Chat Noir x sister! reader

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(>~<) yeah I'm doing it~
The reader is Adrian's half sister.


You sat down in annoyance next to your brother Adrian Agreste listening to your caretaker Nathalie lecture you both about being late for the grand Agreste party that was to commence that very night. "Y/n! You can't wear any pants or frilly tops or any boyish clothing!" You nodded. "Fine."

(Later on that night...)

Standing infront of the mirror you were dressed in a dark purple gown with light purple flowers on it, designed by Marionette. Your long h/c hair was in a neat bun. You applied light make-up to your face and a light red lipstick. Walking out you saw Adrian in a neat tux. "Wow. You look amazing!" Adrian complimented you.

You laughed a bit. "Aww thanks Adrian. You look stylish! I like the glitter." Adrian glared for a short while. "Yeah the designers don't like me." "AHAAHA!!" Nathalie passed you both. "Act like a proper young lady!" You glared. "Okay." Cloe came walking over to you both. Her hair was in a bun and she wore a yellow gown with sparkles on it. "Adrikins! Hi! How do I look?" Adrian looked at the dress.

"You look nice." "Aww thank you so much!!" The Press came walking over to you and Adrian pushing Cloe out of the way. You held in a huge laugh. They began taking pictures of you both and asking questions. "Y/n Agreste! Do you have a boyfriend!?" You began to blush in embarassment.

"Uh, n-no." The Press began to whisper amoung themselves. "Adrian Agreste! Do you have a girlfriend!?" Adrian gulped. "N-no." They whispered more. "Y/n Agreste! What is your ideal boy??!"

"[Enter the type of boy you're into.]"

The Press nodded. "Thanks for your honesty!" They then continued taking photos of you. While you and Adrian sat at the dinner table about to eat cause you were both famished, two twin girls walked over. "Oh my gosh, hi Adrian!!! Can we take a picture?" Adrian nodded. "Hm, oh sure." The girls took a photo with him and left quickly.

A loud scream from outside was heard. You and Adrian looked out the window and saw a tall robot with a man in it. He was akumatized. Adrian quickly ran to the bathroom and changed into Chat Noir. When he came back he tapped you on the shoulder and you blushed hard. "C-Chat Noir! Oh my goodness you're here!" Chat nodded. "Of course ma'lady! Now excuse me!"

He jumped out the window running down the wall and meeting up with Ladybug. "Ready Chat?!" "Of course bugaboo!!" You felt your heart go warm and your stomach tingle. "I do have a crush on Chat Noir." You whispered to yourself.

Adrien Agreste x Fem! Reader [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now