Chapter 1- Reaching Out for Help

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"Captain Strand speaking," answered the man over the phone. Buck took a deep breath before speaking. "Captain Strand, this is Evan Buckley. The firefighter from L.A you reached out to five months ago." He told the man. There was a pause before he heard an answer. "Oh, the one who beat the previous records? I remember you. How are you doing kid? Everything alright?" The man asked. Buck looked up at his station. "Sir, are you still looking to fill a spot at your station?" Buck asked, obviously ignoring the Captain's last question. "We could always use the help kid. May I ask why you are asking?" Buck laughed weakly, man was Captain Strand persistent. "I just need an out sir. Things are not alright at my station and I was wondering how fast you can get me transferred. I just finished a shift and can be on my way tonight."

The other end of the call was silent for a few minutes and Buck was worried the Captain had hung up on him. Then he answered, "Well Buckley, if I go straight to the chief of L.A and of Austin, I can see if we can get you transferred and ready to start here as soon as you reach Austin. But kid, be safe on your travels. Rest before leaving, you sound tired." Of course the man would be worried. Buck called at 1 A.M L.A. time. He lied about finishing his shift. They were still in the middle of a 24 hour shift, but Buck couldn't find it in him to sleep. "I promise sir. I won't let you down."

They talked for a few more minutes before they hung up, making arrangements. Buck would stay with Captain Strand until he could find an apartment in Austin, and he would start on their next shift, which was in 76 hours, giving him at least a day to settle in. Buck felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He was finally standing up for himself, and this time, no backlash. Without looking back, Buck left the station and headed to his apartment. He knew sleep would not come over him, but it was worth a try. He didn't want to show up to Austin looking like a mess.

As he pulled in, Buck let himself take in the information. He was leaving the 118 after everything he went through to get back. Every last punishment Captain Nash had for him. Every last jeer from his teammates. Buck couldn't take it anymore. He found himself happy to leave. He's started over before, why not do it again. Hopefully for the last time.

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