Chat Noir x sister! reader [PART 2]

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"I do have a crush on Chat Noir..."

After the party last night seeing the superhero face to face made Y/n stay in her room, daydreaming about him. She smiled off at nothing as she looked out her window imagining what it would be like to hold his hand. Her e/c eyes lit up at the thought of kissing him! But it was cut short when her brother walked in.

"Hey y/n." "Hi Adrien!" Adrien paused and observed her, he rubbed his chin and approached her small table. "What're you up to?" "Daydreaming~" a drool escaped her lips. "Ohhh?" The blonde smirked as he sat on her window frame. "About what? Or is it a person~" he teased with a smirk. "O-oi! No it isn't!" Y/n yelled at him flustered. She turned her face and folded her arms, scrunching her nose with cheeks coated a darker colour to her skin. "As a matter of fact what're you doing in my room?! Get out!!"

The young man laughed at her flustered behavior leaving quickly, while she locked her door behind him before falling on to her bed as a dreamy sigh escaped.

A week later as she's going to school via feet (she liked to walk to school, it gave her a sense of freedom and she often told her father off when he didn't allow her to), y/n met up with Marinette and Alya! She gave them a wave approaching them, her eyes starry as she begun her daily chat about her crush.

"Did you see him last night?! He was like, WOOSH! WOOSH! ALL THE WAY ACROSS FRANCE WITH LADYBUG IN THE LEAD!!" Y/n was screaming at this point. Her s/c hands were on both Alya and Marinette's shoulders. Marinette giggled at her and pats her on the head awkwardly, "you sure do have a terrible crush on Chat Noir!"

"Yessss!!" "Doesn't that remind you of someone?~" Alya asked the bluenette winking her way. To this Marinette blushed and waved her hands. "B-be quiet!" Knowing that y/n hadn't a clue about her own crush on her brother. When they arrived at the school Adrien just pulled up as well and y/n ran over to collect his lunch from him with a smile. "Thanks for the lunch!" "Y/n, that's stealing."

"Oh! What're you gonna do call Chat Noir and Ladybug?" Her actions made Adrien freeze in place as did Marinette. 'Jeez,' she thought to herself, 'what could Adrien's sister possibly see in that cat?' Adrien gave a forced smile, "it's actually Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"Nooo I like to call Chat Noir's name first!" "But Ladybug is the leader~" Adrien says as he pats atop her h/l h/t h/c head walking ahead to meet with Nino. "Hmph." Y/n went silently crossing her arms. "He's always a smart ass."

When they got to class for English their teacher had instructed them to actually do something a little different for this session. Y/n sat beside Adrien with her foot moving up and down, she was anxious for some reason and he wanted to ask what was up but also didn't want to bother his sister.

"You're going to write a love letter to your crush or lover!" Y/n's eyes lit up. She turned to Adrien and squealed. "REALLY MISS?!" "Yes y/n, really!" The teacher smiled at her excitement. She passed out brown paper with different designs and instructed them how she expected them to be written. "Be appropriate, be kind!"

"Miss, I have a question!" Y/n yelled raising her hand. Some students chuckled silently at her. She was always a bit too hyper compared to Adrien, so they clowned her personality most of the time. "Yes Ms. Agreste?" "What if you don't know where your crush lives?!" "That's fine. You don't need an address, just hand it to them personally when you see them! And students, you're reading these letters out loud!"

Everyone was blushing out of embarrassment.

Once students got to work on writing everyone was either covering their papers or showing their friends asking for opinions. Adrien peeked into y/n's paper and raised a brow at the black hearts drawn all over. "Your crush, he likes the colour black?" To this she shrugged, the s/c girl looked up at her brother. "I would believe so!" "Hm..okay.."

Twenty minutes had passed and it was time for the students to share their letters. Alya immediately gave Nino his, smiling at him as he gave her hers! Marinette was fumbling with the paper in hand as she watched Chloe give Adrien one with a big smile. It was weird seeing y/n sit in place. Everyone expected her to get up and give it to someone like Nathaniel.

