Chapter 4- Settling into The Old South

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Buck followed Captain Strand and TK back to their house. He still didn't feel right staying with his captain, but right now, Buck needed the support. He followed his captain for about 10 minutes before they reached the house. Getting out, Buck started to grab his bags out of the jeep. "Hey man, let me help. You look like you are about to fall asleep standing up" TK offered. Buck nodded and both of them carried his bags into the house and into the spare room. "This is where you will be staying until you find an apartment. My bedroom is across from yours and dad's is at the end of the hallway. The guest bathroom is at the other end of the hallway near the kitchen on the right. If you want, you can take a nap. I'll tell dad you got settled in fine." All Buck could do was nod at the man before taking his shoes off. He could use a little nap. He laid down on the bed, and before he knew it, Buck was out like a light.

TK had stood at the door watching the man. He looked so run down. TK wondered what made him leave L.A. but knew not to push it. His dad had told the team that Buck had not left on good terms with his old team. Knowing what it was like to be the black sheep, TK had promised himself that he would watch over Buck. He stood there until Buck fell asleep, then headed into the kitchen to get water for himself. Owen had just finished a phone call before looking back at his son. "How's Buck?" He asked. TK put his water down before answering, "As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. I'm just worried dad. He looked so run down and like he really needed to relax. He seemed stressed at the station." Owen just nodded, not wanting to tell TK what happened in his office until Buck was ready. TK shook his head before grabbing his water. "I'm going to go to my room and call Carlos to let him know I made it home safely then nap. That last call drained me." Owen just nodded and went to let Buttercup out.

In his room, TK laid down on his bed before video calling his boyfriend. It was a few seconds before Carlos answered. "Hey babe, make it home alright?" "Yeah, I did. That last call was tough. Oh, the new recruit showed up today." TK responded. Carlos replied, "The one from L.A?" TK nodded before sighing. "I know that sigh. What's wrong?" Carlos asked. TK looked at his boyfriend for a little, trying to find the right words. "T?" Said man sighed then looked down, "It's just... Dad told the team that he didn't leave on good terms with his team. When he showed up today... 'Los I could physically see that whatever happened at his old station is really affecting him. He was so nervous and anxious meeting the team and he had bags under his eyes like he hadn't had a good sleep in a long time. I could tell that he was stressed. When we got here, it wasn't even a few seconds after he laid down that he fell asleep. I guess I'm just worried about him."

Carlos looked at his boyfriend for a little, seeing the worry take over, but before he could respond, they both heard whimpers coming from Buck's room. TK looked at his phone, "I think he might be having a nightmare. I'm going to try to wake him up. Love you 'Los." "Love you too T. Let me know how he is." TK nodded and logged off before going to Buck's room. Upon entering, TK found Buck trapped in his blanket. The man was fighting hard to get free. "Chris... Chris where are you?" the latter mumbled. Before TK could wake him though, Buck shot up, breathing heavily. TK reached his bed before sitting down. That's when Buck finally noticed that he wasn't alone. He looked so tired yet so frightful to TK, it made him wonder what could have scared the poor man so easily. "Buck, are you ok?" TK asked. Buck nodded before running his hand through his hair. "Sorry if I woke you. I'll try to be quieter," Buck whispered. TK shook his head before reaching for Buck's hand, which was currently scratching his other arm. "You didn't wake me Buck, so don't worry. It's perfectly normal to have nightmares. It comes with our job. Is it ok if I hold you? Just to try and allow you to relax. I know it helps me to have a comforting pressure after a nightmare." Buck nodded slightly before making room for the shorter man.

(If you want, you can skip this part, as it deals with the events of 9/11)

TK laid on the bed with Buck, holding him until Buck could breathe better. "Just know you don't have to tell me, but what was the nightmare about?" TK asked, making sure the man was aware that he didn't have to answer. Buck took a deep breath before speaking. "Earlier this year, my best friend's son and I went to the Santa Monica Pier. It happened to be the same day the tsunami hit L.A. I lost him. Then I found him and lost him again once the water receded. He was found by a woman who brought him to the VA Hospital. But in my nightmare, he never made it back and his dad was so angry with me. Telling me that he wished I would have died when the fire truck exploded. Then my whole team joined in. I swear, they are usually not like this, and I can handle it better. I guess today was not one of those days.." TK just laid there holding Buck, listening to everything the latter was telling him. TK held Buck tighter in response, seeing that the nightmare was still affecting the blonde man. "Listen, Buck. I don't know what it's like to be in a tsunami, but I do know what it's like losing someone and never knowing if you'd see them again. My dad and I used to live in Manhattan before moving down here. He was a firefighter at the 252 when the towers were hit. They came down and I knew he was in there. I thought I had lost him forever. But then he came out and I was relieved. Let me tell you, that boy is here right now because of you Buck. You helped him and found him." Buck shook his head, "I lost him, and he was found by someone else." TK sighed, knowing that right now, Buck wouldn't listen to him.

