supposing her well she stood so I support her well she stood and looked at harry but the words come out of Layla's mouth I never thought she would of said them "harry you know what not ever say anything because after this I want nothing to do with you you can take bogie you can have the promise ring you can do whatever you want to but after this pushing you own girlfriend over we are over" and she turned to me and says "Tobi let's go" I get her into the car and Jj runs up to Layla's window "sis you don't mean to break up with harry your just mad" Layla looked at him and said "I rather date a fish then harry". Harry must of heard her as he turned around and went back inside and got bogie and come back outside and gives bogie to Jj. Layla rolled up her window and looked at me to say just drive.

When we got the hospital they X-ray Layla's leg and it come back that there was no glass near the bones or nerves. Layla was getting all the glass out of her leg when harry come in and Layla just looks away "Layla please babe I'm sorry" Layla just looks at the wall and says nothing "Layla please". Layla turns and looks at me "harry I rather go with Tobi then you" I was shocked but harry was that hurt by it "Layla it wasn't might to happen bogie misses you please Layla talk to me" Layla turn and says "Tobi is my boyfriend now harry ok" harry turns and walks out.

After harry left Layla got up and kissed me like wow but then again she is beautiful and everything but how will it feel when I'm friends with harry and I'm going with his ex girlfriend I think he will be no happy now. When me and Layla got to my car Layla kissed me and said "Tobi can I buy us ice cream" I looked at her "you the one who's hurt shouldn't I be buying you ice cream" she looked me and smiled I drove to the best ice cream shop in town and brought her her favourite ice cream and we cuddle up for the night.

Harry's P.O.V
After Layla broke up with me I feel like my life is over and her picking Tobi over me is not nice I thought she loved me but clearly she doesn't. I didn't meant to do that to her I loved her with all my heart and now she's gone and I'm laying in my bed with bogie and thinking about what Layla would be doing right now if she was still here.

I wake up to Jj standing at the end of bed he makes me jump and says "this is for hurting my sister" he starts betting me up and I start screaming "Jj stop please" I spit out blood but he doesn't Jj keeps beating me but he stops when I said "what would Layla say about this" he looked at me and said "I don't want you ever seeing her again harry".

Jj leaves and I'm leaved with Layla's pink jack will hoodie that i cried into all night and bogie for the night.

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