Plagg x kwami! reader [PT 2]

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Your little kwami body was on brake for the day, and you took the opportunity to leave your owner's side, quite fed up with her drooling. Honestly, you were starting to hate the old man for dropping you into the hands of a lazy but worthy teenager.

You spot Plagg fussing with something in his hands as he was beside his own owner, who was busy taking some photo shoot. At first thought you turned to disappear, but the little black cat noticed you. "Hey hey!" He called.

He quickly floated towards your figure. Your f/c eyes staring at his green ones with anger, pretty pissed that he had the audacity to speak to you, after what he did three thousand years ago!! You weren't one to forgive people easily like Tiki, you held grudges, even against the ladybug creature!

"You look cute today~" "I look cute all the time. What do you want you stupid cat?" Plagg took a deep breath in. "Three thousand years ago, I did something to you that you haven't forgiven me for, and I never said sorry. Because well, why waste my breath on that?" You give him a bright smile, "bye Plagg!"

"No wait!" Plagg gripped your hand softly, "here me out!" His lips pouted out and Plagg continued, "I took away the one thing that kept you happy, and I literally destroyed it all. Every single one of it. Your favourite candy, c/n." To this, you nod and tear up. The small scales on your cheeks sucking it up like a cactus.

"I'm sorry for getting rid of all that candy. I just, couldn't help myself! I mean, to you. It was worst than me getting rid of Atlantis, but hey! Mistakes happen!" Now you were getting annoyed, "are you saying my candy was just a mistake!" "No, y/n!"

Before you could leave the apologizing trickster behind, Plagg handed to you a whole c/n. "C/n!" You cheer, kissing Plagg on his cheeks over and over again. His tail stood on edge and his cheeks turned red as he rubbed behind his head with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Thank you Plagg! I love it so much! Where did you find my sweet?!" "Adrian had a whole bag of it, he didn't like it, and eh. I don't blame him! It's disgusting. BUT, I remembered a cute kwami that loved these sweets once. Since they're so rare and I finally got them, I decided. Give one to you." You pout, "ONE?!"

"Oi! If you want more that means you and I have to go on a romantic date~" This was a risky decision, but you were starting to like him again. "Fine." "YES! I got a girlfriend!~" "Not your girlfriend kitty."

Plagg pressed his lips to your quickly, then he escaped like the sneaky cat he was. "I can flex all I want on Adrian! He's so lame, I can get a girlfriend and he can't even get a date with Ladybug!!"

Adrien Agreste x Fem! Reader [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now