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Mackenzies POV

"You okay kenzie? I heard yelling?" Madeleine whispers to me as I sit down next to her, "Yeah no, everything's fine!" I reply with a light smile. "Okay if you say so" She answers, still whispering. We start watching IT, soon after that, we watched IT chapter two. And with that, we finished both of the films. "I think we should head to bed now" Madeleine suggests and we all agree. "Who's gonna sleep where?" Tristan asks, closing Maddy's door behind him. "I have like a extra two mattress under my bed, two people would have to sleep on them together though, because I don't have any more, sorry" She replies, pulling both of the mattress out from under her bed. "Miguel and Mason here, Tristan and Brady on the other, and me,Spencer and Kenzie on my bed, if that's okay?" She says as she puts a blanket and some pillows on the mattresses, "Yeah that's fine" I respond, the rest agreeing with me. Maddy closes her blinds and turns her LED lights on, "What colour?" She asks, before anyone could answer, Mason yells out "Green" "Blue is better dude, how can u sleep with green?" I slightly laugh at which he rolls his eyes, we obviously had to have green LEDs, great. We all head into bed and fall asleep, except me. I can like practically never sleep with the green LEDs on, like it technically has to be blue because I'm so used to sleeping with blue LEDs, I also was kind of hungry but I didn't wanna be nosy and walk around Maddy's house without her knowing, I mean I barely even know the way around here, and so I decide to go on my phone for a bit. I click on tiktok and realise my volume had been all the way up, shit I think I woke someone up, i look down on both of the mattresses and see that everyone's asleep, until i see Mason. fuck did I wake him up. "Shit did i wake you up?" I lightly whisper, "No. I was awake the whole time" He responds, still looking at the ceiling. "Can I turn the LEDs on to blue, I cant sleep with green LEDs?" I ask, knowing he's probably gonna say no. "No" he responds, turning to his side and falling asleep.

I scroll on tiktok for a few more hours until it's 1am, I then grab the LED remote and put it on to blue, I then slowly drift to sleep. I wake up at 4am because I had to go to the bathroom. I get up from the bed and trip on someone's leg, fuck it was Masons leg. I slowly get up and walk towards the door till a voice stops me. "Fucking be careful next time" I hear Mason say as we make eye contact for a good second before I just leave for the bathroom. It was very quick as the bathroom was just across Maddy's room. I then head back to bed and fall asleep again.

I wake up at 9am, damn I got the worst sleep possible, people kept leaving for the bathroom, it was really uncomfortable too because Maddy kept taking up literally all the space, poor Spencer literally fell onto Brady because Maddy pushed him off. Anyways, I realise that I'm the first one up, zamn. I scroll on tiktok for a bit till Madeleine wakes up, "Goodmorning Mads, you move a lot in you're sleep" I say, still in a morning-sleepy voice. "Sorry" She replies, letting out a slight chuckle. Soon after, the rest wake up. I help Maddy clean up her room, as in put the mattresses back under the bed,ect. We head downstairs to a wonderful smell of pancakes. "Goodmorning guys! I made some pancakes!" I hear Madeleines mom say, her putting 2 pancakes on each plate for all of us, "Thank you Miss McGraw!" I say, eating the pancakes. "My pleasure!" She replies and she walks back upstairs with a big grin on her face. "How did you guys sleep?" Madeleine interrupts the awkward silence. "It was alright, apart from the fact you pushed me off onto Brady" Spencer says, rolling his eyes as we all let our a chuckle. "What do you guys want to do today though?" Spencer adds on, "We should go to the cinema!!" Miguel replies, if you haven't noticed yet, Miguel would watch movies 24/7 if he had the chance to. "Omg yes! What movies are there?" Madeleine asks, washing all of our plates in the sink. "Mr. Harrigan's Phone!" I yell, which they all agree to.

After getting changed and all that, leading us to 2pm, we head out the door and to a bus stop, since we are really lazy to just walk. I go to sit beside Maddy until she stops me, "Hey remember that dare yesterday? Yeah I noticed you guys haven't been getting along well, sit beside Mason" She says with a slight grin as I roll my eyes and sit beside Mason. Spencer ended up beside Maddy. "Can you like not stand or something?" Mason asks in a annoyed tone, "Can you like not talk the rest of the ride?" I respond, causing him to roll his eyes and look out the window. Gladly, he listend, he has been quiet the entire ride, Thank god. We finally make it to the cinema, "Miguel and Kenzie, can you please get snacks??" Madeleine asks us, right before we head in to watch the movie, we do so. "How's the dare going?" Miguel asks me, "Bad. Wait, remember when I wanted to talk with Mason? Yeah I wanted to ask if we can like start over and be friends, he said no" I respond, as we walk back to the others, "Ohh" He replies, we both say nothing else as we walk to the others.

I love to sit at the end row at the very top, best view omg. Turns out Mason was already there, I hated to sit anywhere else so with hesitation, I sit beside him, "Soo, getting along you too?" Tristan asks with a smirk, he clearly doesn't know that we aren't even doing the stupid ass dare. "No" I simply reply, putting all my attention back on the movie. I keep on eating my popcorn till I feel a cold hand touch mine in the popcorn box, "What the fuck?" I whisper, "I'm done mine, sharing is caring anyway" Mason replies, rolling his eyes as I slap his hand, "Ow!" He yells causing everyone to look at us. "Get your own idiot." I say, focusing back on the movie, I then see Mason walk out to get himself some popcorn. I quickly head to the bathroom but before I do I tell Maddy to tell me what happened, the movie was real interesting. As I walk into the bathroom I see Mason fixing his hair in the bathroom mirror, "Fixing your hair for who?" I say with a smirk, obviously joking. "Does it look okay, just asking ykyk?" He replies, turning his head to me. "You're mad confusing, first second you hate me and all that, next thing you know is you're asking me if you're hair is okay with the most calmest tone ever" I reply with a laugh, walking over to him and messing his hair up, causing him to fix it, "Fucker" he whispers under his breath as he leaves.

"That movie was lit!" Madeleine says as we walk out of the cinema, "100% Agreed!!" I reply with a big grin. I scroll through insta while walking towards the bus stop, "We should take a pic together!" Madeleine suggests, "Suree!" I reply as Maddy takes her phone out.

Posted by Madeleinemcgraw

Madeleinemcgraw : fav <33 Tagged  : mackenzieleblanc

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Madeleinemcgraw : fav <33
Tagged : mackenzieleblanc

Mackenzieleblanc : <33
*liked by creator*

Tristanpravong : photo creds? 😒
Madeleinemcgraw : nope 😹


"Maddy, my sister is gonna pick me up here, bye!" I say, hugging Maddy goodbye, and I wave goodbye to the rest. The second they leave, my sister pulls up beside the bus and I hop in. "How did you know I was here?" I ask, buckling my seatbelt. "Madeleines mother told me you're here!" She replies, riding us back home. After we finally get home, I go into my room and scroll through insta a bit until I hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I say as I walk towards the door. Revealing someone I wasn't expecting to see. "Oh hello.." I awkwardly say. "Here, Madeleine told me to give it to you" Mason says, passing me my backpack, which I left at Maddy's house, he then walks away, "Thank you!" I yell just before he walked back downstairs.

I don't like this chapter ngl
I'll also post the next chapter after school tmrw :)
(1484 words)

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