Chapter 15- Court is Now in Session

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"Please state your name for the court"

"I am Evan Buckley"

"And why are you here?"

"I am here to testify against the assault and discrimination I received from Captain Robert Nash"

"Good. You may begin."

It's Tuesday the 18th, the day of Captain Nash's trial. Buck was riddled with anxiety. He was dressed in a suit, similar to what he wore during the lawsuit. The 126 had gotten into L.A. the night before and TK cand Carlos stayed with Buck. Carlos had driven his car, so he was the one driving TK and Buck to the courthouse. TK sat in the back with Buck to calm his fears, similar to how he sat with him when he first came into Austin. Buck was still having a hard time coming to the fact that Captain Nash was finally getting his karma. If the trial went well, that is. There was something Captain Nash's lawyer could use against every witness, including Athena. The jury could set Captain Nash free, or they could find him guilty. Buck was going through many scenarios on how today will pan out. Only one was what he wanted. All the others, well... he didn't want to talk about them. He needed to focus on what he was going to say. He was going to be the last witness as he was the main one, meaning Athena, Eddie, Chim, and Hen would testify before him. He also found out that Maddie was going to be there, though he knew she would be on Captain Nash's side.

Owen had told him that they would try to sit near the front, close to where the witnesses would be sitting. There were reporters outside the courthouse, all of them shouting and trying to ask questions. Carlos hid Buck behind him and TK as they walked into the courthouse, snapping when some of the reporters got too close to the three of them. They made it inside and went to find the bathroom as Buck couldn't stop shaking. They wanted to calm him down before walking into the courtroom. "I don't think I can do this. I know I can't do this. Let's just go back to the hotel." Buck sputtered out. TK grabbed him and turned his face to look at the former. "Buck, you can do this. You kind of have to, but that's besides the point. Nash needs to pay for what he's done. And not just to you, but to the others. Your testimony will help with justice. We'll be here with you, Buck".

Carlos joined them, "He's right, Buck. TK and I will be there for you. The whole team will be with you. But you need to do this. I think it will help you a lot." Buck took a deep breath and hugged his partners. "Thank you both so much. If it weren't for you guys, I'd probably run off. Again..." They walked out and headed inside. Buck could spot his team, sitting right behind the barriers. Owen saved two seats that were behind Buck for TK and Carlos. Eddie was sitting beside Buck's seat. Buck wouldn't be alone in his fight against Captain Nash. Not this time.

Speaking of Captain Nash, Buck saw him sitting at the table on the left with a L.A.F.D. lawyer beside him and Chief Alonso behind him. Captain Nash had turned to look at him with a scowl. Buck cowered at the look. Carlos grabbed him and TK and dragged them to their seats. Buck heard Maddie scoff and saw her sitting beside Chief Alonso. She whispered something that made Captain Nash snort. "Pay no attention to them, B. They are not worth your time," TK whispered to him. Buck just allowed himself to be pulled to his seat. Eddie grabbed his best friend's hand and silently reassured him that they were there.

"All Rise"

The judge walked in.

"You may be seated. Jurors, we are here for case 17 of Captain Robert Nash of the L.A.F.D Station 118. His charges are of assault and discrimination in the work place. Mr. Marsh, you may call your first witness."

"Thank you, Judge Lori. I call Sergeant Athena Grant to the stand."

Buck watched as Athena walked up. "Sergeant Grant, please place your right hand on the Bible and repeat after me. I, Sergeant Athena Grant, swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth". Athena repeated him and went to sit in the stand. "Sergeant Grant, you are Captain Nash's wife, correct?" Athena answered. "Yes, I am."

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