Chapter 2

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We had to leave because firefighters were starting to get closer, he did not want them to know he existed, "So now that we are far away, can you, uh, tell me what you are?" I asked, still nervous about him being too close. "We are autonomous robotic organisms, also known as Cybertronians. We come from the planet Cybertron." He spoke, his voice full of authority, a leader's voice.

"There are more- oh yeah the other one you were fighting. So your aliens?" I asked, letting my hair block my face. He nodded, apparently we were waiting for someone to open a ground bridge, whatever that is. Speaking of which, the same glowing blue and cyan oval appeared, I am guessing it's a portal or something like that. He walked towards it, stopping and turning to look back at me.

"We're supposed to go through it?" I asked, whipping the tears I had away. This was so confusing, I was tired and scared, and he was expecting me to willingly follow him. He spoke causign me to jump, and look back up at him. "I know this might be confusing, but we all must continue on." I nodded, slowly making my way to him and the ground bridge.

I looked up at him and then back to the portal- er I mean space bridge, preparing my mental state for anything else that might pop up. I walked in first, seeing the immediate stares, the one closest mumbling about having to deal with another human or something. Optimus (as I was told while we were fleeing away from the battlefield) came in, the ground bridge powering down and turning off at the flick of a switch.

Optimus was huge compared to everyone else in the room, I wish I could be taller then everyone too! The robots all got together and started talking, now that I think about what the orange and white one said, he said another, were there more humans here? My answer was answered as soon as a teen aged girl tackled me a a strong bear hug."Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh-" "Miko!"

I was so confused, why were they taking young kids? Was I getting kidnapped and I willingly came!? "Miko, let her go! Your giving her a heart attack!" A black haired boy said, gripping her shoulder. Miko as he said mumbled, letting me go reluctantly. I then focused on the bots conversation, muting out the three people behind me talking to one another.

The black and yellow bot buzzed something, kinda like how a bee would. Optimus looked his way, and talked, giving him a answer. "The girl saw the fight, fortunately, he didn't see her." I believe he is talking about Megatron, he also told me that while getting way from where they fought. I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning my head back to the direction of the three others.

"You okay? You blanked out." The brown and maybe a foot taller then me boy said. "Uh, me? Yeah, it's just weird seeing giant aliens from another planet. Also could you guys tell me your names and theirs?" I asked pointing over to the Cybertronians direction. "Yeah! I'm Miko, on my right is jack!"

She pointed to jack and he waved, I could tell the wave had a little awkwardness in it. "Then to my left is Rafael, or Raf." She said, pointing to Raf who just smiled. "I'm guessing you know Optimus." She said, getting a nod in return, she then continued. "That's Ratchet." She pointed to the White and Orange bot. She then told me all the rest, and even told me they were the Autobots, fighting against the Decepticons.

"What's your name?" she asked, her eyes screaming out 'I wanna hug you!' "I'm Daisy..." I said quietly, my shy self getting the best of me. "So who's her guardian Optimus?" 'Miko' excitedly asked, stepping over to the Autobots. Optimus looked over to us, or Miko, not sure. "Ra-" "busy," Ratchet said. "Then I'll be your guardian," he announced. I was kinda surprised, me? A tiny girl gets the leader as her protector? Sounds like a book script.

"Can I go back home? My dad is worried, After the fire at my school and knowing they haven't found me! He's probably crying thinking I'm dead!" I said loud enough so only Optimus could hear. "Hmm, Yes, where do you live?" Was I the only one who thought that sounds creepy? I told him my address, then again being surprised when he transformed into a truck, a semi-truck.

He opened his car door and waited for me, I hesitantly walked over and climbed in, sitting in the drivers seat. The seat belts wrapped around me, I have never been in the driver seat before, something about six-year-olds are aloud to drive or something. The drive was silent, only the sounds of cars and people talking were the only thing heard.

He stopped in front of my house, unbuckling the seat belt and jumping out I waved saying a quite thank you and good bye. "What school do you go to?" He asked before I went inside. "It's __________ middle school why do you ask?" I said, not like it matters he already got my address. "So I could pick you up." He drove off, letting you rethink what he said.

I sighed, going inside, to see a panicking dad on the phone. He looks my way and runs at him, embracing me in a tight hug. "Where have You been!" he asked/yelled. "I heard you were missing when a fire broke loose!" I rub my neck to the best of my ability."Sorry, dad I was left behind so I ran out the building and into the forest, and memories of mom..." I stopped myself from talking further.

I put my head down in shame, I told myself I would stop talking about mom. "It's alright just don't make my heart stop working one day." He said, I made a little fake laugh and got out of his death grip. "Can I go to bed? I... had a rough day and just want to go to bed." I said, feeling a bit dull now. "Sure honey," he replied, watching me go up the stairs. I said a quick goodnight, opening my bedroom door and closing it.

I walked over to my trophy, dry blood still on it. "To think that you could have prevented all of this." I said, not really caring I was talking to an object. I placed it on my wardrobe and rubbed my eyes, my legs feeling sore with how much they were used. I laid in bed, not caring to change into pajamas tonight. I closed my eyes, slowly feeling the weight off my shoulders lift off, letting me peacefully sleep.


"Shhh, they'll hear you!" a red bot said to another, trying to adjust their position. "Don't shhh me." a blue bot said looking at Miko, Raf, and jack. Optimus' alt mode stopped with a hiss, the window rolled down slowly and a tiny face popped up. They started talking to the three "Sorry, the others had to go somewhere and Optimus is picking us up today."

Knockout pointed to the familiar face in the driver seat. "Your right, Who's that femme?" the red bot said "I don't know Knockout." the blue bot mumbled to his partner, 'Knockout'. That face looks familiar, is that... mine?

1258 words

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