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Today I woke up at 10am, again. If im bring honest, i would have still been asleep if the sun didn't blast through my curtains. I go downstairs and greet my sister and my parents. "Hey kenzie, can you get me some mascara in town if you're going today? I'm unbothered" My sister, Jules asks. "Yeah sure. Mom, dad, you guys want anything from town aswell?" I respond, "No thank you honey" My mom says, and my dad also agrees. After I finish my cereal I get dressed, go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my makeup. I then leave the house for town.

I head into Penney's for my sisters mascara. "Mackenzie?" I hear a familiar voice behind me, "Brooke?!? Oh hello!" I say as I turn around to see Masons sister, Brooke. Me and Brooke have always had a great bond together. "It's like I haven't seen you in years!" She says, wrapping her hands around me and leaning in for a hug. "Yeah!" I reply, hugging her back. "But oh my, if only you knew how much Mason talks about you. (In a bad way yk?)" She whispers so that nobody else can hear. "Right. Well I uhh better get going, it was nice seeing you again, byee!" I say, hugging her one last time. After buying myself new converse and my sisters mascara, I head over to 'Scoops Ahoy' a ice cream shop that serves the best ice cream. "Hello can I please get one vanilla ice cream please" I ask the cashier, the cashier was a beautiful brunette girl (around Brooke's age) with freckles that you would spot the second you looked at her. "That would be €1" She says as I hand her the money and she hands me the ice cream. "Thank you" I say and I walk over to a table, I notice someone familiar sitting across from me. I don't think much of it until we randomly start to stare at each other, for a good minute till I realise. that's mason thames.
I quickly look away and go on my phone. I scroll through tiktok while eating my ice cream. Mason Thames in the uk? I thought he was in the us. Anyways, As I'm leaving scoops ahoy, a few fans notice me, "Omg it's you!! Can we please get a picture!!!" One brunette girl asks as I nod we take a quick picture and then they leave. Not even a thank you? Or a hug? Anyways, i walk to the bus stop until I remind myself that FILMING IS IN 4 DAYS. Jeez the days flew by so fast omg. I decide maybe I should pack now because I totally forgot!

When I arrive at home, I throw my sister her mascara as she mouths the words 'Thank You' being the nice person I am, I mouth back 'Your Welcome'. "Mom, should I pack now or tomorrow to North Carolina?" I ask my mom as she turns to look at me. "You can pack today, I just booked your flight yesterday, Jules will be coming with you" My mom says, turning back to her computer after giving me a slight smile. I head upstairs and find a black suitcase, I'm gonna be there for 2 months so I should pack a lot of clothes. After I finish packing, I head downstairs and get myself some yogurt and decide to post on Instagram because I haven't in a while.

Posted by mackenzieleblanc

Mackenzieleblanc : who is excited for the black phone? 🤭‼️

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Mackenzieleblanc : who is excited for the black phone? 🤭‼️

Madeleinemcgraw : so excited to be working with you!! 🫶
mackenzieleblanc : me too!! 🫶🫶

Jaedenmartell : bro cant wait to kiss mason 😹😹
mackenzieleblanc : the fact that there won't be any kissing scene is funny 💀
Madeleinemcgraw : oh? I thought there is? Only one where Finney confesses to Donna!? Or am I wrong??
mackenzieleblanc : oh.. I didn't even read the script yet..

Sophialillis : I'm gonna miss you kenz ☹️☹️
mackenzieleblanc : me too soph 🫶🫶

User682784 : Mackenzie doesn't like mason confirmed?
mackenzieleblanc : confirmed indeed

Miguelcazarezmora : like Maddie, so excited to work with you!
*liked by creator*

User9274927 : aww Sophia's and mackenzies comments 😯


I read through the comments and I start to look for my script, no way I'm actually gonna kiss mason? I finally find my script which was on my desk, probably should have been the first place I checked. Yep. A kissing scene, atleast it's one! Still bad though. Ugh i hate that sm. Moving on, I decide to scroll on insta for a little bit but before I knew it, I had fell asleep.


The next morning, I wake up to the sound of rain. I'm a very light sleeper oh my god. I tried to go back to sleep multiple times but I just can't, so I decided to get ready for the day. I dress up,do my hair and makeup. I then go downstairs and make myself some mac n cheese. "Goodmorning, mom and dad are gone to aunties and uncles for a few days, they said 'To take a break from us'" Jules starts as she walks into the living room, "That's cruel" I say jokingly. "I agree. So we will be leaving at 11pm today, and we will most likely be there at like 3/4pm. Filming starts in 2 days right?" Jules says, making herself some cereal. "Yeah that's grand, and yes it's in 2 days. Are we gonna be at a hotel??" I ask and Jules nods. I didn't really do anything for the rest of the day, Jaeden and Sophia came over to say goodbye at 4pm though. "Kenzzzz I'm gonna miss you so much" Sophia says, in a sad tone while bringing me into a hug. "Me to sophhh" I respond, also in a sad tone. I hug Jaeden which he didn't really expect because I rarely hug him. "I'll miss you too, kenzie" He says as he hugs me back. They stay until 7, we watched a few movies together, like we always used to do. And we also made popcorn, it was really fun to be honest. "I think we should be heading home now.." Sophia starts with a pout on her face. "Goodbye kenzieee" Jaeden says, hugging me for the last time. Sophia does the same, "Chill out a bit it's only for 2 months, I'm not permanently leaving" I slightly laugh, "I'll miss you both too though. Byee!" I say in a sad tone as they leave. It's only for 2 months, I still won't see them for a very long time though.

We arrive at the airport at exactly 11:45 on the dot. "I'm already tired as hell" Jules says, letting out a yawn. "I feel you" I reply and we walk into the airport.


"This is our seat, cmon!" Jules says pointing to a seat with 3 rows. I sit in the middle because Jules begged to go beside the window, but I'm going on that side on the way back to the uk. We sit in our seats waiting for the plane to start when someone familiar sits beside me. someone please fucking kill me. MASON FUCKING THAMES. "Oh mason!" Jules says giving him a big grin, "Oh hello guys..." He responds, slightly grinning back at Jules. To be honest, he didn't really talk much on the flight, which is great because I can't stand him. Anyways, I fell asleep for half of the plane ride and I wake up just in time for landing. I have a big fear of flying and landing is one of the worse things possible. I hold on to Jules's hand very tight, when mason noticed it and mouths the words 'Scaredy cat' to me, as I mouth back 'shut up' he slightly smiles, ew what the hell why did he smile. idiot.

I hate this chapter sm but oh well.
(1322 words)

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