Chapter 8- Buck, The Natural Disaster Magnet

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Buck had been in Austin for a month. His shifts had been going smoothly and he was getting more comfortable with the team. He spent most of his days off hanging with TK, and sometimes Carlos if he was off. Things were going well for Buck. Yet, Buck knew that the good luck wouldn't last long. He had that "Buckley Luck"; Athena had called it. Bad things were drawn towards him, most of them being natural disasters. There was that earthquake his second year working at the 118. Then, there was the tsunami 5 months ago that hit the Santa Monica Pier. Buck thought he wouldn't have to deal with big natural disasters, but he was proven wrong.

Buck had woken up early. Another nightmare. This time, he had been crushed by the truck. His old team was just standing there watching him, not saying anything. Then, the notification was sent out. Tsunami hit the pier. Buck watched as the water rushed towards them, knocking his team down like they were bowling pins. He was trapped, the water quickly overcoming him. He couldn't breathe. That was where it ended. Buck had shot up, getting the much-needed air. He decided to get changed and make breakfast. It was 5:30 am. Owen would be getting up around this time to start his skin care routine. TK would be getting up at 6. Buck might not be able to make much, seeing as how he survived on microwaved meals back in L.A., but he could make a mean empanada. He learned how to make empanadas during his time in Peru, and the recipe stuck with him. It was his favourite thing to make.

Buck started a pot of coffee and started getting the ingredients he needed for his empanadas. Owen walked in at this time. "Morning Buck. You're up early... And making breakfast? What's the occasion?" He asked. Buck looked behind him, "Oh, good morning. I couldn't fall back asleep, so I decided to try making breakfast for us. It's unfair that you have to cook every day. Just thought I'd help out." Owen smiled at him and grabbed a cup to pour his coffee. "Well, what are you making?"

"I'm making empanadas. It's really the only thing I can make perfectly". Owen was surprised at that information. "Where did you learn to make empanadas?" Buck shrugged his shoulders, "In Peru. I worked at a Surfer Bar during the summer as a bartender. A friend there taught me how to make them." Owen just stared at Buck before sitting down to watch him. At 6, they could hear movement in another room. A few minutes later, TK walked in and headed straight to the coffee. He hadn't noticed Buck cooking, nor did he notice Owen staring at him. He sat there, sipping his coffee for a few minutes before looking at the other two. "Wait... why are you two switched? Shouldn't Dad be making breakfast and Buck and I watching?"

Owen laughed at his son. "Buck here wanted to make breakfast today. He's making empanadas. Just enjoy the smell of his cooking." TK nodded. Buck then finished cooking and they sat around the bar and ate and chatted about their upcoming shift. It was another 72 hour shift. One of their lasts, as the chief had taken it upon himself to grab members to make a B shift. They would start after A shift's 72 hours. The whole team was relieved that they wouldn't be working that much anymore. It gave them more time to spend with their family. After they got cleaned up and changed, they all headed to the station. It had started raining at that time.

Someone had turned the T.V on during the start of their shift. With how hard the rain was coming down, they wanted to keep track of the weather to make sure they could be prepared for any call. Buck hadn't really been paying much attention. His attention had mainly been on his phone. Buck was contemplating on whether he should text his best friend and his mother figure. He had called Athena shortly after the family dinner last month, having been given the courage by TK and Carlos. Athena told Buck that Captain Nash was being dealt with and that she would keep him updated. As of now, no action has been taken. Chief Alonso was sticking up for Captain Nash and had made it very clear that he would take serious action against the L.A.P.D if they arrested Captain Nash. Then, the weatherman had said something that caught Buck's attention.

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