Chapter 21- Leaving the Past, in the Past

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After Buck's therapist appointment, he and Carlos went to get his medicine and head back to the Strand residence. TK was home now and resting, so they would be spending the rest of the night there. They also had picked up some things that TK might like, thinking he might enjoy having something new. Buck picked out a Triceratops pressure pillow because he knew TK liked to cuddle. Carlos grabbed a shirt that said 'Caution: I need 24/7 attention', and he knew TK would not talk to him for a little, but it was true. He also picked up a book on true crime for Buck because he knew the latter would like it. They paid for their stuff and headed to the house. The ride was silent, minus the radio in the background. Buck was staring out the window and Carlos was focused on the road.

Buck thought about his past relationships and wondered how he got so lucky to get two amazing people. Two people who loved Buck for Buck, not for sex, like his other relationships had. He thought back to when he first came to Austin and of the shell of a man he was. How his team had slowly helped him build himself again. How TK and Carlos would help him if he was panicking or how TK would just let himself into Buck's room to hang. He thought back to how his team reacted to Bobby and his parents, how they stood up for him in both cases. They were more like family than the 118 was. He still talked to Eddie and of course, Chris. He would occasionally text Chimney and Hen, sometimes video calling them. Athena made sure he texted her every day, and always after a call.

Buck was so spaced out that he didn't even realise they had already pulled into the driveway. He jumped out of the car and grabbed his stuff before heading straight to his room to put his medication on his nightstand before following Carlos to TK's room. TK was laying in his bed with his top half propped up on a couple of pillows. He was watching something on his phone, so he didn't hear them come in. Carlos just walked to the bed while Buck flopped down on it, face first. "Well, hello there, blonde boy," TK chuckled and carded his fingers through Buck's hair. He had started doing that anytime Buck was laying with him because it calmed both of them. Carlos handed TK the bag that had his gifts in them and handed Buck the book Carlos bought. "Wait, Carlos, you didn't have to get me anything. We were supposed to just get T stuff." Buck whined but held the book close to him and read the summary on the back.

"Shut up B and enjoy it. Now, what did you guys get me? A triceratops pressure pillow? It's so soft!" TK said while hugging it to his chest. "It was Buck's idea. We both know you are a big cuddler and really can't cuddle until your shoulder is healed, so he got you that". Carlos replied. Buck looked up at TK and smiled, before going back to his book. "I got you this shirt. I thought it was just... you"

TK stared at the shirt before turning to Buck. "So, B, my only boyfriend starting today, how was therapy?" Carlos let out a happy grunt before pulling up a chair to sit beside the bed. "It was good, actually. I got a lot off my chest that was weighing me down. She prescribed me an antidepressant and said I needed to visit her once a week. I was also to talk to you two about how I feel more often, along with the team," he responded.

"Good. I don't like seeing you as reclusive as you have been. Now, either both of you can lay here with me and watch something quietly or get out and let me sleep. Either way, I will sleep."

Both of the two men laughed and Carlos climbed into bed. This time, TK was in the middle and Buck was on the left, Carlos on the right. Buck was content. There's no telling how things would have ended up if he had stayed at the 118. Maybe he would have quit, maybe Athena would have found out later instead of sooner and Bobby would have ruined him to the point of no return. Buck was happy, and there was no way he was going to let anyone ruin it for him.

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