Chat Noir x sister! reader [PT.3]

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Your heart felt like it had been ripped out and chewed up as you ran away from the scene of Chat Noir and Ladybug. You were devastated, your crush had rejected your confession! How could he?

You ran into the farthest alleyway and cried. You felt so embarrassed. Spending months just fantasizing about him, thinking of the many ways you would confess your love for the cat only for him to just, turn you down?!

You blinked away your tears the best way you could only for them to just flow heavier. You were about to rip the paper in half when a familiar evil looking purple moth came flying your way. You gasped. You were definitely going to be akumatized!

Too late now. You couldn't run from the creature. It entered your love note and you gasped, a lined purple mask appear above your eyes. You stare off into space with trembling hands as you fought hard mentally to get rid of Hawk Moth.

"Why fight it?" Hawk Moth asked with a menacing smirk you couldn't see. "A hurt young lady, rejected by the one she admired the most. Why would you fight the emotions you are feeling? It isn't your fault that you feel this way. No! It's the one that hurt you! Now what are you going to do about it?"

Your head turns and you close your eyes tightly, "no. I'm not going to give in!"

"So you're gonna let him walk all over you? For what? You know that he shouldn't have embarrassed you like that for so long. All those times he saved you, and he just rejects you. He probably thinks you're the problem. When it's him! Take your revenge! Make him feel the same amount of hurt he made you feel!!"

"DAMN IT FINE!!" You gave in, annoyed by all his chatting. A purple bubble surrounds you, transforming you into a villain. "Purilla! I give you the power to reveal anyone you want's deepest emotions! In return, you have to give me Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous!!" "Yes Hawk Moth."

[With Ladybug and Chat Noir]

Ladybug scolded Chat Noir furiously as she listened to what went on between you and him before she arrived. As Chat listed everything that went on, including the emotions you showed and he felt Laydbug looked more nervous. "Do you realise that you could've just single handedly given Hawk Moth another victim?!"

"Hey! It's not my fault the ladies love what they can't have!" He almost threw up at that.

Just as Ladybug was about to scold him for such a joke, Purilla came stepping out of the shadows. Her costume was a body fitting jumpsuit, black, white and purple. A mask covered her face only showing her eyes, and her h/t h/c hair touched the floor in a long single braid. In her hand she carried a gun.

"Cat Noir. I need to have a word with you." Quickly the heroes jumped back at the sight of this villain. "Ah! Who are you?!" Ladybug asks in a demanding tone.

"I'm not here for you Ladybug." Purilla scowled as she aimed the gun at Chat. "I'm here for YOU! CAT NOIR!" Chat holds his hands up with a silly smile. "What did I do to you?" "You broke my heart!"

That's when they realised it was you that got akumatized. "Oh no! Y/n!" Ladybug frowned. "My name is not y/n, it's Purilla!!"

You wasted no time and you started to shoot multiple blue bullets at the two of them. They bounced all around the Eiffle Tower, Ladybug throwing her yo-yo your way and wrapping it around your wrist. She pulls you forward so you could drop your gun and fall, but instead you shot at her.

She had to release you  and went falling from the tower, landing safely on the ground. You huffed and attempted to shoot at her again with Chat Noir kicked you in the back, pitching you into the tower. It shook violently and fell. The citizens that were near ran and screamed for their lives, making the heroes detour and swoop in to get them to safety.

You shot at Chat as he helped a man, but the man got shot instead. He had a wife who was near, and so he blurted out to her, "honey! Your cooking makes me nauseous! Please uber us food from now on!!"

The woman was so offended and cried and the man rushed to comfort her.

"The akuma has got to be in her gun!" "Right on kitty!" Ladybug praised her partner.

Chat rushed directly at you to get the gun, you tried to shoot him again but your gun was clogged. "Ah! Shit!" You grumbled hitting the weapon. Chat grabs your gun out of your hand and puts you in an arm lock. "I got her!" He yelled to his partner.

Ladybug comes running to grab the gun but you grabbed him by his neck and flipped Chat over on his back. You grab your gun back and it starts working again. With your foot on his chest you aim to shoot him.

Ladybug calls on her lucky charm! You gasp and turn to her shooting her. She was caught! "Oh no! LADYBUG!" Chat suddenly got strength. "Cataclysm!" He called on his power and he swatted you from under your feet.

Chat hits your gun with his power and it breaks. The akuma flies out. Ladybug holds her mouth fighting back her secrets. "I!"

Chat runs towards her. "You have to capture the akuma!"

He puts his staff in her mouth to muffle her words. Ladybug gives him a nod and she catches the akuma. "Miraculous Ladybug!" She calls out, and everything goes back to normal.

You lay on the ground with a headache. You sit up and you pick up the pieces of your love note. Ladybug and Chat Noir make eye contact, before she runs away and Chat stays back.

"Um...y/n." He tried to get your attention. "Leave me alone." You tell him.

"No. We should really talk about how you feel about me." You frown and you shake your head. "You rejected me. I don't think I want to relive that."

Chat rubs behind his head. "There is no better way of saying this," completely ignoring how hurt you were at the moment, "but you can't be in love with me anymore. You're a great person! But, you loving me like that is so wrong."

You wipe your e/c eyes. "Oh yeah?! And why is it? What's so wrong about that? Chat I can keep your secret. What, are you too old for me? I don't care. I can wait. We can wait." You hold his hands and lean too close, your lips were about to touch. Chat steps back very quickly.

"Ahh!! NO! Y/N!" He yells so hard you pause. He can't tell you he's Adrien, but he can't let you get akumatized again. "Y/n I have a whole girlfriend. I'm dating Ladybug. You know I can't be with you because of that right? If you care about me that much as a fan, you would respect my relationship with my lady right?"

"You're not dating Ladybug." You scowled. "Okay maybe I'm not! But I'm in love with her!"

At this point what was the use of trying to compete with Ladybug? You knew he would never love you. You just had to let him know you loved him.

"I understand." You left the scene and Chat detransformed.

That night you lay in on your bed crying your heart out, too sad about today's events. Adrien walks in to comfort you. "Hey." He says with a sad smile, sitting next to you and rubbing your back. "So you got akumatized."

"It's not my fault Cat Noir is a jerk." You cried out to your brother. He frowns. "Huh? Cat Noir? A jerk? Maybe he just thinks the crush you have on him is mad weird." You side eye your brother. "Weird? You talk like you're him."

Both of you pause and Adrien gives you an awkward smile. You sit up and Adrien scoots back. "Are you...Cat Noir?" His smile doesn't drop. "What? No! Of course not."

You feel your heart drop and you open your phone scrolling through. "What are you doing?!" Adrien asked. "Luka! Isn't he ATTRACTIVE?" You smiled. "I'm gonna just start crushing on him now!" Adrien laughs, and you do too, but it's forced.

"Okay y/n, enjoy your new crush." He says leaving the room. You keep the smile up until he leaves, then you cry even harder because you can't believe you were in love with your own brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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