Chapter 31

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Daisy ran into the bridge, ignoring the stares of working vehicons. Megatron turned around and looked down at her. "Is there something you need?" he asked, bending down to be more leveled with her. Daisy shook her head, "No, I don't need anything. I just wanted to give you this..." Daisy pulled out a gray present with a neat purple bow.

"It's the best I could do." She said handing the semi-large present to Megatron, before running off to the exit. "Oh, also, do not open it until tomorrow!" she yelled exiting the room with a smile. "One down, 5 more presents to give." she walked to her hang out spot to grab the next present, Knockout was next.

"Hey Knockout!" Daisy yelled, catching his attention. "Yes?" he turned, watching her stop at hit pede. "Uh, it's Christmas Eve, and I wanted to give you this... but don't open it until tomorrow!" she handed Knockout a red and white present and left waving him goodbye, leaving him confused.

She then grabbed Starscream's, making sure nothing was wrong or damaged she skipped to find him. Daisy found him telling the vehicons to get on task, they were being quite chatty. He heard the door click shut and turned around, looking down after not finding a bot standing at the door.

"What is it you need? Or you wandering again?" he asked, having quite an irritated look with the loud vehicons talking. "I, uhh, wanted to give this to you. Please don't open it till tomorrow." she turned to leave but heard him speak again. "Is this some joke? A prank? A trick?" he was seemingly asking himself, so she turned and left the skeptical seeker.

"Three more to go!" she whispered to herself, feeling happy that at least her friends will have something for Christmas. She came to the next present, Soundwave's. Now it had taken a while to find him, a lot longer than she had expected. She panted at the front of the door holding up the black and purplish-blue she intended to give to her friend.

Soundwave looked down at her, a question mark appearing on his visor. "I. got. This. for. You!" she panted out letting the mech take the present with one of his tentacles. "Oh, and. Don't open it. Till tomorrow." And with that she panicky left the room, hoping to not waste any more time. Soundwave turned back to his computer, placing the small (for him) present down on the desk and getting back to work.

"Shockwave... and then Steve!" she grabbed shockwaves, having to slightly drag it to get it to the lab, or more specifically, Shockwave's lab. She had trouble getting Shockwave to open the door, since she can't really knock with what was in her hand, and even if she did, he wouldn't be able to hear the soft banging.

So the only logical way to get him to hear her was to yell. Which had worked a lot better than the banging. "What is it?" he asked, almost sleepily sounding. "I don't need anything. I just wanted to give you this for Christmas!" She says, almost hurriedly handing him the box of shifting items. "Don't open it, not yet!"

She ran back to her hideout and got Steve's present but since he was a vehicon, it would be much harder to find him, since there was one thing different about him than the others, or well two if you're talking about emotions. He had a scar that was noticeable, on the back of his head, there's still no clue how he had gotten it, you just guessed it was from the many battles that he had survived.

After endless amounts of searching, she had found him eating his energon proportion alone, again. Steve looked at the table, lost in thought, if he hadn't had his mask on you would have seen a saddened face."Hey, Steve!" Daisy yelled, catching him off guard, and causing him to quickly place his energon on the table and point a gun at the voice.

"Got speedy movements!" she said, his guns flared down and he put them away. He sheepishly looked away scratching the back of his helm. "Sorry, just paranoid..." he sighed, looking quite sad. "What happened?" Daisy asked, too curious not to ask. "Eh, the same old..." he said, looking back at his energon and pushing it away slightly.

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