Chapter 24

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I am crying on our way home. Riki was just silently driving. My mind and heart are fighting. My mind keeps on telling me that something is wrong with our relationship and that my kindness was being taken for granted. But my heart says to give Jay the benefit of doubt and that he has his reasons why he did that. It's a battle between my heart and mind. I don't know what should I choose.

"Stop battling yourself. It's not your fault. He might have his reason but that doesn't rationalize his actions," Riki blurted out as if he could read my mind. He took out his handkerchief and handed it to me. "Wipe your tears. Do you want to eat ice cream?" He said with a small smile which brings comfort to me. And here I thought Riki changed. I guess I was wrong. He is still the same. He is still my best friend.

I stopped crying and smiled at Riki. "Thank you, Riks... for always being there for me... for always looking for me," I said. "And yes, I want ice cream." He knew ice cream is my comfort food. Riki just knew me too well.

"I'm always here. Whatever happened."

We both smiled at each other. Thank God for giving me this man.

Riki decided to bring me to the park where we usually play during our childhood days. We were sitting on the swing while eating ice cream. I can feel my phone's vibration... I know it's Jay. He keeps on calling and texting me but I ignored him. I don't want to talk to him right now.

"Will you be okay here... alone? I can accompany you if you want," Riki offered.

I shook my head and give him an assuring smile. "I'm okay now, Riki. Don't worry."

He breathes out heavily sign of giving up. "Fine. Just... Just don't cry too much," He said as if he knew that I would cry my eyes out tonight which is correct tho. My heart feels heavy.

"No, I won't. I will sleep right away. I'm also tired."

Riki messed my hair up before turning around and walking away.

Pretending is always been easy for me.

✓ [BOOK 01] TOLERATE | JAYWON FFWhere stories live. Discover now