Chapter 2- Headed to Austin

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After making sure everything was packed, Buck looked at his apartment for the last time. He never went to sleep last night. His mind was too wired, so instead, he started packing. He made a mental note as to which unit would hold his furniture in Austin, so he didn't have to buy a whole new set when he found an apartment. He wrote a letter to Chris, making sure the kid knew Buck still loved him and that he was sorry for not visiting. Taking one last glance, Buck gathered the last of his things and headed to his jeep. He was in for a long car ride. 18 hours give or take based on traffic, and knowing L.A traffic, it would be longer.

Buck decided to text Captain Strand to let him know that he was leaving L.A. After getting a response stating to drive safe and to take breaks in between, Buck headed out, making a promise to never step foot in California again. Getting onto the highway was a lot easier than he had thought it would be. It was 6 a.m., but the roads were usually a lot busier at this time. The 118 would be finishing their shift around this time, but Buck couldn't bring himself to care. He knew they wouldn't care that he left. Hell, they'd be more than excited to find out that he left. The only thing he would miss is Chris. That boy had been through a lot. His mom dying, seeing Buck cough up blood, and then the Tsunami. Buck felt for the kid. But Chris had Eddie and Carla, he didn't need Buck.

After a few hours, Buck stopped at a Gas Station to stretch his legs and get snacks. He also took this time to check his phone and to text Captain Strand to let him know that he is resting and will be back on the road after he fills the car up. He pulled into a parking spot and laid his seat back, hoping to grab a little rest before heading back out. 3 hours down, 15 more to go till he reached Austin. About an hour later, he was woken up by his phone ringing. He looked down to see that it was an Unknown number. Against his better judgment, Buck answered. "Buckley speaking". "Hey Buckley, my name is TK. I'm Owen's son. Dad told me to let you know to be safe. He would tell you himself, but he is currently trying to prove that Mission Impossible is the best Tom Cruise movie to the team." Buck was shocked yet nervous. "Oh, well thank you for telling me." He shook his head. Really, was that all he could say. TK chuckled, "No problem, man. I'll let you go so you can drive. Try and get here in one piece. The team is excited to meet you." Buck assured the man that he would and after he hung up, turned the radio on and left the station, deciding that he was rested enough. He turned the radio on and let the music take his mind elsewhere. That's all he could do. It was... calming... to say.

Before he realized it, Buck had driven 8 hours. The music blocked out his thinking and time passed by really fast. He decided that now was a great time to rest so he pulled over to another gas station to fill up one last time. Checking his phone, he realized he had a couple of missed calls from Captain Strand, so he called back. "Buckley! I was starting to get worried. Where are you now?" the captain asked. Buck could hear the worry in the guy's voice. Great way to start off Buck. "Sorry sir, I guess I blanked out for most of the ride. I'm about 7 hours away from Austin. I stopped to get gas and to stretch." He could hear the man chuckle, "I figured as much. Well try and get a little shut eye kid, 18 hours is a long drive. Text me when you hit Austin and I'll give you the address to my house so you can drop your stuff off." Buck said he would and went to park somewhere. He knew he wouldn't sleep, but it wouldn't hurt to lay back for a little before driving again. His leg was stiff, and he knew having it crammed up for a long time wasn't healthy. He checked his phone to see if anyone from the 118 had texted, but of course, no one had. Not even his sister had.

After about 30 minutes, he got back on the road to Austin. His anxiety was starting to boil now that he was getting closer. Was he making the right decision? What if the new team found out about the lawsuit? Would he be the man behind again? Would he be able to go out on calls? No, he couldn't let his mind get to him. For now, just worry about the present. He would deal with those worries when it got to it. 3 hours later, he saw the sign telling him which exit to get off on for Austin. It wouldn't be long before he would get a new team. Hopefully, they won't push him too much.

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