Chapter 13- The Calm Before the Storm

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Buck woke up surrounded by two warm pillows. He had to admit, it was one of the best sleeps he'd ever had in a long time. He turned and looked at TK and then at Carlos. He could get used to this. But he knew he couldn't because they were in a happy relationship with each other. Buck would rather be their friend than to ruin it because of feelings. He thought back to last night, how he almost drowned himself but stopped. He was getting stronger, he realized. It didn't matter what Captain Nash said, Buck knew his team would always be there for him, just as they were last night.

Buck strategically got out of bed, blushing when TK let out a whimper from the missing heat. He grabbed his phone and texted Eddie, telling him to tell the rest thank you. Eddie quickly texted back that he would and asked how Buck was feeling. Buck didn't know how he was feeling, but he was content. So that's what he told Eddie. He felt good being around TK and Carlos. They had that effect on him. He decided to change before the other two got up and looked for places they could go get breakfast. He was so focused on his phone that he didn't notice Carlos coming up behind him until he put his arms around Buck's middle. "Didn't mean to startle ya, darlin'. What are you doin' up so early? It's only 6 A.M, come back to bed". Buck didn't think he could blush anymore, but the level of affection Carlos was giving him felt so surreal.

"I can't go back to sleep. My body is on a routine timer I guess," Buck confessed, leaning into Carlos' hold. It was true, Buck was trained to be up before the sun. Carlos hummed and rested his head on Buck's shoulder, something he had to have picked up from TK. "So, what are you looking at?" Buck turned his phone back on and showed Carlos the restaurants he was looking at. "Maybe we could go to one of these for breakfast. Me, you and T." At the moment Buck mentioned anything about food, TK shot up. "Did someone say breakfast? I am definitely starving, but coffee and cuddle first. B get your ass back here; I need your warmth. 'Los can come too." Buck chuckled and went back to the bed, followed by Carlos. TK got right beside Buck and sighed in contempt. Yeah, Buck was head over heels for both of them.

Carlos stared at the sight of his boyfriend and their Buck cuddling. It was a cute sight to see. He took a picture for safekeeping before getting in beside Buck. He wanted this to last, but he needed to talk to TK first. He just didn't know when. Maybe today. But for now, he'd focus on the feeling of having both of his boys in bed beside him.

TK couldn't help but to snuggle against Buck. He knew he had to talk to Carlos about what he felt for both of them. He could tell Carlos did too. After Buck had said he stayed for them and of course, Chris, TK decided to talk today. He wanted Buck to have what they have with them. And he wanted Buck.

They stayed in bed for a couple more hours before getting up. Owen had let them know that they would be leaving tomorrow, so they could have a full day of rest before travelling. This was perfect. TK planned to talk to Buck and Carlos over breakfast and maybe spend the day sightseeing L.A. with Buck as their tour guide. He watched his two men walk around the city, window shopping. TK thought about the past month. How the three had been spending most of their time together. It was no wonder he grew feelings for Buck. He could tell Carlos did too. Carlos had taken Buck's hand while they were walking, with TK behind them so he could take his time to look on his own. TK was planning on how to talk to Carlos during their walk. Maybe he should be straightforward with it. Be honest right then and there. TK decided the next time they stop, while Buck is off looking, he would pull Carlos aside and tell him.

Carlos must have had the same idea, because the next store they went into, Carlos left Buck alone and followed TK. "We need to talk," They both said at the same time. TK blushed and let Carlos go first. "Ty, I've been thinking. I love you so much, and I need to tell you, but I think I also love Buck the same way..." TK smiled, knowing 100 percent now about what Carlos is talking about. "That's funny, because I was going to say the same thing. I guess he has the kind of hold over both of us." TK responded. Carlos let out a little laugh and grabbed TK's hand. "I've never been in a relationship with more than 2 people, but I'm willing to try with us and Buck if you are, Ty." Carlos feared that TK would say no considering how TK's last relationship went, but it's safe to say that TK's blush meant he was on board. "I think I'd like that, 'Los. I haven't been in one either, but I feel like it would be worth it with Buck".

Buck had just finished grabbing something he saw that reminded him of TK and Carlos and headed back to them when they finished the conversation. It made Buck a little anxious about what they were talking about, but he didn't allow himself to worry. The two men were smiling, so it had to be something good. "What did you find, B?" TK asked. Buck looked at the giant stuffed animal he was carrying. It was a Panda, and it was warm and cuddly. "It reminded me of you two with your hugs and cuddles. I wanted it, so I grabbed it. I just need to pay and then we can leave." Carlos stopped Buck, "I'll pay for it. Think of it as a little gift for putting up with me and TK." He added on, seeing Buck get ready to object. TK swatted Carlos and let out a little "Hey" before Carlos grabbed the Panda and went to check out. Buck was blushing and couldn't believe Carlos was buying him the Panda. "Better get used to it B, once Carlos starts buying gifts, he won't stop. I can't tell you how many hoodies and sweaters that man has bought me so we could match," TK laughed, seeing Buck's reaction. But why would Carlos buy him gifts? It's not like they were dating.

Next on their stop was a restaurant Buck had seen advertisement for but never had the time to go. It was sort of new and was popular for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community. When it first opened, Buck was still in the closet. Hell, he still is with most of his friends. The only people that knew were the 126, Maddie, Eddie and, unfortunately, his parents. They got to choose their seats and Buck sat across from TK and Carlos. He was nervous and he didn't know why. It was just a normal lunch with his friends who he has crushes on. Nothing more. When it was time to order, Buck had to hold back a laugh at Carlos' shock when they didn't serve sweet tea. Apparently, it was only a southern thing. So instead, Carlos settled for water while TK and Buck got the 'nasty tea', as Carlos called it. They also went ahead and ordered their food. While waiting for the food to come out, TK and Carlos silently communicated and decided now was the time to talk to Buck.

"Buck, we need to talk to you. It's nothing bad. In fact, it's the opposite...hopefully." Carlos nodded along to what TK started with. Buck held back the fearful look, settling on not looking at them. "Um...What is it you need to talk about?" He asked hesitantly. TK took one hand while Carlos took the other. Carlos spoke up this time, knowing TK would botch what they needed to talk about. "TK and I have talked about this. So don't worry about what we both had to say, but...We both have liked you since we first met you. I personally have grown attached to the way you selflessly care for others and how excited you get over things that interest you. I find it cute." TK spoke next. "I grew attached to your personality and your dedication to help. Also, you are a great cuddler. Comfier than 'Los, in my opinion. I like being able to go into your room and cuddle after a hard shift or when we play games and watch movies."

Buck could tell he was blushing from their little speech. He had never had that many compliments in his other relationships. Then again, most of them didn't last long nor had he known the people long enough. Carlos continued, "I don't know if you feel the same about us, and what I'm about to say, I hope that we are still friends no matter the answer. Buck, TK and I want you to join our relationship. We want to be able to call you ours." Buck sputtered out his tea, looking at both of them. He was speechless. TK and Carlos wanted him to join. They felt the same way about him... He couldn't believe it.

"B? Was that too much?" TK asked worriedly. Buck realized they were waiting for his answer. "Oh... I... You're not joking with me, right? You really want me to be with you guys romantically? Even with knowing the history of Buck 1.0?" Carlos and TK nodded, never breaking eye contact with Buck. "We would never play that kind of joke on you Buck". Buck felt like he could cry. Wait, he was crying. "Then...yes. I will." The other two smiled and went to the other side of the booth with Buck, who was now in the middle of Carlos and TK. This was the best day of his life. Maybe life was finally giving him a break.

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