Chapter 12- Saving Firefighter Buck...From Himself

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Owen rushed to find TK and Carlos. He needed their help to find Buck. Owen had watched as Buck walked away, too shocked to follow him, but once he saw Buck leave, he snapped out of it really quickly. He desperately needed to find the two who were closer to Buck. Owen ran to where he saw Buck come from and ran straight into TK. "Ow...Dad? What's wrong?" Owen helped TK up. "No time to explain, Buck just left, and I don't know where he is going. He kept muttering something about he didn't deserve anything and that being a firefighter wasn't for someone like him. We need to find him, and fast. There's no telling what he will do in his state of mind". Carlos and TK bolted towards command and grabbed their stuff. They were going to track Buck down. And they knew 3 people who could help. "Paul, Athena, Eddie, we need your help," Carlos called out.

Said three ran up to them and saw the panic in their face. "We need to find Buck. He grabbed his stuff and left saying that he didn't deserve this, and firefighting wasn't for someone like him. Cap said that he wasn't in his right state of mind, so he could get injured or worse..." TK sputtered out. Eddie immediately grabbed his phone to call Carla, he knew she would have to look after Chris longer than usual, but his best friend was somewhere in L.A. in need of help and Eddie needed to be there for him. He wouldn't let him down again. Athena had quickly called her precinct to have them send out all the additional units that they could. Paul, ever the clever, had pulled his phone out to look at Buck's Instagram. Maybe there were hints to places he would go. The others, after overhearing (it's not eavesdropping if they are in public, Mateo would later retaliate) the conversation, quickly grabbed some things they would usually need for a search and rescue event. They couldn't bring the truck because that would probably scare Buck off, and they could cover more ground without it. They split into groups and promised to report to each other on anything Buck related. TK, Carlos and Eddie were in one group; then it was Athena, Paul, Hen and Marjan; that left Chimney with Judd, Mateo and Owen. Having at least one or two people that knew Buck more than the others on each team would hopefully help them find him faster.

Each group went their separate ways. TK's group headed to the dispatch centre, hoping Buck would go see his sister. Carlos knew Buck didn't blame his sister for how he was treating her. TK didn't know that Buck still tried to contact her but would panic each time he went to type. All Eddie knew was the text Maddie sent Chimney when Buck first left. He also knew that later that night, Chimney and Maddie had an argument and Chimney broke up with her because, he quotes, "That hypocrite basically blames Buck" for everything that happened to them. Josh had met them outside, after hearing Athena call for any additional units. "I wouldn't go in there right now". Eddie stepped forward, "Why not, Josh? We need to see if he contacted Maddie in any way". Josh shook his head and pulled out his phone. "I have it recorded. Maddie laughed when 'Thena called for help. Here." He handed his phone to Eddie. TK and Carlos gathered around the Latino man to watch the video. It showed Maddie clapping her hands while Ruth and May were staring at her in disbelief. "He finally realised he wasn't good enough for firefighting. It's so much safer not to work there. Maybe he's learned his lesson after all. Thank the lord."

No one knew who growled at that. Maybe it was a collective growl. Who knows? Eddie wanted to go in there and rip Maddie a new one, but he would wait until after Buck was found and safe. "I came out here because I couldn't take much more of what she was saying about Buck. I thought she was supportive of him, but I heard her call him slurs about his sexuality, and being gay myself, I yelled at her and left," Josh said. He couldn't believe he had even trusted Maddie with telling her of his past relationships. "I will let all of you know if I hear from Buck though. Everyone he knows here has my number. I'll keep an eye out". The three men nodded and climbed back into the ATV from the command centre. Next on their list was Eddie's house. Maybe he went to see Chris.

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