"Hmm." The teacher hummed, wickedly thinking of which student it would be perfect of to call up to read. She observed everyone in hopes of catching one of them lacking from shame. She caught one, Max, and she told him to come up. Max huffed getting up with his knees buckling. He approached the front of the class and fixed his glasses. "U-um! My! Crush!!..."

After that painful ten minutes of watching him struggle to get the words out of his mouth class was dismissed.

Y/n ran out first, hurried to grab her stuff from her locker at the end of school and excited to run out to get some pastries from Marinette's before heading to the Eiffle Tower where most of Ladybug and Chat Noir's battles would end up. Or maybe just their usual lookout. "Where are you off to?!" Marinette asked seeing her hurried state. "I gotta make it to the tower quick before Chat Noir gets there to give him the letter!"

"Damn, y/n. Slow down!" "Hey!" Alya interrupted pointing a finger at Marinette. "You can't even ask Adrien out without falling over your words! Let the girl go and tell her crush what's up, up front!" The three girls gasped and Alya covered her mouth. "Oh my gosh," y/n's eyes were as wide as her desk. "You have a crush on my brother?" She asked with disbelief.

"The buddy that doesn't enjoy washing his socks?!" She laughed out exposing him. "H-hey don't make fun of Adrien for that!!" "I just can't believe you like him! That's all!!" Y/n gave her a bright smile. "It's cool though I won't tell him. I promise ~"

She gave Marinette a wink before running off to her family's bakery. "Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng!" "Ah, y/n! Wonderful to see you this afternoon. The usual?" "Yes please!!" Y/n cheered getting her box full of favorite pastries. She tipped them extra, or at least tried to. "Please take it!" "It's too much!" Marinette's mom says with a frown. "No no! It's worth it!" Y/n refused to listen any further. She placed the 20 on the counter and she turned around to leave only to see Marinette.

"Oh! Y/n!" "Heyyy! Okay bye!!"

Off she went to the tower. Y/n checked her watch, Chat Noir would appear at 4:05 every afternoon for his and Ladybug's daily stakeout. It was 3:40. "I don't have much time!"

Y/n nearly knocked over a woman and her baby and nearly stepped on someone's dog when she at last made it to the tower. She was sweating but she didn't care. The girl took a seat on the bench not too far from the monument and opened her box of treats, took out a (favourite pastry) and took a satisfying bite out of it.

She sunk back in the chair to enjoy the flavours when Chat Noir appeared shortly, two minutes after. Y/n immediately jumped up, her eyes were lit again and she yelled out to him just as he was about to climb the tower. "Chat Noir!!"

Chat paused and fell immediately. "Huh?!" He yelled jumping to his feet and dusting off his suit. "Dammit. Did somebody call me?!" He yelled looking around. "Yes! Me!!"

Chat paused and raised a brow, approaching y/n awkwardly. "Hm? Yes?" Y/n raised her hand. She was exhausted but it had to be done. She placed her pastries down and reached into her pocket. Her hands were a little messy from eating so she wiped it on her clothes, but accidentally got some on the letter as well. Y/n gave it to him and Chat, with a very awkward smile took it.

He was sweating nervously. This was his sister. What, did she know? Chat opened the paper and stared at the paper. His face went from awkward, to confusion, to straight horror. He looked from the paper back up at her face, then looked around. "Am I reading this right?!"

Chat read aloud, "dear Chat Noir I am an admirer of you! My name is Y/n Agreste and I think you're really hot and amazing! Please go out with me, I have treats we can share under the moonlight! Love, Y/n!" Chat felt his heart collapse.

"Oh my..oh my GOD! NO!" He yelled dropping the paper. He didn't know HOW else to react. Chat looked up at y/n to catch her crying. "Oh no..oh no Y/n—" "is it cause I'm s/c?" "Wait what? No!!" She grabbed her pastries and ran away from him, sobbing loudly towards home just as Ladybug came. "Chat, what did you do to her?!"

The cat was speechless, looking back and forth before sitting down to take a breath.

Adrien Agreste x Fem! Reader [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now