Chapter 18- An Unwelcomed Visit

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TW//For abuse and violence

Buck was on his first shift after coming back from L.A. Since the chief had hired a new B shift, they were only working a 24 hour shift and Buck was happy about that. He loved being a firefighter, but working all of those 72 hour shifts wore even Judd down. Their shift started at 6 but their first call didn't come in until 12, so everyone was cleaning and chilling. The first call was a way to start an interesting shift. There was a bull at a car sale and the noise sent the bull on a rampage. Buck got a good laugh when Judd rangled the bull out of a car that it was stuck in. Apparently all of their calls would be bull related as every single call had, in one way or another, either bull-related injuries(rodeos) or people who owned them. The very last call they had before they headed back to the station to rest was at a bull...stuff...factory.The 126 would laugh about it later, but right now, they were under attack from cans of bull spunk exploding from the building and falling down on them.

That had been one hell of a call. No one except for the owner had been hurt. No one had been hit by the flying cans thankfully. There were no other calls for fire that night, with medical going out for a few non-emergency calls. It was the end of their shift and everyone was ready to head home. Grace had shown up a little while ago because Judd had promised to take her to breakfast and to introduce her to Buck. Buck had been there for a month and hadn't met Grace yet because of their schedules and Buck's freetime being taken up by TK and Carlos. They were laughing and having a good time. It felt like a family.

The good feeling didn't last long. Before Grace and Judd got up to leave, they heard footsteps walking into the station. They heard Captain Vega confront the visitors. "Excuse me, can I help you?" The voices that responded had Buck freezing in his spot. "We are looking for our son. We were told he works here. His name is Evan Buckley". TK looked at Buck, "Buck... what's wrong?"

"My parents...Maddie actually called them..." Buck started shaking, he thought he wouldn't have to see them again. He thought that Maddie cut off contact with them just as he had. Footsteps were heard coming up the stairs, Buck's anxiety was climbing higher and higher. Paul whispered to Marjan to record just in case they needed evidence if anything happened. Paul saw how hearing their voices affected Buck; the shaking, the way his breathing picked up. There, at the top of the stairs, stood Margaret and Phillip Buckley in all their glory. Buck shied into TK, trying to hide from their glares.

"Oh Evan. It's been a while hasn't it, since you ran away and cut us off. You know, we were surprised when Maddie called us and informed us that you were causing trouble again," Margaret was the first to speak. Owen walked up to them. "You are Buck's parents? I'm his captain, Owen Strand". They ignored him and walked up to Buck. "You are still going by that horrendous nickname, Evan? What about the name I gave you? Doesn't that mean anything to you?" His mother called out. Buck couldn't stop shaking. Why can't they just leave him alone? "Aren't you going to answer your mother, Evan? I thought I put sense into you, boy". The tone in Phillip's voice was laced with venom. Buck was back in his 12 year old body, being beaten by his father until he learned to answer them. "He doesn't have to answer to you if he doesn't want to," TK spoke. Phillip looked at him, "And who are you?"

TK grabbed his partner and stared Phillip in the eyes, "I am Buck's boyfriend, and I can tell that he doesn't want to see or speak to you". TK was buying time, Grace was on the phone with her friends over at the call centre to see if they could send someone quick, lights and siren off. "You still are going through that phase, Evan? I thought that once you left, you would come to your senses and stop dating boys. Let me guess, you are too sex-driven that you have more than one, just like in college?" The team couldn't believe what they heard. These were Buck's parents and they didn't accept him? "I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Judd came up behind them. Phillip wouldn't let himself be intimidated. "And who are you to tell us what to do? We can make your life a living hell if you don't let us talk with our son privately".

Phillip went and pulled Buck off the couch roughly, and Buck yelped at the force of the pull. "You are coming with us and we are going to have a little chat. With no thanks to you, we had to bail Maddie out. Now come," Phillip growled. Buck tried to pry his father's hands off his arm, but to no avail. Thank god Grace had some pull in the centre. Carlos was the first to arrive along with his dad, who was a Texas Ranger. They were walking in just as Phillip had pushed Buckup against the wall and slapped him. "Austin PD, let him go and put your hands up!"

Phillip looked at Carlos, who had his gun pulled out, and Mr. Reyes, who was glaring at Phillip. "He is my son and I will not let him go. He caused us a shit load of pain and I have to punish him". Carlos growled and stepped closer. "Mr. Buckley, if you do not let him go, I will not be afraid to use force. You are in my city and under my laws. If you don't want to listen to me, you can listen to my father, who happens to be a Texas Ranger and can ruin your lives," Carlos responded. He had a fire in his eyes. Someone was hurting one of his partners. Someone who is meant to protect and love their children, not treat them like garbage. Mr. Reyes stepped to Phillip and grabbed him. "Let Buck go, and we can do this the easy way". Margaret looked over the rail. Marjan was still recording and stepped to Margaret. "Ma'am, you need to leave. Your presence is unwanted here and there is enough evidence to prove that you and your husband have abused our friend. Now leave."

Margaret scoffed. "And what are you going to do? You can't make me leave". Owen walked up, "But I can, this is my station and you are trespassing. Only those who work here and invited guests are allowed. You are not invited. I ask you to leave before we get more officers to deal with you". Margaret looked at him, her eyes wide. It gave them enough time for Carlos to walk up the stairs. "Oh good, Officer Reyes. I would like for this woman to be arrested for trespassing. She is unwelcomed here and we have made it known, yet she refuses to leave". Margaret was shaking with anger. She was never the violent one, always letting her husband do their work. But right now, her husband was being arrested by Ranger Reyes and her son was on the ground crying. "Ma'am, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney..." His voice grew quiet as he walked Margaret down the stairs.

TK ran down the stairs and ran to Buck. TK could see an imprint of a hand across Buck's face. He bent down and tried to reach out to Buck, but Buck flinched, causing TK to retract back. "Buck?" Buck shook his head, not wanting to talk about what happened. Up top, the others were staring at each other. Grace was holding onto Judd so he couldn't follow the Buckleys. Marjan had stopped the video and texted it to Carlos. Owen was seething under his skin, mad at the Buckleys how they treated Buck and degraded him in front of everyone, basically calling him a slut without actually calling him one. The way they snarled at the fact that he was dating TK and made a comment about dating more than one person being about sex. It set a fire under everyone's bones. They wanted the Buckleys to pay for what they did to Buck.

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