Chapter 10- Revenge Best Served Cold... Or in This Case, Wet

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"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"I need help."

"What happened, sir?"

"I didn't mean to shoot him. I was just robbed and he snuck up on me. Oh god. There's a lot of blood."

"Sir, what's your location?"

"I'm at the bodega near the Dam. I think he's a firefighter. His uniform says Nash."

"Ok sir, I need you to stay on the line with me. Help is on the way."

It had been a month since Buck left L.A. After the event of Athena slapping him, Bobby had been sleeping in a motel. His crew didn't speak to him unless it was related to the call. They all kept their distance from him. Then, Bobby found out Athena had asked for an investigation to be started against him. Chief Alonso had been the only one to stay by his side. His trial was next week and he was stressed. Maddie had been the only one to call or text him. She too felt like her brother was at fault. Bobby hadn't eaten anything today and he just finished shift. The motel he was at was close to a diner, so Bobby decided to walk there.

Someone ran into Bobby a few minutes later, obviously in a rush. He then looked to where that person had come from. It was a bodega that had a broken glass door. The owner was bleeding. Bobby didn't see the gun that the owner was holding though. He had gone up to the owner to see if he could help. He felt a searing pain in his side and the owner was freaking out. Everything was a blur. He could feel himself falling. He could see the owner panicking over the phone, probably calling 9-1-1. Time passed by and Bobby could hear muffled talking. He couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. It hurt too much.

Bobby woke up. He could smell antiseptics and hear the beeping of a monitor. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. No one was in the room with him. Bobby pressed the call button and waited a few minutes before a nurse walked in. "Captain Nash, it's nice to see you awake. The doctor will be in here in a few minutes. Are you in any pain?"

That was when Bobby finally noticed the bandage on his side. He nodded, not trusting his voice. He didn't know how long he had been in there. The nurse gave him something for the pain and left shortly after the doctor came in. "Captain Nash, do you remember what happened?" Did he? He just remembered that he was oh. "Yeah, um... I was walking to a diner when I saw the owner of a bodega bleeding. I tried to help him. But that's really all."

The doctor nodded. "It is common for someone not to remember trauma. The owner shot you. See, he had just been robbed and believed you were the robber coming back. You were shot in the side, but luckily, the damage wasn't as bad". He had been...shot... and no one was here? Surely they would have alerted his wife? "How long have I been here?"

"You've been here for about three days." Bobby couldn't believe it. Maybe they did visit him during those days. "Has anyone been here to see me?" he asked. The doctor set his clipboard down. "I won't lie to you, when we called your wife, she had very strongly expressed her feelings about you. She made it clear that, after we told her you were in good condition, you 'deserved to feel how Buck felt'. So, no. No one has been to visit." Bobby didn't understand. He thought that Athena would have come.

He was released two days after he woke up with the promise to go on light duty once he was cleared to go back to work. During those two days, no one had reached out to him. He was feeling...something... He couldn't understand what he was feeling, so he called Maddie. He knew that he was mad at Buckley, though. Buckley was the one who made Athena leave him. It was Buckley's fault no one had visited him.

Maddie texted and told him that she would have visited, but the call centre had been busy. Reports of tiny earthquakes coming in left and right. But she agreed that it was her brother's fault for ruining their relationships. The day that Buck left, Chimney had argued with Maddie about whose fault it was. This ended up with Chimney telling her to move out and breaking up their relationship. Bobby thanked her and walked into his motel room. He felt the ground moving a little later. This must have been those microquakes Maddie was talking about.

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