(Mention is over now )

They laid there for a while before Owen called them for dinner. Buck was the first one to get up before heading out to the kitchen. TK got up and followed him, smelling what smelled like stir fry. Once he entered the kitchen, he saw Buck sitting at the bar, head down. Owen looked at TK as if waiting for an explanation, but TK shook his head, silently telling his dad that he will tell him later. Owen then turned to Buck. "TK told me you crashed right as you laid down. Was the bed comfortable for you?" Buck nodded, not trusting his voice. Owen frowned a little. "He slept ok, dad. Did you get any rest?" TK quickly changed the subject. Owen nodded, understanding what his son was doing. "For the most part, though after sleeping in the station's bunks, I had to get used to the comfort again." TK let out a little laugh before moving to sit down next to Buck. Buck looked up at TK, noticing that the other man had sat down, before looking away. TK was just worried for the man. He wanted to be a shoulder the guy could lean on and gosh darn if TK wasn't gonna be that guy.

"Well then, how about we head to town and show Buck around Austin. I'm sure he would enjoy it, seeing as how he will be acquainted with the town soon enough." Owen suggested after they finished eating. TK smiled at the thought and looked at Buck. He could see the small smile the other was hiding. "That sounds like fun, dad. I can see if Carlos would join us. He wants to meet Buck as well." Buck looked at TK. "Oh, Carlos is my boyfriend who's also a cop with Austin PD. Hope you're ok with the fact that I'm gay, Buck." Buck looked surprised a little before speaking, "It's fine. I'm not homophobic or anything. In fact, I'm bisexual myself. Though most of my female relationships didn't really end well." Owen and TK both looked at him, "Oh, sorry Buck. I didn't mean for you to out yourself if you weren't ready yet." TK replied, feeling a little guilty. Buck reassured him that it was ok though.

A few minutes later, the three were dressed and got into Owen's car before leaving to visit the city. To say that he was surprised was... correct, actually. Buck had been south of Pennsylvania before, but that was in Peru. He had never visited the Southern States though. The closest he got was working at the ranch. Even then, it didn't compare to Austin. Austin was beautiful. There was little pollution, unlike L.A. and that was something that sparked Buck's interest. He always cared for the wild life in the country. The Strands took him to multiple areas, but his favorite was Lady Bird Lake. It felt calming to him, in a weird way. The lake wasn't a large body of water, but Buck still hadn't gotten over the tsunami so he stayed away from the actual lake. Instead, Buck took in the sight that the lake looked out upon. The sky was so blue and the greenery looked healthy. Buck enjoyed it to the point where he never wanted to leave. As soon as he was getting settled, though, a man in an Austin PD uniform walked over. Buck assumed that this man was Carlos, if TK's reaction meant anything. Buck watched as TK embraced Carlos before heading over to Buck. "Carlos, this is Evan Buckley. The recruit I told you about." Buck stood up and held out his hand. "Hi, you can call me Buck. Most everyone does." Carlos took Buck's hand and replied, "Nice to finally meet you Buck. TK has told me some about you. How was your travels from L.A?"

Buck replied stating that they were good and that he was happy to not be driving right now. His leg was really giving him a fit. It was non-stop cramping and Buck just couldn't seem to get them to stop. It might have been that he had been on his feet all day yesterday or the fact that his nightmare had him fighting with his sheets. 'This is ok' Buck thought. 'If it gets any worse, I'll just go to the ER'. They talked for a few more minutes before Carlos had to get back to his route. Saying their goodbyes to the man, TK and Buck went back to Owen's car and getting in. "I would say let's go find something to eat, but it's getting late and I can tell that both of you are tired. So what do y'all say that we head back home?" Owen asked. TK and Buck both nodded before looking out their respective windows. TK had taken it upon himself to sit in the back with Buck on the ride home, mainly to give Buck comfort, and maybe fall asleep on the man too, but TK would never admit to it.

They got home in just enough time to change clothes and fall into their beds. Buck, after having one of the best days he had had since the lawsuit, was finally able to fall asleep without any trouble. He knew he would probably have another nightmare. Maybe about the bombing, or the embolism. Or God forbid, the 118. Those nightmares were always the worst. But he would get to it when it happened. Right now, Buck just wanted to rest.

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