Adrian Agreste x fem! reader

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Okay. This is Adrian x reader.
Comment how it was!


You and Adrian are dating. You started dating 3 months ago. As you walk in your class room, you get a glare from Cloe and a small secret glare from Marianette. "Hey Marianette!" You shout gleefully sitting next to Mariantte. "Oh. Hi y/n." Said Mariantte as peaceful as possible. Adrian came and sat next to you moving away from Nino. "Hey n/n." Said Adrian wrapping an arm around you. You blush. "Hey Adrian." Mariantte huffed quietly. "Come on girl, let's go and yah know, talk." Said Alya pulling Marianette away. "Loosen up!" Said Alya. Marianette sighed and nods. She walked back inside and their teachers entered the class. "Adrian, you will be sitting next to Ms. L/n. Marianette you will be sitting next to Cloe." Said the teacher. "What!?" Shouts Cloe and Marianette at the same time. They glared at eachother. "Alya sit next to Nino and Sabriena sit next to Nathaniel." Everyone got arranged. During the lesson, Marianette was sending disturbing death glares towards you. You told Adrian about it who caught her at times. "Don't worry about it honey." Said Adrian in a soothing tone. You blush and nod an okay. At the end of the lesson, Adrian took you to the locker room for Gym. No one else was there so Adrian gave you a present. He took out a green ring from his pocket and slipped it on your finger. "I will always love you." Adrian told you and kissed your cheek. You blush and grin. Plagg well, he was eating stink cheese not caring if anyone saw him.

Adrien Agreste x Fem! Reader [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now