Miraculous Chat!!!

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We will be chatting with our miraculous ladybug characters! I hope you like it!!

People in the chat


Let the chat begin!!!!

Adrian- hey guys!

Marionette- hey Adrian!

Me- I'm here too 😾

Adrian- how could I forget my princess?

Me- oh I love you too Kitty!

Aliya- wassup y'all!

Marionette- nothing much 😄

Aliya- awesome! I just got a text from Nino, who got a text from,
Kim, who got a text from Cloe, that said they were gonna
all join the chat!

Me- oh great 😑

Nino- holla!

Aliya- hey Nino!

Adrian- hey buddy!

Me- hi.

Marionette- hey Nino! How's it been?

Nino- good I guess!

Cloe- I'm here!!! Hello Adrikins!

Julika- hi guys.

Rose- woo! Woo! Hello! To you too!

Me- Rose! Julika! Welcome! Cloe! Get out!!!

Adrian- honey don't be so mean.

Me- sorry Adrian. I'll be nice. Cloe please leave 😏

Adrian- now now Sofia!

Me- all right~

Max- guys guess what!?

Rose- what!? What!?

Max- I just finished another game!! 4 in one day!!

Marionette- wow that's amazing!!!

Adrian- congrats dude!! 😊

Max- well since I'm cool!

Cloe- where the heck is Sabrina! Sabrina!!!!

Sabrina- right here Cloe!

Marionette- you always boss people around Cloe! Even in this chat!

Cloe- shut up bluey!

Marionette- you shut up blonde!

Aliya- break it up! Marionette we all know Cloe is a pain!

Cloe- ugh! So the Rugrats speak!!

Nino- back it up Cloe 😠😠

Cloe- oh I'm so scared 😱! Haha 😂

Me- you're so mean Cloe!

Cloe- shut up!

Me- hey I'm the author of this-

Adrian- shhh!

Me- hm. Fine😑😑😑

Ivan- hey guys! Did Meleyne come yet?

Meleyne- hey you guys!

Ivan- hi 😁😁

Meleyne- oh hi 😊😊

Me- *yawn* today's topic will be out the next chapter in this book!

Adrian- I know! We can do a Chat Noir x sister! reader

Me- not bad!!

Ivan- Ivan x robot! reader

Me- I'll think about it.

Cloe- Cloe x sister! reader!!!

Me- ew but okay I guess

Marionette- Ladybug x male! reader

Nino- Nino x reader

Me- simple and nice!!

Aliya- hey what about Aliya x miraculous! reader huh! Let the reader be a male!!

Me- any other bright ideas?

Adrian- another chat!!!

Me- oh boy...maybe 😐

Adrian- oh don't be like that bug I meant by Sofia!

Me- dumb dumb

Adrian- 😜

Me- ✌

Nino- I gotta go. My mom is calling me to bye groceries. See yah.

*Nino has left the chat*

Kim- hey you guys! Hi Cloe!

Cloe- oh my gosh!! Sabrina!!!!!

Sabrina- um Kim, Cloe doesn't want to talk to you!

Julika- well that's so like Cloe.

Rose- Cloe~ you have to be nice!

Me- ignore her 😂

Aliya- better said that done 😏

Marionette- I guess so

Me- oh Mari!?

Marionette- yes?

Me- my birthday is in 3 months!! (Which is true) and I want to know if you wanna come to my birthday party and help plan some stuff with me!?

Marionette- yes! Of course! Yes!

Me- boom. Anybody else?

Sabrina: nope 😑

Cloe- tell em' Sabrina!! No way 😑😑!!!!

Adrian- I'll come ☺

Aliya- I'll inform Nino on the party and he'll help me come up with some sick music! I'm totally in! We need to go party shopping!!

Julika- if you need help with make-up and stuff like that call Rose.

Rose- oh come on Julika! You know you know a thing or two about fashion!!! She's just shy 😳

Julika- fine I'll help 😚

Me- alright everyone except Cloe and Sabrina are in!! I'll see you guys in the next chat! Bye!!!

The End

Adrien Agreste x Fem! Reader [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now