Marinette x Adrian x Reader [Sibling Rivarly]

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Whether the same or different, you were still Marinette's twin sister. It was obvious you were twins because of your similar personalities but also because of your similar taste in clothing! Finally, both of you had the exact same hairstyle all the time. You both definitely enjoyed looking alike in that way. Though you weren't identical, you both had the same eye shape! (And if you're a different race to Marinette, you are basically just the [enter race] version of her in appearance.)

Every morning when you woke up for school, Marinette was always awake before you. You didn't feel bad about it, mostly because when she was up first, she typically picked out your clothes. "Good morning y/n!" She called to you with a giant grin because she had seen you poke your head up from the bottom bunk of the bed. "Morning!" You groaned smiling a little. You were exhausted because you stayed up that night writing a long letter to a boy you've had a crush on since day one.

Adrien Agreste.

You were absolutely head over heels for him, and you had a feeling he knew. You were just about to make the first move instead of waiting for HIM to come clean to you! You giggled to yourself, remembering when Adrien gave you your pencil when it fell as you were writing some notes in Science class. That's how you knew he loved you!

"What are you giggling about?" Marinette asks with a smirk putting your outfit down on you. "Nothin!" You respond getting up and hugging her. "Let's get ready for school!~"

You styled your h/t h/c hair in two low buns/puffs like your sister, and you also made sure to add in the red ribbons that matched well with the outfit she picked out for you. You then brushed your teeth and did a light makeup to your face!

"What're you doing all dressed up Y/n? Got a special boy you wanna meet?" Marinette teased nudging your side. You respond by patting her head. "Of course! Nothing says make an impression on your date like looking good!" Your sister suddenly lets out an ear piercing scream.

"You have a date?!" You smile at her reaction to your little white lie, humming to yourself as you both grabbed your backpacks. You walk out the house waving bye to your parents and head on over to the bus stop. "N/n, you have to tell me who this person is! Is it someone that I know??" "Yes." "Ah! Are they in our class? Or do you know them from somewhere else? Do they go to another school? Where did you meet them? How did this happen?!"

You both squealed as you so badly wanted to tell her that your crush was Adrien. Marinette couldn't stop cheesing for you. She was so happy for you, a little jealous that she couldn't even confess her feelings for HER crush but happy you had a "date."

When you arrived at school both of you met up with Adrien, Nino, and Alya at the same time. As Nino and Alya clung to each other on sight, Adrien focused his eyes on you and Marinette. He waved at the two of you, "Hey Marinette! Hi Y/n!" Both of you waving back at the same time, with the same dreamy smile and head tilt. Adrien chuckles at you two moving in sync, and he walks away to go to class with Nino at his side.

Alya, who witnessed this had a panicked look on her face. She was a very observant person, so nobody could convince her that these sisters weren't crushing on the same guy.

Alya pulls you both aside and asks a series of questions, "Is everything okay?" She checks Marinette's forehead who simply brushed her hand away. "Yeah I'm fine!" The bell rings and the three of you share a look of nervousness with one another. "Let's head to class before we discuss anything any further."

[Time skip...]

You step into English, second period before lunch to see Adrien sitting alone. Everyone was coming back from lunch. As you're about to approach him, Chloe brushes by and shares with you a mean mug face. But, you're not phased by this. You had a mission today and that was to confess to Adrien. Your long-time crush.

Adrien Agreste x Fem! Reader [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now