Adrian x shy! reader

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You were always to girl to be sitting at the back of the class alone. Always the girl to be honest. You always kept to your self writing stories. You never spoke to anyone. No one ever spoke to you. You had been admiring Adrian. You started liking him a lot. You write stories about him and about you with him but never worked up the courage to speak to him. Your teacher called you to the front of the class in English class today to read your love story since everyone was to write a love story. You wrote it but it wasn't the real one.
Your real story was at home. This was the one about you and ADRIAN. You had no other choice. You blushed a deep red and read the story getting some gasps here and there. When you were done the class was silent. As you passed by Cloe she tripped you down. You fell and she picked up your book. She began reading your book and showed it to Sabriena. "I guess somebody's got a crush on Adrian." Said Cloe chuckling with Sabriena. Adrian was in the class and at the moment blushing.
"Cloe!" Shouts Rose. She was very angry with the blond. Julika took your book and gave it to you while Alya picked you up. "Huh. So the shy whimp finally have friends." Said Cloe harshly. Sabriena agreed with her only friend Cloe. Nathaniel picked up for you too. "Leave her alone Cloe. Pick on somebody else." Said Nathaniel. The teacher hushed the class. "To your seats!" She barked. Everyone grumbled and went to their seats. At the end of class, it was break. Marianette came up to you. "Your story was amazing. It was so beautiful. I cried. And, do you really like Adrian?" Said Marianette. "Um, n no." You said quietly. Marianette squealed. "Good, because I love him okay." Whispered Marianette. She left and you sighed.
Rose came over to you. "Don't worry. He'll notice you. From now on I'm your friend. You must be y/n right." Rose said with a bright smile. The blond grabbed your hand and took you to Julika. Her bright blue eyes were happy as usual. "Julika we got a new friend." Said Rose happily. Julika smirked a bit. "Hi again y/n." She said, you gave a shy wave. Cloe came over to you again. "Loser! So you're hanging out with these girls that are my girls!!" Shouts Cloe. Nathaniel came over. "I'm her friend too." Said Nathaniel shyly. You grin shyly. "Thank you." Then Adrian of all people came over. Along with Alya and Nino. "Yeah, leave her alone you witch!" Said Alya. "Monster!" Said Nino. "Worst friend ever!" Said Adrian. Cloe ran away crying and Sabriena ran after her long with Kim and his buddies.
When she was far, Adrian grabbed you before you ran away. "Where are you going y/n?" Asked Adrian. You blushed a lot. "Away." You muttered. "But I'll miss you." Said Adrian putting his chin on your shoulder while hugging you from the back. "A model has to have a hot girl by his side. Even if it means she's shy or a soon to become world wide author." Said Adrian. You gasped. Adrian took your book and grabbed your hand. He led you to the library and sat there with you. The blond took out his phone and searched for something. He found wattpad. He began typing your stories and already published one book. Adrian was on his page and guess what. He already had 500 views! Then he posted it was by his girlfriend y/n l/n. Do you know who that is. You!!!! Adrian kissed your cheek and gave you his number.
"Text me sometimes okay. Oh and are you free tonight?" Asked Adrian. "Um yeah." You said shyly blushing. "Cool. I'll pick you up for a date tonight. Kay." Said Adrian. You nod and was led out of the library. A few fangirls came up to Adrian but all their phones buzzed and they checked to see what was up. Since they are on wattpad and followed Adrian, they saw his new story well, your new story and looked at you with disgust. They muttered but still fangirled anyways. Marianette's phone buzzed and since she also followed Adrian and saw the new story she was furious.
"Alya! Y/n and Adrian are dating." She whined. Alya chuckled. "Well, there is always somebody else out there." Said Alya. "You're right." Said Marianette sadly. Y/n passed by them with Adrian blushing. The bell rang and they went to class. The entire class was silent. Julika clapped her hand and so did everyone else except Cloe, Kim, Kim's buddies and Sabriena. "Well, all hail the new couple and all hail the Queen of Love Stories that made her's a reality!!" Shouts Rose happily. Adrian kissed your forehead and sits you down next to Nathaniel. "Congrats." He said quietly. "Look after her." Said Adrian sending a wink at you causing you to blush. The class chuckled except the bratty children until the teacher came in and quiet down everyone.

Adrien Agreste x Fem! Reader [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now