Chapter 14- The Impending Trial of One, Bobby Nash

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Later the next day, Buck received a call from the L.A.P.D stating that Captain Nash was going to trial in 4 days and he was needed as the main witness. Buck was shaking. He's going to have to see Captain Nash again, and probably Maddie... He would never be prepared in time. What did he even have to talk about? The abuse he suffered at the 118 by Nash? Or his time being known as Buck 1.0, which Buck knows they can use against him. He also knows they could use his recklessness during his probationary year against him. He wasn't ready. Owen said he could stay in L.A until after the trial and they would check up on him and try to be there during it. Buck was appreciative that the team was willing to do this for him. He watched the team head back to Austin and texted the only other person he had talked to.

'Hey Eds... I don't know if you have a shift right now, but can I come over? I need to talk to you.'

'Come on over, Buck. Chris will be happy to see you. Carla is there right now with him. I'll be home later, if you want to stay. Just finishing up at the station.'

'Thanks eds.'

Buck ordered an Uber and left for Eddie's house. He was nervous to see Chris again. In all honesty, Buck was surprised that Eddie still allowed him to see Chris after the tsunami. Buck logically knew he couldn't cause the tsunami and Eddie even told him that, but he lost Chris when the surge receded because he didn't make sure Chris was safe before helping others.

When he got to Eddie's, Buck had to calm the anxiety that threatened to spill over. He could do this. He walked up and Carla opened the door before he even finished getting up the steps. "Hey there, Buck. It's nice to see you again. I missed your golden smile," Carla said when she hugged him. Buck breathed in that familiar scent of Carla, something he memorised right after Abby left him. "Does Christopher know I'm here?" He asked. Carla shook her head and led the man inside. "Nope. Right now, he's in his room playing with Legos. I wanted him to be surprised." Buck nodded and headed to Chris' room. Said boy was sitting at his desk working on the Legos. Looked like he was trying to build a fire truck. The sight warmed Buck's heart. Chris might not be his, but Buck loved the boy like he was. "Knock Knock Superman."

"Bucky! You're back! I missed you!!" Chris screamed out and struggled to get up to hug Buck. Buck laughed and bent down to hug the excited boy. "I missed you too, Superman. I'm sorry I haven't been here for you. I know it's been scary". Chris nodded into Buck's shoulder, "Very. The nightmares are scary. But now you're here. You can scare them off, Bucky!" Buck felt guilty. He hadn't known until the supermarket incident that Chris needed him. He didn't know Chris was suffering like he was. "I'll always be here for you, Chris. From now on. Your dad and I agreed to have nightly video calls when I go back". Chris looked down but then smiled at his Bucky. "It's ok to cry Bucky, Daddy told me that Bobby wasn't nice to you. It's going to be ok, kid". Buck hadn't noticed he was crying until Chris pointed it out. He brought Chris into the living room and sat him on the couch. "Why don't you choose a movie for us to watch while I make lunch. Then we can do whatever you want until Eddie comes home," Buck offered. Chris excitedly grabbed the remote and Buck laughed when he turned on Finding Dory.

Buck started to make his empanadas because Eddie had the supplies, considering Eddie's abuela would visit and make them food because, let's face it, neither of them could really cook that well. He had made about 6 before he heard the door open. He turned and saw Eddie taking his shoes off. "Hey Eds. Chris is in the den watching Finding Dory while I make empanadas," Buck said. Eddie nodded and sat at the bar. "What's wrong Buck? And don't say nothing. The text was worrying and you are stress making empanadas, which you are going to have to replace the ingredients before Abuela comes back by the way." Eddie got straight to the point. Buck blushed, noticing that he had, infact, made way too many empanadas for 3 people. "Buck?"

He took a breath, he could do this. "Bobby's trial is in 4 days." Eddie had a confused look, "Ok? Does this have anything to do with why you are still here instead of on your way back to Austin?" he asked. Buck nodded and continued, "Yeah. They are wanting me to testify, seeing as he is there because of me. I'm the main witness. Meaning I'm going to have to see him again after what happened 2 days ago."

"Wait, what happened two days ago with him? Is that the reason you ran to the pier?" Eddie asked. Buck again nodded and put the rest of the empanadas on three plates. "Before you guys got to us, he was spewing mean comments about me and my team had stepped in between us. He stopped once you guys showed up, though," Buck explained. Eddie growled at what he heard. Bobby didn't know when to stop. "I was hoping 118 would be there. I mean, you probably would considering all of you had been affected by Bobby. But, I think I could use the support. The 126 are going to try to be there." Eddie nodded. "We were called as witnesses. Also as victims of Bobby's mistreatment, the three of us more so than the rest of A and B shift. It seems those closer to Bobby saw the truth."

They could hear Chris call for them yelling that he was hungry. They laughed and brought the plates into the den. It had been a while since Buck got to enjoy a Diaz Family movie night. He let the worries wash away, enjoying watching his best friend and Chris. Maybe also texting TK and Carlos discreetly.

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