Adrian x shy! pregnant! reader pt.2

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"I sent you to public school for this?!" Gabriel yelled at his son in anger. The news about you becoming pregnant has flooded social media in about three minutes!

It was so bad, Natalie had rushed to pick up Adrian. The gorilla driver included.

"SHE'S 15 YEARS OLD!!!" Gabriel yelled. Adrian stood and groaned. "It was an accident! It was a one night stand!"

But he rethought on his words. Adrian loved you! So what if you're pregnant? That just means he gets to have a family with you, and all the times Gabriel never addressed to him as his son, he'll give away to the baby.

"Well, I hope you know this will go down in Agreste history! How could you be so IRRESPONSIBLE!" Gabriel shook his head. " I'm positive they at least thought you about safe sex, yet here WE are, speaking of you getting some lowlife pregnant! "

"Lowlife?!" Adrian had enough . He grabbed his shoes and slipped them on, stomping past his father and ignoring his driver. "Father, you have every right to be mad at me! But I won't stand around and listen to you talk crap about my girlfriend!"

" Adrian-" Natalie tried calling to him, but he shoved her away too! "Natalie just leave me alone! Nobody follow me!" The door. was slammed shut and Adrian was seen walking down the streets, turning into an alleyway.

"Follow my son."

By the time Ugly caught up with the undercover pussycat, Adrian had already disappeared! On the roof top the blonde spoke to his kitty kwami about the beautiful s/c girl he called his own. "I don't wanna lose her Plagg," Plagg chewed on his cheese, " then don't! " "But the press will constantly harass her if I don't do something about it!" " then do something. " Adrian nodded, "you're right! Thanks Plagg!"

The boy grinned and gave a childish fist bump. "Plagg!" " Oh nO no! Don't do this to me Adrian! " But Adrian gave no fucks :)
"Claws out!!"

"Damn." The kwami was sucked into the ring like dust to a vacuum cleaner, transforming the young hero.

Chat Noir ran across the roof tops of different apartments, looking left and right desperately for your figure. A sigh of relief came to him when he noticed you curled up on your bed in a two story building, very grateful the press didn't figure out where you lived yet. He knocks on your window, opening it before slipping in. "Chat Noir?" You ask confused. "Hi!" Chat says nervously. He rubbed behind his head before saying, "Adrian um, sent me."

You nod slowly, sitting up and rubbing your small belly. "I didn't know he knew you." Chat sits beside you, holding your hand tightly, "do you want that baby?" Instead of asking how he knew, you figured he just knew because of the news. So you say, "Of course I want this baby!" "Good," Chat handed to you a check with a large sum of money on it. "You need to leave Paris. Adrian promises he'll find you no matter what," Chat tears up, "he's also. . . very sorry."

You were too shocked to respond. "He's so sorry he ruined your life, he wants you to know it is all his fault, and he shouldn't have pressured you into it." You shake your head, "he never once pressured me. I wanted it. Tell him, I'm sorry too." Grabbing clothes you shove them in a duffel bag and open your window. "Here's a train ticket to the next town, there you could go to the airport and escape." 

Chat took you down to the station bridal style, and he was too scared to leave you, but it was time for you to go. An akuma flew by him going south, and before he could sprint to do hero work, you spoke to him. "Bye, Adrian." 

The door closed before Chat got the time to respond, his eyes wide in shock and heart thumping. Did you know?! Or were you talking to yourself?! "WAIT!" But the train was long gone, and Ladybug arrived. "Come on kitty, we got an akuma to capture!" So he had to ignore the leaving train, and focus on saving Paris.

Adrien Agreste x Fem! Reader [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now